Find Things in the Model

Last modified: August 19, 2024


The model object you get back from workingCopy.model() can be used to find and even manipulate units and elements. It provides three different means with which you can find units and elements.

The model.root Property

The root object refers to the root app node in the App Explorer in Studio Pro. From there, you can walk through the app tree and into specific documents.

For example, this snippet finds the name of the first attribute of the Customer entity in the first module of your app:

const model = workingCopy.model();
const domainModel = model.root.modules[0].domainModel;
const customerEntity = domainModel.entities.filter(entity => === "Customer")[0]

const attributeName = customerEntity.attributes[0].name;

The model.allXXX() Functions

These functions return the complete collection of a specific type of units. Some unit types are abstract (for example, allMicroflowBases returns all microflows and all rules).

So, the example snippet above could also be expressed this way:

const domainModel = model.allDomainModels()[0];
const customerEntity = domainModel.entities.filter(entity => === "Customer")[0]

const attributeName = customerEntity.attributes[0].name;

The model.findXXXByQualifiedName() Functions

For all the referable concepts in a model (both units, such as a page, as well as elements, such as an entity), a find function is exposed through the model object. Given a fully-qualified name (for example, "Customers.Customer.Name"), it finds the element with that name, or it returns null if it doesn’t exist.

const customerEntity = model.findEntityByQualifiedName("Customers.Customer");
const attributeName = customerEntity.attributes[0].name;

For more information, see How to Load Units and Elements.

The model.allModules Function

Implement this snippet to fetch information on all the Marketplace modules used in your app:

const model = workingCopy.model();
	.filter(module => module.fromAppStore === true)
	.forEach(module =>
			appStoreVersion: module.appStoreVersion,
			appStoreGuid: module.appStoreGuid,
			appStoreVersionGuid: module.appStoreVersionGuid