Deploy API – Version 4

Last modified: December 13, 2024


The Deploy API allows you to manage application environments in Mendix Cloud. Version 4 introduces additional actions and improved features for some actions. It replaces the deprecated Deploy API – Version 3.


Authentication for the Deploy API v4 uses a personal access token (PAT).

Generating a PAT

For details on how to generate a PAT, see the Personal Access Tokens section of Mendix Profile.

Select at least the following as Deployment Mendix Cloud scopes:

  • mx:deployment:read – to perform GET operations
  • mx:deployment:write – to perform all operations (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE)

Store the generated value {GENERATED_PAT} somewhere safe so you can use it to authorize your Mendix Cloud Deploy API calls.

Using the PAT

Each request must contain an Authorization header with the value MxToken {GENERATED_PAT}. Here is an example:

GET /apps/80a28d6e-c5fc-43d9-87c2-d7d56b07542e/environments/6b61f27c-dac9-48c5-b359-f861374ceb36/permissions HTTP/1.1
Authorization: MxToken 7LJE…vk

To authenticate calls when using the Open API specification below, click Authorize and use the value MxToken {GENERATED_PAT}.


Using the API to Change the Technical Contact

The following steps change the Technical Contact of the app identified by the UUID {appId}.

  1. Set up your authentication PAT. You must have permission to change the Technical Contact of the app.

  2. Create a request body containing the userId of the new Technical Contact. For example, to make jane.doe@domain.tld the new Technical Contact, provide a body like this:

      "technicalContact": {
        "userId": "jane.doe@domain.tld"
  3. Call PATCH /apps/{appId} to update the Technical Contact for your app. Here is an example:

    PATCH /apps/80a28d6e-c5fc-43d9-87c2-d7d56b07542e

Using the API to Change App Team Members’ Access Permissions to an Environment

The following steps change the permissions of a team member to an environment of the app identified by the UUID {appId}:

  1. Set up your authentication PAT. You must have permission to Manage Permissions for the app.

  2. Call GET /apps/{appId}/environments/{environmentId}/permissions to get the existing team members’ permissions for this {environmentId} of this {appId}. Here is an example:

    GET /apps/80a28d6e-c5fc-43d9-87c2-d7d56b07542e/environments/6b61f27c-dac9-48c5-b359-f861374ceb36/permissions
  3. Update the JSON describing the existing permissions to give the permissions you want. For example, to give john.doe@domain.tld permission to deploy an app, but no other permissions, update the body as shown below:

      "member": {
        "userId": "john.doe@domain.tld"
      "canDeployApp": "true",
      "canManageBackups": "false",
      "canViewAlerts": "false",
      "canAccessAPI": "false",
      "canViewLogs": "false",
      "canManagePrivileges": "false"
  4. Call PATCH /apps/{appId}/environments/{environmentId}/permissions to update the team members’ permissions for this {environmentId} of this {appId}.

API Reference