Native Mobile AR
The Native Mobile AR module contains the widgets for building AR experience with native mobile. This module is also part of the AR Starter App that contains examples.
This document will place the Augmented Reality (AR) widgets into context, as well as explain how they can be used to create AR experiences. The following terms will be used frequently:
- Augmented reality (AR): adds virtual objects to the real world, through the mobile phone camera view
- AR scene: the place where all objects are placed in
- Billboard: describes the rotation behavior of an object, where it will always face the camera
- Origin: the starting position, specifically (0,0,0)
Overview of AR Widgets
There are seven total AR widgets. They can be grouped into two types:
Structure Widgets | Visual Widgets |
Container (AR) | 3D Object (AR) |
Image Tracker (AR) | Cube (AR) |
Node (AR) | Sphere (AR) |
Square (AR) |
Structure Widgets
Structure widgets are the AR widgets that can contain other widgets. These widgets do not necessarily add something visual to the AR scene. Instead, they provide functionality or allow you to group other widgets. Structure widgets function as new starting points for the widgets embedded in them. When you start an AR app, the location of your phone serves as the origin.
Container (AR)
Container (AR) starts the AR camera view, and contains all other AR widgets. This widget is the start of every AR app.
Image Tracker (AR)
ImageTracker (AR) takes an image to track. When this image is found in the camera view, it becomes the new origin of every AR widget that is embedded in it. For example, if you use an ImageTracker (AR) to recognize an image, and put a Cube (AR) in it, the cube will start in the exact middle of your image:

Node (AR)
Node (AR) can help group other widgets. Everything embedded in a Node (AR) can be oriented with fixed distances and rotations from each other. Node (AR) also has a feature that can make the objects in it ‘billboard’ to the camera, which is useful for UI like elements. To see an example of this, check AR-Examples > Car Color Picker and note the spheres above the car.
Visual Widgets
Visual widgets are widgets that add a virtual object to the scene.
Cube (AR)

Sphere (AR)

Square (AR)

3D Object (AR)

Beyond using simple 3D objects, there are also ways to add more complex and custom objects to your scene. The 3D object widget takes a URL. There are currently 3 types supported: .obj, .gltf, and .glb. Each type has its own benefits.
Common Settings
All AR widgets share these settings:
General tab
- Position
- Rotation
- Scale
Material tab
Interaction tab
Events tab
General Tab
Position describes where an object should be. In AR, position can be a bit confusing. This is why most positioning is relative to a parent node.
This either means that the origin of (0,0,0) is in the middle of the ImageTracker (AR), or (0,0,0) is exactly where the phone was when the user started their AR session in their space.
It is possible to set a position on visual widgets that is not relative by adding the widget directly into the Container (AR). The 0,0,0 position is then exactly where the camera starts at the beginning of the scene. After the scene has started, the position will not move along with the camera anymore.
Rotation can be used to turn an object on three different axes. When used for custom 3D objects, it will turn around the pivot point of the 3D file—the center of the object is not automatically selected.
Scale is used for setting the size of objects. Widgets that have a set object (Cube (AR), Sphere (AR), or Square (AR)) will have a size of 1 or 2 meters. Objects that are added through the 3D Object widget might not conform to that standard, unless they are correctly exported with the 1 unit = 1 meter scale. Without that standard scale, objects added with the 3D Object widget can be much larger or smaller than what the scale is set to.
Material Tab
On the Material tab, you set things like color and also the realism of the object that has to be rendered. For example, setting the Lighting Type mode to PBR will enable physically-based rendering (do not forget to set an HDR image as the reflection map and light source in the Container (AR)).
Material configurations actually render a 3D element in the camera view. Cube (AR), Sphere (AR), and Square (AR) each render a simple 3D object. Only the Square (AR) widget can sometimes be invisible from one side. The simple visual widgets come with a way to customize them through scale and material. A material for a 3D object describes what it should look like—think of it like styling. You can add a texture (image), color, and different lighting. The only difference between these objects is in appearance—the configuration is the same on each widget.
Interaction Tab
The Interaction tab is used for all actions your 3D objects can do that interact with the environment or the user.
When Enable dragging is selected, users can move this object around in their space. When Dragging type is set to Fixed distance, users will have the object at the same distance when they drag it. This means the object is ‘stuck’ to the phone while they move it around. When the Dragging type is set to Fixed to world, the object will instead be stuck to floors and walls when the user drags it around.
If Enable pinching and Enable pinch to scale are selected, users can scale the object through the pinching gesture.
Events Tab
The Events tab can be used to give feedback to the user, for example when they have tapped an object.
On Click
This On click event is called when the object is clicked or tapped by a user.
On Hover Enter
This On hover is called when the object is in the center of the screen.
On Hover Exit
This On hover exit event is called when the object leaves the center of the screen.