Deploy API – Version 1

Last modified: February 11, 2025


The Deploy API allows you to manage application environments in Mendix Cloud. You can retrieve the status of, and start and stop, applications. You can also configure new model versions and deploy them to application environments. To create and manage deployment packages, you also need the Build API. For backup-related actions, refer to the Backups API.

You can use webhooks to trigger CI/CD pipelines that use this API. These are described in Webhooks.

This image provides a domain model representation of the concepts discussed below and how these are related:


The Deploy API v1 requires authentication via API keys that are bound to your Mendix account.

Obtaining an API Key

To obtain a Mendix API key, follow the instructions in the API Keys section of Mendix Profile.

Using Authentication Headers

Use the following request headers to authenticate an API call:

  • Mendix-Username – the login name of the requesting user with the required privileges in the Mendix Platform
  • Mendix-ApiKey – the API key of this user

Configuring Permissions

Because APIs are designed for automated systems, the Deploy API does not require two-factor authentication, which is normally required to make changes to production environments. This is a potential security risk. Therefore, API access must be explicitly allowed for team members who want to use the Deploy API.

To perform an action via the Deploy API, such as transporting a new deployment package, you need API Rights and Transport Rights permissions. This can be configured from the Permissions tab of your app’s Environments page.

API Calls

Retrieve Apps


Retrieves all apps to which the authenticated user has access as a regular user that have environments created on Mendix Cloud. This includes all licensed apps and any Free Apps that have been deployed.



Example Request

GET /api/1/apps Host: Content-Type: application/json Mendix-Username: Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6


List of objects with the following key-value pairs:

  • AppId (String): Sub-domain name of the app.
  • Name (String): Name of the app.
  • ProjectId (String): Mendix Portal Project identifier.
  • Url (String): Production or Free App URL to access your app.

Example Output

[{ "Name": "Calculation App", "Url": "", "ProjectId": "fae5de74-69c2-4488-a4de-abf89daac63e", "AppId": "calc" },{ "Name": "Tic Tac Toc", "Url": "", "ProjectId": "f5129445-b638-42f4-8108-5f370c85dc57", "AppId": "tictactoc" }]

Create Free App Environment


Creates a Free App for a requested project ID.



Request Parameter

An object with the following key-value pair:

  • ProjectId (String) : The Mendix Portal project identifier that should be linked to the new Free App. You can find this on the General tab of the Settings page of your app.

Example Request

POST /api/1/apps Host: Content-Type: application/json Mendix-Username: Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6 { "ProjectId" : "f5129445-b638-42f4-8108-5f370c85dc57" }


Response object with the following fields:

  • AppId (String): Sub-domain name of the app.
  • Name (String): Name of the app.
  • ProjectId (String): Mendix Portal Project identifier.
  • Url (String): Production or Free App URL to access your app.

Error Codes

HTTP Status Error code Description
400 INVALID_PROJECTID Invalid ProjectId
400 APPLICATION_ALREADY_EXISTS Application already exists

Example Output

{ "Name": "Calculation App", "Url": "", "ProjectId": "fae5de74-69c2-4488-a4de-abf89daac63e", "AppId": "calc" }

Retrieve App


Retrieves a specific app to which the authenticated user has access as a regular user. This app can be found via the “Nodes overview” screen in the Mendix Platform.

HTTP Method: GET URL:<AppId>


Request Parameter
  • AppId (String): Sub-domain name of an app.
Example Request
GET /api/1/apps/calc Host: Content-Type: application/json Mendix-Username: Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6


Object with the following key-value pairs:

  • AppId (String): Sub-domain name of the app.
  • ProjectId (String): Mendix Portal Project identifier.
  • Name (String): Name of the app.
  • Url (String): Production or Free App URL to access your app.
Error Codes
HTTP Status Error code Description
400 INVALID_APPID Invalid AppId
404 APP_NOT_FOUND App not found
Example Output
{ "AppId": "calc", "ProjectId": "543857rfds-dfsfsd12c5e24-3224d32eg", "Url": "", "Name": "Calculation App" }

Retrieve Environments


Retrieves all environments that are connected to a specific app to which the authenticated user has access as a regular user. These environments can be found via the “Nodes overview” screen in the Mendix Platform.

HTTP Method: GET URL:<AppId>/environments


Request Parameter
  • AppId (String): Subdomain name of an app.
Example Request
GET /api/1/apps/calc/environments Host: Content-Type: application/json Mendix-Username: Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6


List of objects with the following key-value pairs:

  • Status (String): Status of the environment. Possible values: Empty, Stopped, Running.
  • EnvironmentId (String): Unique identifier of the environment.
  • Url (String): URL to access your application.
  • Mode (String): Mode of the environment. Possible values: Test, Acceptance, Production or the name of a flexible environment.
  • ModelVersion (String): The version number of the package deployed in your environment.
  • MendixVersion (String): The Mendix version number of the package deployed in your environment.
  • Production (Boolean): A flag indicating if this environment is a production environment.
Example Output
[ { "Status" : "Stopped" , "EnvironmentId" : "cd5fc610-edb0-43c5-a374-0439a6411ace", "Mode" : "Acceptance", "Url" : "", "ModelVersion" : "", "MendixVersion" : "6.10.10", "Production" : false }, { "Status" : "Stopped" , "EnvironmentId" : "867c9f56-84ec-438b-b1ae-9f9c50377cba", "Mode" : "Production", "Url" : "", "ModelVersion" : "", "MendixVersion" : "6.10.12", "Production" : false } ]

Retrieve Environment


Retrieves a specific environment that is connected to a specific app to which the authenticated user has access as a regular user. These environments can be found via the “Nodes overview” screen in the Mendix Platform.

HTTP Method: GET URL:<AppId>/environments/<Mode>


Request Parameters
  • AppId (String): Subdomain name of an app.
  • Mode (String): The mode of the environment of the app. An environment with this mode should exist.
Example Request
GET /api/1/apps/calc/environments/Acceptance Host: Content-Type: application/json Mendix-Username: Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6


An object with the following key-value pairs:

  • Status (String): Status of the environment. Possible values: Empty, Stopped, Running.
  • EnvironmentId (String): Unique identifier of the environment.
  • Url (String): URL to access your application.
  • Mode (String): Mode of the environment. Possible values: Test, Acceptance, Production or the name of a flexible environment.
  • ModelVersion (String): The version number of the package deployed in your environment.
  • MendixVersion (String): The Mendix version number of the package deployed in your environment.
  • Production (Boolean): A flag indicating if this environment is a production environment.
Error Codes
HTTP Status Error code Description
400 INVALID_PARAMETERS Not enough parameters given. Please set AppId and Mode parameters.
400 INVALID_ENVIRONMENT Could not parse environment mode ‘mode’. Valid options are Test, Acceptance, Production or the name of a flexible environment.
404 ENVIRONMENT_NOT_FOUND Environment not found.
Example Output
{ "Status" : "Stopped" , "EnvironmentId" : "cd5fc610-edb0-43c5-a374-0439a6411ace", "Mode" : "Acceptance", "Url" : "", "ModelVersion" : "", "MendixVersion" : "6.10.10", "Production" : false }

Start Environment


Starts a specific environment that is connected to a specific app to which the authenticated user has access as a regular user. These environments can be found via the “Nodes overview” screen in the Mendix Platform.

HTTP Method: POST URL:<AppId>/environments/<Mode>/start


Request Parameters

  • AutoSyncDb (Boolean): Define whether the database should be synchronized automatically with the model during the start phase of the app.

Example Request

POST /api/1/apps/calc/environments/Acceptance/start Host: Content-Type: application/json Mendix-Username: Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6 { "AutoSyncDb" : true }


An object with the following key-value pairs:

  • JobId (String): The identifier that can be used to track the progress of the start action
Error Codes
HTTP Status Error code Description
200 ALREADY_STARTED Cannot start app. App is already running.
400 INVALID_APPID Invalid AppId
404 APP_NOT_FOUND App not found
500 NO_MDA_HAS_BEEN_DEPLOYED Cannot start app. There is no MDA deployed.
500 APP_ALREADY_HAS_A_STARTING_JOB Cannot start app. There is already a starting job id found.
Example Output
{ "JobId" : "02df2e50-0e79-11e4-9191-0800200c9a66" , }

Get Start Environment Status


Retrieve the status of the start environment action.

HTTP Method: GET URL:<AppId>/environments/<Mode>/start/<JobId>


Example Request
GET /api/1/apps/calc/environments/Acceptance/start/02df2e50-0e79-11e4-9191-0800200c9a66 Host: Content-Type: application/json Mendix-Username: Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6


An object with the following key-value pair:

  • Status (String): Possible values are Starting and Started
Error Codes
HTTP Status Error code Description
400 INVALID_PARAMETERS Not enough parameters given. Please set AppId and Mode parameters.
400 INVALID_ENVIRONMENT Could not parse environment mode ‘mode’. Valid options are Test, Acceptance, Production or the name of a flexible environment.
404 ENVIRONMENT_NOT_FOUND Environment not found
404 NO_SUCH_STARTJOB Job not found.
500 NO_PACKAGE Cannot start app. There should be a package configured for this environment.
500 ALREADY_LOCKED Cannot start app. There is already a lock on this environment.
500 ALREADY_STARTED Cannot start app. App is already running.
500 DB_SYNC_FAILED Cannot start app. Synchronization of database failed.
500 INVALID_DB_STRUCTURE Cannot start app. The database is out-of-sync with the model. Please set AutoSyncDb parameter to true to synchronize the database automatically on startup.
500 MISSING_CONSTANT Cannot start app. Missing one or more constant values.
500 INSECURE_ADMIN_PASSWORD Cannot start app. There is a user with administrator role with password ‘1’. This is not allowed.
500 STARTUP_ACTION_FAILED Cannot start app. Startup action failed.
500 START_FAILED Cannot start app: result (detail status)
Example Output
{ "Status" : "Starting" , }

Stop Environment


Stops a specific environment that is connected to a specific app to which the authenticated user has access as a regular user. These environments can be found via the “Nodes overview” screen in the Mendix Platform.

HTTP Method: POST URL:<AppId>/environments/<Mode>/stop


Example Request
POST /api/1/apps/calc/environments/Acceptance/stop Host: Content-Type: application/json Mendix-Username: Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6


Error Codes
HTTP Status Error code Description
400 INVALID_PARAMETERS Not enough parameters given. Please set AppId and Mode parameters.
400 INVALID_ENVIRONMENT Could not parse environment mode ‘mode’. Valid options are Test, Acceptance, Production or the name of a flexible environment.
404 ENVIRONMENT_NOT_FOUND Environment not found
500 STOP_FAILED Cannot stop app: reason

Retrieve Environment Package


Retrieves the deployed package of a specific environment that is connected to a specific app to which the authenticated user has access as a regular user. These environments can be found via the “Nodes overview” screen in the Mendix Platform.

HTTP Method: GET URL:<AppId>/environments/<Mode>/package?url=<Boolean>


Request Parameters
  • AppId (String): Sub-domain name of an app.
  • Mode (String): The mode of the environment of the app. An environment with this mode should exist.
  • url (Boolean) (default: false): Indicates whether the API should return a URL pointing to the location of the package.
Example Request
GET /api/1/apps/calc/environments/Acceptance/package?url=true Host: Content-Type: application/json Mendix-Username: Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6


An object with the following key-value pairs:

  • PackageId (String): Unique identification of the package.
  • Name (String): Name of the package.
  • Description (String): Description of the package.
  • Version (String): Package version. This is also the name of the tag on the project teamserver.
  • Creator (String): Uploader or creator of this package.
  • CreationDate (Date): Date that the package became available in the portal. This can be the upload date or the date that a build was created in the portal.
  • Status (String): Status of the package. A package is ready to use if the status is ‘Succeeded’. Possible values: Succeeded, Queued, Building, Uploading and Failed.
  • Size (Long): Size of the package in bytes.
  • Url (object): A JSON object containing the following:
    • Location: The URL pointing to the package file.
    • TTL: How long the URL is valid (in seconds).
Error Codes
HTTP Status Error code Description
400 INVALID_PARAMETERS Not enough parameters given. Please set AppId and Mode parameters.
400 INVALID_ENVIRONMENT Could not parse environment mode ‘mode’. Valid options are Test, Acceptance, Production or the name of a flexible environment.
404 PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND No package found for this environment
Example Output
{ "Status" : "Succeeded", "CreationDate" : 1404990271835, "ExpiryDate": null, "Description" : "Add scientific mode" , "Version" : "" , "Size" : 15342295, "PackageId" : "b3d14e53-2654-4534-b374-9179a69ef3cf" , "Creator" : "Richard Ford" , "Name" : "Main line-", "Url": { "Location": "https://url/to/download/the/package/file", "TTL": 900 } }

Upload Package


Uploads a deployment package from the local system to a specific app. This package can then be transported to a specific environment for deployment.

HTTP Method: POST URL:<AppId>/packages/upload?name=<PackageName>


Request Parameters
Example Request
POST /api/1/apps/calc/packages/upload?name=calc_1.0.0.45.mda Host: Mendix-Username: Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=MultipartBoundary --MultipartBoundary Content-Disposition: form-data; @%USERPROFILE%/Documents/Mendix/calc-main/releases/calc_1.0.0.45.mda --MultipartBoundary--

curl example:

curl -v -F "file=@%USERPROFILE%/Documents/Mendix/calc-main/releases/calc_1.0.0.45.mda" -X POST -H "Mendix-Username:" -H "Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6" ""


Error Codes
HTTP Status Error code Description
400 INVALID_APPID Invalid AppId.
404 APP_NOT_FOUND App not found.
500 UPLOAD_COPY_FAILED Failed to store the deployment package.
500 INVALID_PACKAGE Failed to process the deployment package.

Transport a Deployment Package to an Environment


Transports a specific deployment package to a specific environment. After the deployment package has been transported, it will not replace a currently running app automatically. You will need to stop and start the environment to activate the new package.

This call is not available for Free Apps. For a Free App, the Build API can be used to trigger a deployment.

HTTP Method: POST URL:<AppId>/environments/<Mode>/transport


Request Parameters
  • AppId (String): Sub-domain name of an app.
  • Mode (String): Mode of the environment. Possible values: Test, Acceptance, Production, or the name of a flexible environment.
  • PackageId (String): ID of the deployment package
Example Request
POST /api/1/apps/calc/environments/acceptance/transport Host: Content-Type: application/json Mendix-Username: Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6 { "PackageId" : "b3d14e53-2654-4534-b374-9179a69ef3cf" }


Error Codes
HTTP Status Error code Description
400 INVALID_PARAMETERS Not enough parameters given. Please set AppId and Mode parameters.
400 INVALID_ENVIRONMENT Could not parse environment mode ‘mode’. Valid options are Test, Acceptance, Production or the name of a flexible environment.
400 INVALID_RUNTIME_VERSION This Runtime version is not supported on this environment.
403 NO_ACCESS You do not have access
403 TRANSPORT_NOT_ALLOWED No access to transport to environment ‘mode’.
403 APP_IS_RUNNING The ‘mode’ environment of ‘app id’ must be stopped to do transport.
403 NOT ALLOWED Cannot transport - MDA processing failed, try uploading again with a valid MDA.
404 ENVIRONMENT_NOT_FOUND Environment not found.
404 PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND Package not found.
500 PACKAGE_PARSE_FAILED Failed to parse deployment package file.
503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE Cannot transport - MDA is still being processed, retry later

Clean environment


Removes all data from a specific environment: including files and database records. This action requires the environment to be in the status NotRunning.

HTTP Method: POST URL:<AppId>/environments/<Mode>/clean


Request Parameters
  • AppId (String): Sub-domain name of an app.
  • Mode (String): Mode of the environment. Possible values: Test, Acceptance, Production, or the name of a flexible environment.
Example Request
POST /api/1/apps/calc/environments/acceptance/clean Host: Content-Type: application/json Mendix-Username: Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6


Error Codes
HTTP Status Error code Description
400 INVALID_PARAMETERS Not enough parameters given. Please set AppId and Mode parameters.
400 INVALID_ENVIRONMENT Could not parse environment mode ‘mode’. Valid options are Test, Acceptance, Production or the name of a flexible environment.
403 ENVIRONMENT_NOT_STOPPED Environment needs to be stopped.
404 ENVIRONMENT_NOT_FOUND Environment not found.
422 ENVIRONMENT_NOT_DEPLOYED No app deployed to the environment.
500 ENVIRONMENT_CLEAN_FAILED Unable to clean the environment. Please contact Support.
Example Output
[ { "Status": "Stopped", "Mode": "Acceptance", "Url" : "" } ]

Retrieve Environment Settings


Gets the current values of custom runtime settings, constants, and scheduled events used by the target environment.

HTTP Method: GET URL:<AppId>/environments/<Mode>/settings


Request Parameters
  • AppId (String): Sub-domain name of an app.
  • Mode (String): Mode of the environment. Possible values: Test, Acceptance, Production, or the name of a flexible environment.
Example Request
GET /api/1/apps/calc/environments/acceptance/settings Host: Content-Type: application/json Mendix-Username: Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6


Error Codes
HTTP Status Error code Description
400 INVALID_PARAMETERS Not enough parameters given. Please set AppId and Mode parameters.
400 INVALID_ENVIRONMENT Could not parse environment mode ‘mode’. Valid options are Test, Acceptance, Production or the name of a flexible environment.
404 ENVIRONMENT_NOT_FOUND Environment not found.
Example Output
{ "Constants" : [{ "Name" : "MyFirstModule.BooleanConstant" , "DataType" : "_Boolean" , "Value" : "false" , "DeployedValue" : "false" },{ "Name" : "MyFirstModule.DateTime" , "DataType" : "DateTime" , "Value" : "2013-12-20T16:02:32" , "DeployedValue" : "2013-12-20T16:02:32" }], "CustomSettings" : [], "ScheduledEvents" : [{ "Name" : "MyFirstModule.Monitor_Scheduled_event" , "DeployedValue" : "Disabled" , "Value" : "Disabled" }] }

Set Environment Settings


Changes the values of existing environment settings, such as custom runtime settings, constants, and scheduled events. These changes are applied after restarting the environment.

HTTP Method: POST URL:<AppId>/environments/<Mode>/settings


Request Parameters
  • AppId (String): Subdomain name of an app.
  • Mode (String): Mode of the environment. Possible values: Test, Acceptance, Production, or the name of a flexible environment.
  • Body: JSON collection retrieved with GET method at the same URI
Example Request
POST /api/1/apps/calc/environments/acceptance/settings Host: Content-Type: application/json Mendix-Username: Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6 { "Constants" : [{ "Name" : "MyFirstModule.BooleanConstant" , "DataType" : "_Boolean" , "Value" : "true" , "DeployedValue" : "false" },{ "Name" : "MyFirstModule.DateTime" , "DataType" : "DateTime" , "Value" : "2013-12-20T16:02:32" , "DeployedValue" : "2013-12-20T16:02:32" }], "CustomSettings" : [], "ScheduledEvents" : [{ "Name" : "MyFirstModule.Monitor_Scheduled_event" , "DeployedValue" : "Disabled" , "Value" : "Enabled" }] }


Error Codes
HTTP Status Error code Description
400 INVALID_PARAMETERS Not enough parameters given. Please set AppId and Mode parameters.
400 INVALID_ENVIRONMENT Could not parse environment mode ‘mode’. Valid options are Test, Acceptance, Production or the name of a flexible environment.
400 CONSTANT_NOT_FOUND Constant not found: constant name.
400 CUSTOM_SETTING_NOT_SUPPORTED Custom setting not supported.
400 SCHEDULED_EVENT_NOT_FOUND Scheduled Event not found: scheduled event name.
404 ENVIRONMENT_NOT_FOUND Environment not found.
500 INVALID_SCHEDULED_EVENT_PARAMETER Scheduled Event parameter should be Enabled or Disabled.
Example Output
{ "Constants" : [{ "Name" : "MyFirstModule.BooleanConstant" , "DataType" : "_Boolean" , "Value" : "true" , "DeployedValue" : "false" },{ "Name" : "MyFirstModule.DateTime" , "DataType" : "DateTime" , "Value" : "2013-12-20T16:02:32" , "DeployedValue" : "2013-12-20T16:02:32" }], "CustomSettings" : [], "ScheduledEvents" : [{ "Name" : "MyFirstModule.Monitor_Scheduled_event" , "DeployedValue" : "Disabled" , "Value" : "Enabled" }] }

Scale Environments


Scale memory and instances of an environment. Only those environments that run a package that uses a supported version of the Mendix Runtime can spread the total memory over multiple instances.

HTTP Method: POST URL:<AppId>/environments/<Mode>/scale


Request Parameters
  • AppId (String): Subdomain name of an app.
  • Mode (String): Mode of the environment. Possible values: Test, Acceptance, Production, or the name of a flexible environment.
Example Request
POST /api/1/apps/calc/environments/acceptance/scale/0c982ca3-621f-40e9-9c6e-96492934170a Host: Content-Type: application/json Mendix-Username: Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6 { Instances: 2, MemoryPerInstance: 2048, }


Error Codes
HTTP Status Error code Description
400 INVALID_REQUEST You have allocated more memory than is available under your plan. Please contact Support to upgrade your plan.
400 INVALID_REQUEST Memory per instance cannot be smaller than 1024 MB.
400 NOT_ALLOWED Horizontal scaling (to multiple instances) is only available for apps built with Mendix 7.0 or above. Please upgrade to activate this functionality.
400 NOT_ALLOWED Scaling is only available for licensed apps using a supported version of Mendix.
404 ENVIRONMENT_NOT_FOUND Environment not found.
Example Output
{ "Status": "Running", "Instances": 2, "Mode": "Acceptance", "Production": false, "MemoryPerInstance": 2048, "TotalMemory": 8192, "ModelVersion": "", "MendixVersion": "7.5.0", "Url": "" }

Create Environment Tags


Tags are arbitrary strings that are not interpreted by the Mendix Portal. Users are able to set tags on environments. Tags serve two purposes:

  • Custom tags can be added to metrics (for Datadog)
  • Tags can serve as selection criteria for grouping environments into a landscape management dashboard
HTTP Method: POST URL:<AppId>/environments/<Mode>/tags


Request Parameters
  • AppId (String): Subdomain name of an app.
  • Mode (String): Mode of the environment. Possible values: Test, Acceptance, Production, or the name of a flexible environment.
Example Request
POST /api/1/apps/calc/environments/acceptance/tags Host: Content-Type: application/json Mendix-Username: Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6 { "Tag": "europe" }


Error Codes
HTTP Status Error code Description
404 NOT_FOUND An App or Environment is not found.
Example Output
{ "Tag": "A" }

Retrieve Environment Tags


Gets current values of environment tags.

HTTP Method: GET URL:<AppId>/environments/<Mode>/tags


Request Parameters
  • AppId (String): Subdomain name of an app.
  • Mode (String): Mode of the environment. Possible values: Test, Acceptance, Production, or the name of a flexible environment.
Example Request
GET /api/1/apps/calc/environments/acceptance/tags Host: Content-Type: application/json Mendix-Username: Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6


Error Codes
HTTP Status Error code Description
404 NOT FOUND An App or Environment is not found.
Example Output
{ "Tag": "A" }

Delete Environment Tags


Deletes the current value of environment tags.

HTTP Method: DELETE URL:<AppId>/environments/<Mode>/tags


Request Parameters
  • AppId (String): Subdomain name of an app.
  • Mode (String): Mode of the environment. Possible values: Test, Acceptance, Production, or the name of a flexible environment.
Example Request
DELETE /api/1/apps/calc/environments/acceptance/tags Host: Content-Type: application/json Mendix-Username: Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6 { "Tag": "A" }


Response Code
HTTP Status Error code Description
204 No Content The tag has been removed or the response is empty or Tag not found
Error Code
HTTP Status Error code Description
404 NOT FOUND An App or Environment is not found.
Example Output

Download App Logs for a Specific Date


Downloads app logs for a specific date.

HTTP Method: GET URL:<AppId>/environments/<Mode>/logs/<Date>


Request Parameters
  • AppId (String): Subdomain name of an app.
  • Mode (String): Mode of the environment. Possible values: Test, Acceptance, Production, or the name of a flexible environment.
  • Date (String): Date of the desired log in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Example Request
GET /api/1/apps/calc/environments/acceptance/logs/2018-08-10 Host: Content-Type: application/json Mendix-Username: Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6


Error Codes
HTTP Status Error code Description
404 NOT FOUND An App or Environment is not found.
403 FORBIDDEN You do not have access
Example Output
{ "Environment": "38471410-861f-47e5-8efc-2f4b16f04005", "Date": 1536451200000, "DownloadUrl": "" }

Download Access Logs


Downloads a log of all the end-users who have started a session in the app on the selected date.

HTTP Method: GET URL:<AppId>/environments/<Mode>/access-logs/<Date>


Request Parameters
  • AppId (String): Subdomain name of an app.
  • Mode (String): Mode of the environment. Possible values: Test, Acceptance, Production, or the name of a flexible environment.
  • Date (String): Date of the desired log in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Example Request
GET /api/1/apps/calc/environments/acceptance/access-logs/2021-06-12 Host: Content-Type: application/json Mendix-Username: Mendix-ApiKey: 26587896-1cef-4483-accf-ad304e2673d6


Error Codes
HTTP Status Error code Description
404 NOT FOUND An App or Environment is not found.
403 FORBIDDEN You do not have access
Example Output
{ "Environment": "38471410-861f-47e5-8efc-2f4b16f04005", "Date": 1536451200000, "DownloadUrl": "" }

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