PDF Document Generation

Last modified: March 5, 2025


The PDF Document Generation module allows you to generate pixel-perfect PDF documents based on regular pages in your app.


  • Generate pixel-perfect PDF documents based on regular pages in your app.
  • Make use of the full capabilities of the page editor, including the use of snippets, text templates, conditional visibility based on expressions, dynamic classes, etc.
  • Support adding any existing web widget to your document, or creating your own widgets and using them in your documents.
  • Use “Instant Update” during local development, which allows you to see changes to your documents immediately without having to do a full restart of your app.
  • Generate documents using a synchronous or asynchronous approach. In the asynchronous action, the result object is available instantly, the content is added at a later stage.


  • Currently, PDF is the only supported document export format.

  • For deployment, currently we support Mendix Cloud, Mendix Cloud Dedicated, Mendix for Private Cloud Connected, and On-Premises. Other deployment scenarios will be supported at a later stage.

  • The maximum file size is 25 MB per document. If your document exceeds this limit, the action will result in an exception. We recommend compressing high-resolution images to reduce their file size.

  • If your app is configured to restrict access for incoming requests using client certificates, our cloud service will not be able to reach your app and the module will not work properly.

  • If your app uses a custom domain, you must configure a custom SSL/TLS domain certificate signed by a trusted public authority, including all intermediate certificates if applicable. Self-signed certificates will cause the service to fail. For more information, see Obtaining a new signed certificate.

  • We use a fixed 30 second timeout for the page to finish loading and rendering. A timeout exception is thrown if the page content did not finish loading within 30 seconds.

  • Widgets or add-ons for your index.html file that perform long polling network requests are not supported. The document generation service waits until there are no more pending network requests.

  • Some widgets, such as the Charts widget, might be rendered inconsistently in the generated PDF due to factors like animation.

  • Complex documents (for example, large tables) may run into memory limitations, separate from the file size limitation. Try to reduce the number of widgets inside repeatable widgets as much as possible.

  • We currently do not enforce strict rate limits. However, take into account the following guidelines:

    • Only set the Wait for result parameter to true for direct user actions. Do not set it to true for batch processing. Under heavy load, requests that wait for the result may fail due to strict timeout limitations.
    • Do not exceed 250 documents per day.
    • Do not exceed 5 documents per minute for actions that have the Wait for result parameter set to true. If your app requires more requests, consider setting the Wait for result parameter to false.
    • Contact support if these guidelines do not fit your specific use case.
  • The Generate PDF from page microflow action does not support multiple page parameters.

  • Objects that are created in microflows that contain the Generate PDF from page action are not available to use in your PDF document. This is also applicable for changes made to existing objects. The reason is that those changes are not persisted to the database until the whole microflow has finished. The document generation service will access your document in its own context, and therefore have no access to the non-persisted changes.

  • Setting the microflow property Apply entity access to Yes does not have any effect on the Generate PDF from page action. Regardless of the Apply entity access setting, the action does not require Create or Write access rights for the FileDocument object that gets created.

  • The System.Owner association is currently not set to the user which has run the microflow. Instead, the user that is configured for the Generate as user property of the Generate PDF from page action is used to set the association.

  • For local development, we use the Chrome or Chromium executable that is available on the development machine. Even though we have not observed these yet, there might be minor differences in PDF output locally versus when using the cloud service.

  • The access (and refresh) tokens used to secure requests to the cloud service are stored unencrypted in the app database. No user roles have read access to these tokens and all communication with the cloud service is encrypted by requiring HTTPS. However, do consider this when sharing a backup of the database with other developers. We will introduce encryption at a later stage.

  • If you have the Application Performance Monitor (APM) or Application Performance Diagnostics (APD) add-on enabled in your app, or set the log level of the Services log node to Trace, the PDF Document Generation module will not be able to generate documents when used in Mendix Cloud. This limitation is only applicable for apps built in Mendix 9.24.5 and below and Mendix 10.0.0.



Follow the instructions in How to Use Marketplace Content to import the Documentation Generation module into your app.


  1. In the App Explorer, open the App section, double-click Settings, then go to the Runtime tab, and configure the ASu_DocumentGeneration_Initialize microflow for the After startup property. If there is already an after startup microflow set, add the ASu_DocumentGeneration_Initialize microflow as an action in the existing microflow.

  2. In the App Explorer, double-click Security in the App section, and then set the Security level to Prototype/demo or Production.

  3. In the App Explorer, double-click Security in the App section again, then go to the User roles tab and perform the following steps:

    1. Add the module role User from the DocumentGeneration module to all app user roles that should be able to generate a document.
    2. Add the module role Administrator from the DocumentGeneration module to all app user roles that should be able to register the app environments on Mendix Cloud.
  4. To clean up old document requests, enable the scheduled event SE_DocumentRequest_Cleanup in the _UseMe folder of the DocumentGeneration module. This will automatically remove expired DocumentRequest objects after a configured offset in days. The offset is configured using the constant DocumentGeneration.RequestCleanupOffsetInDays (the default value is 7 days). The scheduled event runs daily at 03:00 UTC.

  5. To test the module locally, perform the procedure as described in the Running locally from Studio Pro section.

  6. When deploying your app, consider that we currently support two types of deployments:

    1. Running on Mendix Cloud using the PDF service in the Mendix Public Platform. This option is available for apps that are deployed to the following environments:

    2. Running On-Premises using a local version of the PDF service. This option is available for apps that are deployed to the following environments:

Running Locally from Studio Pro

To be able to test PDF document generation when using Run Locally inside Studio Pro, you need to have Chrome or Chromium installed on your local machine.


The PDF Document Generation module automatically tries to find the Chrome executable (chrome.exe) in the default installation paths.

If you have installed Chrome in a custom location, configure the path to the Chrome executable in the constant CustomChromePath in the _UseMe > Configuration folder.


If you use Chromium, only use stable releases. The currently supported stable release is 112.0.5615.0.

Download the chrome-win.zip package and extract the archive to a location of your choosing.

Configure the path to the chrome.exe executable in the CustomChromePath constant in the _UseMe > Configuration folder.

Running on Mendix Cloud

To allow the module to send and receive document generation requests on your Mendix Cloud environments, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. If your app is deployed on Mendix Cloud or Mendix Cloud Dedicated, [enable the DocGen request handler.]{#enable-docgen}

  2. Register your app environments.

  3. If your app is configured to restrict access based on IP address, add the IP addresses used by the DocGen service to the list of allowed addresses.

Enabling the DocGen Request Handler for Licensed Apps

  1. Make sure that you have configured the DocumentGeneration module as described in the Configuration section.

  2. Make sure that you have the application deployed to the desired Mendix Cloud.

  3. To allow the module to send and receive document generation requests in your Mendix Cloud environments, enable the DocGen request handler as follows:

    1. Go to the Environments page for the app as follows:

      • Go to the Nodes page, then in the My Nodes list, find the desired app, and then click Environments.
      • Alternatively, go to Apps, then in the My Apps list, find the desired app, and then click Environments.

      The app’s Environments page opens. The Deploy tab shows a list of available environments for your app.

    2. On the Deploy tab, click Details for the respective environment.

    3. In the specific Environment Details page, select the Network tab.

    4. Scroll down to Path Based Access Restrictions and click Add. The Edit Path Based Access Restriction dialog box opens.

    5. Fill in the fields as follows:

      • In the Path field, enter /docgen/.
      • From the New Restriction Type drop-down list, select Allow all access.
    6. Click Save. The /docgen/ path is added to the list.

    7. Restart your application for the new request handler to take effect.

    8. Now you can register your app environments.

Registering Your App Environments

  1. Add the snippet Snip_AppRegistration to a page in your app that is accessible to users with the Administrator module role set in the DocumentGeneration module. The snippet can be found in the _UseMe > Admin folder of the DocumentGeneration module.

  2. Enable the scheduled event SE_AccessToken_Refresh to automatically refresh the access token that is used to secure access to the Document Generation cloud service. The scheduled event can be found in the _UseMe > Scheduled events folder of the DocumentGeneration module.

    • In version 1.6.0 and above, for apps deployed on Mendix Free Cloud, a Renew app registration button will be visible in the Snip_AppRegistration snippet if your registration is going to expire within 24 hours or has already expired. You can use this button to manually refresh your token.
  3. Make sure that your changes are deployed to your Mendix Cloud environment.

  4. Sign in to the app environment you want to register.

  5. Navigate to the page that contains the Snip_AppRegistration snippet.

  6. Follow the steps on the page to register your app environment.

Allowing the Document Generation Service IP Addresses

If your app is configured to restrict access for incoming requests using IP restrictions, you must add the outbound IP addresses of the DocGen service to the list of allowed addresses.

Running On-Premises

To configure the module to generate documents on your on-premises environments, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Make sure that you have the prerequisite software installed.
  2. Configure the module to use the local service.
  3. Enable the DocGen request handler.

Installing the Prerequisite Software

You should pre-install and actively maintain the following software. Mendix does not provide support for the installation, configuration, and maintenance of these packages.


You should have installed a stable release of the Chromium browser. The currently supported stable release is 112.0.5615.0 (Windows. Linux).


You should have installed a stable release of Node.js. Mendix recommends installing the same version that is shipped with the Studio Pro version that is used to build the project. You can find this version by locating and executing the node executable within the modeler/tools/node folder of your Studio Pro installation.

Configuring the Module to use the Local Service

  1. Set the OverrideServiceType constant to Local in the _UseMe > Configuration folder. This enforces the use of the local service instead of the cloud service.

  2. Configure the path to the chrome executable in the CustomChromePath constant in the _UseMe > Configuration folder.

  3. Configure the path to the node executable in the CustomNodePath constant in the _UseMe > Configuration folder.

Enabling the DocGen Request Handler

In case you deploy on Microsoft Windows, you need to add the following rules when configuring the reverse proxy inbound rules:

Rule Name Pattern Rewrite URL
1 p ^(p/)(.*) http://localhost:8080/{R:1}{R:2}
2 docgen ^(docgen/)(.*) http://localhost:8080/{R:1}{R:2}


Generating Documents for the Current User

  1. Add an entity in your domain model for storing the generated documents. Use System.FileDocument as its generalization. When app security was set to Production, you need to assign Read access rights to the user roles which should be able to download the document.

  2. Create a page that you want to export as a document. In the properties of the page, set the design property Enable PDF export to Yes. As the layout of the page, you can use your own layout or the DocumentGeneration_Default layout from the _UseMe > Layouts folder. If you want, you can duplicate the ExampleDocument in the Examples folder to get started. Make sure to move and include the new page in your own module.

  3. Create a microflow that contains a Show page activity that opens the page you created in the previous step.

  4. Create a microflow with the Generate PDF from page action to render this page as a PDF document. Configure the Generate PDF from page action as follows:

    1. Select the microflow you created in the previous step for the Page microflow property.

    2. Select the context object that you want to pass to the page as an input parameter. If the page does not require an input object, select empty.

    3. Select the entity that you created in step 1 as the Result entity.

    4. Fill in the File name property. The Java action will append .pdf to the generated documents.

    5. Use $currentUser for the Generate as user property. This will generate the document in the context and using the access rights of the user which runs the microflow. To generate the document in a system context, see the section Generating Documents as a System Task below.

    6. Set the value for the Wait for result property. If you set it to false, the result object will be available instantly, while the content will be added at a later stage. Set the Wait for result property to true only for direct user actions. Do not set the value to true for batch processing.

  5. Verify that the user which you configured in the Generate document as property has access to the page microflow created in step 3, as well as access to all relevant data used in the page to be exported.

Generating Documents as a System Task

For scenarios where you want to generate documents as a system task (for example in a scheduled event), the recommended approach is to set up one or more service users for document generation.

  1. Add a specific user role for service users to your app, for example DocGenServiceUser or ReadOnly.

  2. Assign the User module role from the DocumentGeneration module to the new user role.

  3. Assign or add the required module roles to allow read access to the relevant data in your app’s modules.

    As a good practice, let Studio Pro generate separate module roles and set strict entity access that only allows read access to the applicable data. In this case, the service user needs to have the DocumentGeneration.User module role, while the user who runs the microflow to generate a document does not.

  4. Run the app and create a new local user as the service user. Give the service user the user role that you created above and use a strong password. The service user will be used to generate documents.

  5. Create a microflow to retrieve and return the configured service user object.

  6. In the microflow where you call the Generate PDF from page action, add a microflow call to the microflow you created in the previous step, and use the return value (the service user object) as input for the Generate as user parameter of the action.

Language and Date/Time Handling


For the language of the document, the document generation service uses the language of the user that is passed in the Generate as user property.

Date/Time Handling

For the localization of dates and times, the document generation service uses the time zone of the user that is passed in the Generate as user property.

Styling Documents

Page settings

The following page-related design properties are available in the Styling tab of the properties panel.

Design property Description
Page orientation This design property enables you to set the page orientation for your documents.
Page size This design property enables you to set the page size for your documents.
Show page numbers This design property enables you to show page numbers in your documents.

Page breaks

You can use the Page break widget that is included in this module to structure your documents. This widget enables you to force a page break at a specific position in your document. In addition, you can use the Add page break design property that is available for Container widgets.

The following Container widget related design properties are available in the Styling tab of the properties panel.

Design property Description
Add page break This design property enables you to force a page break before or after the specific container widget.
Avoid break inside This design property allows you to prevent page breaks within a specific container. This can be useful to keep widgets grouped together on the same page.

Applying Custom Fonts

For extended font support, Mendix recommends using custom fonts. To apply a custom font, follow the steps below:

The procedure uses the Noto Sans SC font as an example. You can visit Google fonts for more font options or use a font of your choice.

  1. Download the font Noto Sans SC.

  2. Copy the font file NotoSansSC-Regular.ttf from the static folder of the downloaded font package into the theme\web\fonts folder of the app.

  3. In Studio Pro, go to Styling > Web > main.scss in App Explorer, and add the lines below to the main.scss file in the built-in styling editor:

    @font-face {
        font-family: 'Noto Sans SC';
        src: url(fonts/NotoSansSC-Regular.ttf);
    .font-noto-sans-sc {
        font-family: 'Noto Sans SC', sans-serif;
  4. Add the class font-noto-sans-sc to all applicable text and widgets.

Advanced Styling

For advanced styling, you can use the styling editor in Studio Pro to style your documents. The module stylesheet includes several theme variables, such as $document-background-color, to customize your documents.



The Document Generation module uses the PDF document generation service running in the Mendix Public Platform to convert any regular web page in your app into a PDF document. The result is similar to what you would get when using the “Save as PDF” feature in the print dialog box of your browser.

When using Run locally in Studio Pro, a local service is used to run the headless browser next to your app. The service and browser run only at the moment of generating a document, and are terminated when the document is finished.

When running on Mendix Cloud, the PDF document generation service on Mendix Public Platform (EU instance) is used, which is developed and maintained by Mendix. The cloud service opens the page in a headless browser and sends the resulting PDF back to the module. The diagram below illustrates this process.



When deployed to Mendix Cloud, the cloud service uses the user which was provided in the Generate as user parameter to access the requested page. A short-lived security token is used to authenticate each request. The lifetime of this token can be configured using the constant TokenLifetimeInSeconds.

The architecture is set up to process every request in a fully isolated context. The cloud service creates a request-specific worker instance for every PDF that is generated and sends the result back to the runtime when finished. After this, the worker instance is destroyed.

The PDF document generation service does not store pages or documents at any time in the process.


App Environment Registration Issues

If you encounter any issues while registering your app environment, refer to the table below for more details and suggestions on how to resolve them.

Error Error message Description Suggestion
Invalid Developer Credentials “Invalid developer credentials” The developer information as provided in the Email and API key fields is incorrect. Verify that the provided email address in the Email field matches the username in your Mendix developer profile, and also that the API key that is being used is correct and still active.
Invalid App
  • “Invalid app”
  • “App not found for the given user”
The provided App ID is either incorrect or the developer (based on the Email and API key fields) does not have access to this app. Verify that the App ID field is correct, and also that the developer account corresponding to the details entered in the Email and API key fields has access to the given app.
Invalid Application URL “Application URL does not match any of the environment URLs” The app corresponding to the App ID field does not contain any environment that matches the URL given in the Application URL field. Verify that the App ID and Application URL fields are correct.
Invalid Deployment Type
  • “Application should be deployed on Mendix Cloud”
  • “Deployment type should be Mendix Cloud”
The provided Application URL is either incorrect or the chosen Deployment type is incorrect for this app. Verify that the entered Application URL is correct and that you have chosen the correct Deployment type.
Unable to Reach App
  • “Domain verification failed, unable to reach app”
  • “Domain verification failed, unable to reach verification endpoint”
  • “Domain verification failed, verification endpoint inactive”
The cloud service was unable to reach your app. Verify that you enabled the ASu_DocumentGeneration_Initialize after startup microflow and also allowed access to the DocGen request handler. For more information, see Enabling the DocGen Request Handler.
Invalid Token “Domain verification failed, invalid token” The cloud service was able to reach your app, but could not verify that this app is currently trying to register. Verify that the application URL matches the current environment.
Other Errors
  • “Project verification failed”
  • “Domain verification failed, invalid response from verification endpoint”
  • “Domain verification failed for unknown reason”
An unexpected error occurred. Verify that your app was not restarted by someone else during the registration process. If not, submit a ticket in the Mendix Support Portal.

Module Usage and Runtime Issues

In general, we recommend that you perform the following steps if you get any issues during runtime:

  1. Temporarily set the log level of DocumentGeneration log node to trace. This should give more insight at what stage the action fails.
  2. Temporarily add the page microflow that is configured in the action to the app navigation, or make it accessible via a button. This can help to verify that the page itself loads correctly, and can for example outline misconfiguration of entity access, widgets, etc. Make sure that you access the page with the same user you provided to the Generate as user parameter in the action.


The sections below contain the exceptions that can possibly occur during the document generation process and the suggested steps to verify the reason.

Wait for Content Exception

If you encounter a DocGenWaitForContentException exception with error code DOCGEN_WAIT_FOR_CONTENT_ERROR while generating a document, refer to the table below for more details and suggestions on how to resolve them.

Error message Potential reasons
“Failed while waiting for page content.”
  • The required Enable PDF export design property is not set to Yes for the page you are trying to export to PDF.
  • Loading the page failed or took too much time. When this occurs, verify that the page loads successfully within the fixed timeout of 30 seconds and does not trigger any client errors. To verify this, we recommend temporarily adding the page to, for example, the app navigation.
  • A widget or add-on is being used in the index.html file that performs long polling network requests. This is not supported, since the document generation service waits until there are no more pending network requests.

If you encounter a DocGenNavigationException exception with error code DOCGEN_NAVIGATION_ERROR while generating a document, refer to the table below for more details and suggestions on how to resolve them.

Error message Potential reasons
“Failed to generate document due to an external redirect to: https://example.com.” An external redirect implemented in the index.html or a redirect widget, for example, for SSO purposes. Verify and change your implementation accordingly.
“Failed to generate document. Access denied and redirected to login page.” A failure occurred when a user logs into the application. Make sure that the module role User is assigned to the user who is passed in the Generate as user property of the Generate PDF from page action.
“Failed to generate document. Page microflow could not be executed, check if the configured document user has the applicable access rights.” The configured document user does not have the applicable access rights to run the page microflow. In this case, you can find a warning in the logs mentioning User <username> attempted to run the microflow with action name <page microflow>, but does not have the required permissions.
“Failed to navigate to page due to an error: <error message>.” The service was unable to reach the app, for example due to the following reasons:
“Failed to navigate to page due to an invalid response code: <code>.” The module rejected the request from the service. Verify the application logs.
Runtime Exception

If you encounter a DocGenRuntimeException exception with error code DOCGEN_RUNTIME_ERROR while generating a document, refer to the table below for more details and suggestions on how to resolve them.

Error message Potential reasons
“Failed to export to PDF due to an error: <error message>.” The service was unable to export the PDF due to a timeout or memory limitation. This can happen for large or complex documents. Try to reduce the number of widgets inside repeatable widgets as much as possible.
“Failed to send result back: <error message>.” The service was unable to send the resulting PDF. This can happen if your document exceeds the maximum file size limit. If this is the case, we recommend compressing high-resolution images to reduce their file size.

If you encounter a DocGenRuntimeException exception with a message that is not mentioned in the table above, we recommend you submit a support request.

Polling Exception

If you encounter a DocGenPollingException exception while generating a document, this means that the module timed out while waiting for the service to send the resulting PDF. Verify if the application logs contain any other errors and try again.

Default Exception

If you encounter a DocGenException exception with error code DOCGEN_UNKNOWN_ERROR while generating a document, we recommend you submit a support request.

Rendering/Styling Issues

In case of issues regarding styling, Mendix recommends temporarily adding the page microflow to your app navigation (for details, see step 2 in the Module Usage and Runtime Issues section). This allows you to preview the page in your browser and inspect the applied styles. Mendix recommends using Chrome or Chromium and the Chrome DevTools for this, since Chromium is the browser that is used by the document generation service.

If the resulting PDF document only contains a part of the expected content, verify that the layout used for the page does not include a scroll container. Layouts that do include a scroll container, such as Atlas_Default, will not work properly.

If the resulting PDF document contains an additional blank page at the end of the document, try to wrap the content in a layout grid.

Local Service Errors

If you encounter the message “Local service exited with error” in your runtime logs, for example:

com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Local service exited with error
	at DocumentGenerationTest.ACT_TestDocument_WrongLayout (JavaAction : 'Generate PDF from page')

We recommend that you temporarily set the log level of the DocumentGeneration log node to trace. This should give more insight at what stage the action fails.

Cloud Service Errors

If you encounter the message “Unable to generate document for request <requestId>, service response code: 401” in the logs of your cloud environment, the request was rejected by the document generation service. This could be caused by the following reasons:

  • The scheduled event SE_AccessToken_Refresh is not enabled, which caused the registration to expire. Enable the scheduled event and register the affected app environment again.
  • The URL of the app environment does not match the URL that was provided during registration. This could be the case when you requested a change to the URL of your app, or after restoring a database backup from one environment to another. Register the affected app environment (or environments) again.

If you encounter the message “Unable to generate PDF document. Failed to refresh expired access token”, the app registration expired and the automatic attempt to refresh the tokens failed. Verify that the scheduled event SE_AccessToken_Refresh is enabled and make sure to register the affected app environment(s) again.

If you encounter the message “No configuration object available. For use in Mendix Cloud, your app environment needs to be registered first” or “Unable to generate PDF document. For use in Mendix Cloud, your app environment needs to be registered first”, follow the steps for registering your app environments.

Timeout Errors

If you encounter the message “Failed to load page: TimeoutError: waiting for selector #content .document-content failed: timeout 30000ms exceeded” in your runtime logs, this means that a timeout occurred while the browser was waiting for the configured page to finish loading. This could be caused by the following reasons:

  • The required Enable PDF export design property is not set to Yes for the page you are trying to export to PDF.
  • Loading the page failed or took too much time. When this occurs, verify that the page loads successfully within the fixed timeout of 30 seconds and does not trigger any client errors. To verify this, we recommend temporarily adding the page to, for example, the app navigation.
  • A widget or add-on is being used in the index.html file that performs long polling network requests. This is not supported, since the document generation service waits until there are no more pending network requests.
  • The configured service user does not have the applicable access rights to run the page microflow. In this case, there should be a warning in the logs mentioning User <username> attempted to run the microflow with action name <page microflow>, but does not have the required permissions.
  • Make sure that the module role User is assigned to the user who is passed in the Generate as user property of the Generate PDF from page action.