Property Types

Last modified: March 19, 2025


In order to be configurable, pluggable widgets use a widget properties definition which describes the properties available to pluggable widgets. To see examples of pluggable widgets in action, see How To Build Pluggable Widgets.

The common structure of a property definition is as follows:

<property key="propertyKey" type="propertyType">
	<caption>My Property</caption>
	<description>This is my property</description>

XML Attributes

Key (required)

This defines the prop key in the client component props which are supplied to the widget client component. Each property must have a unique key which can contain letters of all cases, digits, or underscores. However, a key attribute cannot start with a digit.

Type (required)

This defines a property’s type. A type must be one of the following:

XML Elements

<caption> (required) — This defines the property name visible for the user (not the end-user) while configuring the widget in Studio Pro.

<description> (required) — This is a description which explains a property’s purpose.

Static Types

Static types are made to pass values configured in Studio Pro to the widget. They do not depend on any dynamic data. Static properties are passed to the widget client component as simple primitive values.


The string property type is represented as a simple text input in Studio Pro. It is passed as a string prop to a client component.

XML Attributes

Attribute Required Attribute Type Description
type Yes String Must be string
key Yes String See key
defaultValue No String Default value for the property
multiline No Boolean true to enable multiline input, false otherwise
required No Boolean Whether the property must be specified by the user, true by default

Studio Pro UI

When the property is defined as follows:

<property key="myString" type="string">
	<caption>My string</caption>
	<description>My string setting</description>

Then the Studio Pro UI for the property appears like this:

When the property is defined as follows:

<property key="myStringMultiline" type="string" multiline="true">
	<caption>My string multiline</caption>
	<description>My string multiline setting</description>

Then the Studio Pro UI for the property appears like this:


Properties of type Boolean are represented as a toggle in Studio Pro. They are passed as boolean props to a client component.

XML Attributes

Attribute Required Attribute Type Description
type Yes String Must be boolean
key Yes String See key
defaultValue Yes Boolean Default value for the property, true or false

Studio Pro UI

When the property is defined as follows:

<property key="myBoolean" type="boolean" defaultValue="false">
	<caption>My boolean</caption>
	<description>My boolean setting</description>

Then the Studio Pro UI for the property appears like this:


Integer is represented as a number input in Studio Pro. It is passed as a number prop to a client component.

XML Attributes

Attribute Required Attribute Type Description
type Yes String Must be integer
key Yes String See key
defaultValue Yes Integer Default value for the property

Studio Pro UI

When the property is defined as follows:

<property key="myInteger" type="integer" defaultValue="1000">
	<caption>My integer</caption>
	<description>My integer setting</description>

Then the Studio Pro UI for the property appears like this:


Properties of type decimal are represented as a number input in Studio Pro. They are passed as a Big prop to a client component.

XML Attributes

Attribute Required Attribute Type Description
type Yes String Must be decimal
key Yes String See key
defaultValue Yes Integer Default value for the property

Studio Pro UI

When the property is defined as follows:

<property key="myDecimal" type="decimal" defaultValue="50.4">
	<caption>My decimal</caption>
	<description>My decimal setting</description>

Then the Studio Pro UI for the property appears like this:



The enumeration property type allows a user to select one out of multiple options defined in the XML. The key of a selected enumeration element is passed as string prop to a client component.

XML Attributes

Attribute Required Attribute Type Description
type Yes String Must be enumeration
key Yes String See key
defaultValue Yes Integer Default value for the property

XML Elements

<enumerationValues> (required) — One <enumerationValues> element must be declared with multiple <enumerationValue> elements inside in order to define possible enumeration values. A key attribute is required for every enumeration value as well as a caption. Enter enumeration values like this:

<enumerationValue key="myEnumOption">My enum option caption</enumerationValue>

The key of a selected element will be passed to the client component. key should not be changed since it is used to identify options used in an app.

Studio Pro UI

When the property is defined as follows:

	<property key="myEnumeration" type="enumeration" defaultValue="blue">
		<caption>My enumeration</caption>
		<description>My enumeration setting</description>
			<enumerationValue key="red">Red</enumerationValue>
			<enumerationValue key="green">Green</enumerationValue>
			<enumerationValue key="blue">Blue</enumerationValue>

Then the Studio Pro UI for the property appears like this:

Component Types


Properties of type icon allows a user to configure an icon similar to one used by a button. It is passed as DynamicValue<IconValue> prop to a client component. For more information, see the IconValue section of Client APIs Available to Pluggable Widgets.

XML Attributes

Attribute Required Attribute Type Description
type Yes String Must be icon
key Yes String See key
required No Boolean Whether the property must be specified by the user, true by default

Studio Pro UI

When the component is defined as follows:

<property key="cardIcon" type="icon" required="false">
	<description>Card icon</description>

Then the Studio Pro UI for the component appears like this:


Image allows a user to configure a static image from an image collection. It also allows a user to configure an image from an object that is a specialization of System.Image. It is passed as an DynamicValue<ImageValue> prop to a client component (for more information, see the ImageValue section of Client APIs Available to Pluggable Widgets). See the Images Reference Guide for more information about supported image formats.

XML Attributes

Attribute Required Attribute Type Description
type Yes String Must be image
key Yes String See key
required No Boolean Whether the property must be specified by the user, true by default

Studio Pro UI

When the component is defined as follows:

<property key="bgImage" type="image" required="false">
	<caption>Background Image</caption>
	<description>Image shown blurred in a background</description>

Then the Studio Pro UI for the component appears like this:


The widgets property allows a user to place multiple widgets inside a pluggable widget, similar to the content of a container widget. It is passed as a ReactNode prop to a client component if a dataSource attribute is not specified, otherwise it is passed as a ListWidgetValue. For more information, see the Datasource section below.

XML Attributes

Attribute Required Attribute Type Description
type Yes String Must be widgets
key Yes String See key
dataSource No Property Path Specifies the path to a datasource property linked to this widgets property
required No Boolean Whether a user must provide at least one widget, true by default

Studio Pro UI

When the component is defined without the dataSource attribute as follows:

<property key="content" type="widgets" required="false">
	<description>Content of a box</description>

then the Studio Pro UI for the component appears like this:

studio pro ui

Using the DataSource Attribute

When the component is defined with the dataSource attribute, assuming myDataSource is key of a datasource property defined elsewhere for this widget:

<property key="content" type="widgets" required="false" dataSource="myDataSource">
	<description>Widgets using data source</description>

then the Studio Pro UI for the component appears like this:

studio pro ui

Dynamic Types


The expression property allows a user to configure an expression.

If a dataSource attribute is not specified, the client will receive a DynamicValue<T> where T depends on the expression’s return type.

When a dataSource attribute is specified and configured by the user, it is passed as a ListExpressionValue<T> where T depends on the expression’s return type. For more information, see the Datasource section below.

XML Attributes

Attribute Required Attribute Type Description
type Yes String Must be expression
key Yes String See key
defaultValue No String (Expression) Default value for the property
required No Boolean Whether the property must be specified by the user, true by default
dataSource No Property Path Specifies the path to a datasource property linked to this expression property

XML Elements

<returnType> (required) — An expression property must contain a <returnType> element in order to define the return type of the expression. The Mendix Platform will ensure the that configured expression returns the correct data type.

The return type of the expression must be defined using either the type or the assignableTo attribute. It is not allowed to specify both.

Attribute Required Attribute Type Description
type No String A fixed return type, which must be one of the supported fixed return types
assignableTo No Property Path Specifies the path to an attribute property which will determine the return type when configured
Fixed Return Type

You can set a fixed return type for your expression property with one of the supported types from below.

Supported Return Types Corresponding Types Client Components Receive
Boolean DynamicValue<boolean>
DateTime DynamicValue<Date>
Decimal DynamicValue<BigJS>
Integer DynamicValue<BigJS>
String DynamicValue<string>
Return Type Assignable to an Attribute

You can use assignableTo to specify that the return type of the expression property should depend on the attribute property with the given property path. This means that the value of the expression will be assignable to the attribute configured for that attribute property (using setValue).

The client component will receive a DynamicValue<T> where T depends on the possible types of the target attribute. If the attribute property allows for more than one type, the type of the actual value depends on the attribute that has been configured.

For example, when properties are defined as follows:

<property key="myAttribute" type="attribute">
	<caption>My string</caption>
	<description>My string setting</description>
        <attributeType name="String" />
        <attributeType name="Boolean" />
<property key="myExpression" type="expression">
	<caption>My string</caption>
	<description>My string setting</description>
    <returnType assignableTo="myAttribute" />

The client component will receive a myExpression prop of type DynamicValue<string | boolean>.

This is a union type of all possible value types for the expression. The actual type of the value depends on the attribute configured for the myAttribute property. For an attribute of type String, the value will be a string; otherwise, it will be a boolean.

Studio Pro UI

When the property is defined as follows:

<property key="progressBarColor" type="expression" defaultValue="'red'">
	<description>Progress bar CSS color</description>
	<returnType type="String" />

Then the Studio Pro UI for the property appears like this:


The TextTemplate property allows a user to configure a translatable text template similar to the Caption of a text widget.

If a dataSource attribute is not specified, the interpolated string will be passed to the client component as DynamicValue<string>.

When a dataSource attribute is specified and configured by the user, it is passed as a ListExpressionValue<string>. For more information, see the Datasource section below.

XML Attributes

Attribute Required Attribute Type Description
type Yes String Must be textTemplate
key Yes String See key
multiline No Boolean true to enable multiline input, false otherwise
required No Boolean Whether the property must be specified by the user, true by default
dataSource No Property Path Specifies the path to a datasource property linked to this text template property

XML Elements

<translations> — Allows a user to set a default value for text templates for different languages using <translation> elements with a lang attribute representing ISO 639 code of the language. Available languages are listed in the Languages Tab in Studio Pro.

Studio Pro UI

When the property is defined as follows:

<property key="myBlockTitle" type="textTemplate">
	<caption>Input title</caption>
	<description>Title for the color input</description>
		<translation lang="en_US">Color</translation>
		<translation lang="nl_NL">Kleur</translation>
		<translation lang="uk_UA">Колір</translation>

Then the Studio Pro UI for the property appears like this:


The action property type allows a user to configure an action which can do things like call nanoflows, save changes, and open pages.

If a dataSource attribute is not specified, the client will receive an ActionValue representing the action or undefined if the Do nothing action was selected.

When a dataSource attribute is specified and configured by the user, it is passed as a ListActionValue. For more information, see the Datasource section below.

XML Attributes

Attribute Required Attribute Type Description
type Yes String Must be action
key Yes String See key
dataSource No Property Path Specifies path to a datasource property linked to this action property
defaultValue No String Default value for the property, the format should be <ModuleId>.<DocumentId>
defaultType No String Default type for the property, supported values are None, OpenPage, CallNanoflow, CallMicroflow

Studio Pro UI

When the property is defined as follows:

<property key="buttonAction" type="action">
	<caption>On click</caption>
	<description>Action to be performed when button is clicked</description>

Then the Studio Pro UI for the property appears like this:


The attribute property type allows a widget to work directly with entities’ attributes, both reading and writing attributes. Depending on the widget’s purposes, a widget should define attribute types it supports.

If a dataSource attribute is not specified, the client will receive an EditableValue<T> where T depends on a configured <attributeType>. For more information, see the EditableValue section of Client APIs Available to Pluggable Widgets.

When a dataSource attribute is specified and configured by the user, it is passed as a ListAttributeValue. For more information, see the Datasource section below.

XML Attributes

Attribute Required Attribute Type Description
type Yes String Must be attribute
key Yes String See key
onChange No Property Path The path to an action property that will be run by the Mendix Platform when the value is changed by the widget
required No Boolean Decides if the property must be specified by the user, true by default
dataSource No Property Path Specifies the path to a datasource property linked to this attribute property
setLabel No Boolean true to enable setting Label value automatically with configured attribute, false otherwise

XML Elements

<attributeTypes> (required) — This element encapsulates <attributeType> elements which declare supported attribute types available while configuring the attribute property in Studio Pro.

<attributeType> (required one or more) — this element defines the allowed attribute type in the name attribute.

Supported Attribute Types Corresponding Types Client Components Receive
AutoNumber EditableValue<string>
Binary EditableValue<string>
Boolean EditableValue<boolean>
DateTime EditableValue<Date>
Enum EditableValue<string>
HashString EditableValue<string>
Integer EditableValue<BigJS>
Long EditableValue<BigJS>
String EditableValue<string>
Decimal EditableValue<BigJS>

Studio Pro UI

When the property is defined as follows:

<property key="percentage" type="attribute" onChange="onPercentageChange">
	<description>Progress percentage</description>
		<attributeType name="Decimal"/>
		<attributeType name="Integer"/>
<property key="onPercentageChange" type="action">
	<caption>On change</caption>

Then the Studio Pro UI for the property appears like this:


The association property type allows a widget to work directly with both reading and writing associations between entities. Depending on the widget’s purposes, a widget should define association types it supports.

If a dataSource attribute is not specified the client will receive a ReferenceValue for references (singular references), a ReferenceSetValue for reference sets (multiple references), or a union of them. For more information, see the ModifiableValue section of Client APIs Available to Pluggable Widgets.

When a dataSource attribute is specified and configured by the user, it is passed as a ListReferenceValue or ListReferenceSetValue depending on the configuration of the property. For more information, see the Datasource section below.

XML Attributes

Attribute Required Attribute Type Description
type Yes String Must be association
key Yes String See key
onChange No Property Path The path to an action property that will be run by the Mendix Platform when the value is changed by the widget
required No Boolean Decides if the property must be specified by the user, true by default
selectableObjects Yes Property Path Specifies the path to a datasource property that will provide selectable objects for the association
dataSource No Property Path Specifies the path to a datasource property linked to this association property
setLabel No Boolean true to enable setting Label value automatically with configured entity, false otherwise

XML Elements

<associationTypes> (required) — This element encapsulates <associationType> elements which declare supported association types available while configuring the association property in Studio Pro.

<associationType> (required one or more) — this element defines the allowed association type in the name attribute.

Supported Attribute Types Corresponding Types Client Components Receive
Reference ReferenceValue
ReferenceSet ReferenceSetValue

Studio Pro UI

When the property is defined as follows:

<property key="ref" type="association" selectableObjects="objectsDatasource">
        <associationType name="Reference"/>
        <associationType name="ReferenceSet"/>

<property key="objectsDatasource" type="datasource" isList="true">
    <caption>Selectable objects</caption>

Then the Studio Pro UI for the property appears like this:


The object property type allows to create an arbitrary list of properties.

XML Attributes

Attribute Required Attribute Type Description
type Yes String Must be object
key Yes String See key
isList Yes Boolean Must be true
required No Boolean This decides if the user is required to specify items in the list, true by default

XML Elements

<properties> (required) — This encapsulates the list or properties to be configured. For more information on property groups, see the Property Groups section of Pluggable Widgets API. Properties must be grouped by <propertyGroup> elements. Nested object properties are not supported.

Studio Pro UI

When the property is defined as follows:

<property key="myObject" type="object" isList="true">
	<caption>My object list</caption>
		<propertyGroup caption="Object list group">
			<property key="myObjectBool" type="boolean" defaultValue="true">
				<caption>My boolean</caption>
				<description>My boolean setting</description>
			<property key="myObjectAction" type="action">
				<caption>My action</caption>
				<description>My action setting</description>

Then the Studio Pro UI for the property appears like this:


The file property type allows a user to configure a file from an object that is a specialization of System.File. It is passed as a DynamicValue<FileValue> prop to a client component.

XML Attributes

Attribute Required Attribute Type Description
type Yes String Must be file
key Yes String See key

Studio Pro UI

When the property is defined as follows:

<property key="file" type="file" required="false">
	<description>Sample text file</description>

Then the Studio Pro UI for the property appears like this:


The datasource property allows widgets to work with object lists. The client component will receive value prop of type ListValue and may be used with action, attribute, association, expression, text template, and widgets properties. See Data Sources for available data source types.

If no data source has been configured by the user, any properties that are linked to the datasource property are automatically omitted from the props passed to the client component (even if they are marked as required).

XML Attributes

Attribute Required Attribute Type Description
type Yes String Must be datasource
key Yes String See key
isList Yes Boolean Must be true
required No Boolean This decides if the user is required to specify a datasource, true by default
defaultType No String Default type for the property, supported values are Database, Microflow, Nanoflow, and Association
defaultValue No String Default value for the property, see Default Data Sources
Data Source Defaults

You can use the defaultType and defaultValue attributes to configure default data sources for your widget. Unless overridden in Studio Pro, the widget will attempt to configure the data source according to its defaults. Both attributes need to be set for the defaults to be applied.

The format of defaultValue depends on the chosen defaultType:

Data source type Format Example
Database Association Entity Path ModuleName.EntityName or ModuleName.A/ModuleName.A_B/ModuleName.B
Microflow Nanoflow Document ID ModuleName.DocumentName

Studio Pro UI

When the property is defined as follows:

<property key="data" type="datasource" isList="true" required="false">
	<caption>Data source</caption>
	<description />

Then the Studio Pro UI for the property appears like this:


The selection property allows a widget to read and set a selection that can be used in actions, expressions, or a Listen to data source of a data view.

XML Attributes

Attribute Required Attribute Type Description
type Yes String Must be selection
key Yes String See key
dataSource Yes Property Path Specifies the path to a datasource property linked to this selection property
defaultValue No String (Expression) Default value for the property
onChange No Property Path The path to an action property that will be run by the Mendix Platform when the selection is changed by the widget

XML Elements

<selectionTypes> (required) — This element encapsulates <selectionType> elements which declare supported selection types available while configuring the selection property in Studio Pro.

<selectionType> (required one or more) — This element defines the selection type in the name attribute.

Supported Selection Types Corresponding Types Client Components Receive
None undefined
Single SelectionSingleValue
Multi SelectionMultiValue

For more information, see the SelectionValue section of Client APIs Available to Pluggable Widgets.

Studio Pro UI

When the property is defined as follows:

<property key="selection" type="selection" dataSource="datasource">
  <description />
    <selectionType name="None" />
    <selectionType name="Single" />
    <selectionType name="Multi" />

Then the Studio Pro UI for the property appears like this:

System Properties

System properties is a way for a pluggable widget to adopt extended widget functionality provided by Mendix Platform. System properties should be defined as <systemProperty> elements. The only property XML attribute <systemProperty> requires is key attribute, which defines a system property’s type. The following values are allowed:

  • Label
  • Name
  • TabIndex
  • Visibility
  • Editability


Label property allows a pluggable widget to have labeling functionality similar to a core input widget. This allows a user to set a label, a label position, and a label width. If a widget has a label configured, its client component will automatically be wrapped into a correct markup.

<systemProperty key="Label"/>


You can use setLabel to specify which properties can be used to set the Label property value.

Configuring the value of a property with the setLabel attribute will automatically update the value of Label.

Only attribute and association properties can use the setLabel attribute.

The Label value is set only if it lacks a non-default value when you set it. If a property become hidden, the Label value is reverted back to default. More than one property can set the label. However if multiple properties with the setLabel attribute are visible simultaneously, the first one updated sets the label. For example, when properties are defined as follows:

<property key="myAttribute" setLabel="true" type="attribute">
	<caption>My string</caption>
	<description>My string setting</description>
        <attributeType name="String" />
        <attributeType name="Boolean" />
<property key="myAssociation" setLabel="true" type="association" selectableObjects="objectsDatasource">
        <associationType name="Reference"/>
        <associationType name="ReferenceSet"/>
<property key="objectsDatasource" type="datasource" isList="true">
    <caption>Selectable objects</caption>

Then the Label property will be set by the first property configured.


Every widget have a name by default. This property can be used to control position of the widget name input. If this property is not specified, input will be placed in Common tab. A widget’s name is also used for locating it during automated tests. For that purpose in web apps, a widget name is automatically appended to a class prop a component receives, and in native mobile apps is passed as a separate name prop.

<systemProperty key="Name"/>


The TabIndex property allows pluggable widgets to implement the Tab index setting similar to a core input widget. Every selectable or input-like widget should opt for this to provide a consistent developing experience and an accessible app for an end-user. A widget’s tab index, when it is not zero, is passed to a client component in a tabIndex prop.

<systemProperty key="TabIndex"/>


Every pluggable widget can be conditionally hidden. This property can be used to control a position of the widget visibility inputs.

<systemProperty key="Visibility"/>


The editability property allows a pluggable widget to have an editable configuration similar to a core input widget. When a widget is marked as read-only or conditionally editable with condition being false, all editable values its client component receives will have readOnly flag.

<systemProperty key="Editability"/>

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