AWS Modules
Presents details on the AWS-specific connectors available in the Mendix Marketplace.
The modules available in the Mendix Marketplace can be added to your app to provide new functionality with accompanying domain models and security options. These Marketplace modules function similarly to the modules you create for your app.
When you download these modules, they will go into the App > Marketplace modules folder.
Presents details on the AWS-specific connectors available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Presents details on the SAP-specific modules available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Presents details on the Snowflake-specific modules available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Administration module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Advanced Audit Trail solution, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Any Chart module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Atlas Core module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Audit Trail module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Community Commons Function Library module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Overview of the Data Importer in Studio Pro
Describes the configuration and usage of the Data Widgets module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Database connector, which incorporates your external data directly in your Mendix app.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Database Replication module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the steps required to use the Mendix External Database connector with Databricks.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Deep Link module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Email Connector module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Encryption module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Excel Exporter module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Excel Importer module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the new Database connector, which incorporates your external data directly in your Mendix app.
Describes the configuration and usage of the File Uploader module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Forgot Password module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the general properties and common concepts of generative AI in the context of developing Mendix applications and illustrates the preferred way of leveraging platform-supported connectors in applications following the GenAI Commons patterns.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Google Tag module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Hybrid Mobile Actions module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Image Crop module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the LDAP module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Mendix Feedback module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Mendix Mini Surveys module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Mendix SSO module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Mobile SSO module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the MQTT connector, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Mx Model Reflection module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Nanoflow Commons module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the Native Mobile AR module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Native Mobile Resources module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Object Handling module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the OIDC SSO module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the OPC-UA connector, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the PDF Document Generation module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Process Queue module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Push Notifications module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the SAML module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the SCIM module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes Teamcenter Extension from the Mendix Marketplace. Teamcenter Extension facilitates a low-code approach to integrating with Teamcenter.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Unit Testing module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes the configuration and usage of the Web Actions module, which is available in the Mendix Marketplace.
Describes usage and implementation of the Workflow Commons module that is used with workflows.