OPC-UA Connector

Last modified: September 23, 2024


OPC is the interoperability standard for the secure and reliable exchange of data in the industrial automation space and in other industries. You can use the OPC-UA connector with your Mendix app to communicate with an OPC-UA server. The OPC-UA connector is based on Eclipse Milo client SDK, an open-source implementation of OPC.


The OPC-UA connector consists of microflows that enable you to do the following:

  • Connect to an OPC-UA server
  • Browse nodes on an OPC-UA server
  • Read and write OPC-UA node attributes
  • Subscribe to OPC-UA data changes


The OPC-UA connector is licensed under the EPL2.0 License.


  • Studio Pro version 9.24.3 or above
  • OPC-UA server version 1.03 or above


You must have the following Marketplace module installed:


  1. Install the dependencies.
  2. Follow the instructions in Using Marketplace Content to import the OPC-UA connector into your app.

Basic Configuration

This section shows you how to quickly configure a connection to an OPC-UA server, browse for nodes, read, and write data using the template pages included in the connector.

App Startup and Shutdown

Make sure that you call the OPC-UA after-startup and before-shutdown actions (OPCUAConnector.ASU_OPCUA and OPCUAConnector.BSD_OPCUA) from your app’s after-startup and before-shutdown microflows that are configured in your App Settings.

The descriptions of the actions are as follows:

  • OPCUAConnector.ASU_OPCUA tries to reconnect to configured servers, re-monitor items, and pre-loads your app trusted certificates.
  • OPCUAConnector.BSD_OPCUA closes all open connections.

Configuring the Connection to the OPC-UA Server

  1. In Studio Pro, add the NAV_Configuration microflow to your navigation. It allows to acces the Configurations page.

  2. Assign the CanConfigure module role to a user role that will configure the connections to your server.

  3. Run the app locally and open the app.

  4. Log in as a user with the CanConfigure user role.

  5. Go to the added Configurations page.

  6. If you want to connect to a server with a message security mode Sign or Sign&Encrypt, add your client certificate by clicking Update application certificate in the upper-right corner of the page.

  7. Click New configuration in the upper-right corner of the page.

  8. Follow the instructions in the wizard to set up your connection to an OPC-UA server.

Once the configuration is saved, the APIs can be used in your application.

Browsing the OPC-UA Server

  1. In Studio Pro, assign the CanBrowse module role to a user role that will browse the OPC-UA server.

  2. Run the app locally and open the app.

  3. Log in as a user with the CanBrowse user role.

  4. Go to the Configurations page.

  5. Click Browse and see what data is available on the server.

Advanced Connection

This section shows you how to configure a connection to an OPC-UA server without the discovery service. If you have succesfully set up your configuration in the Basic Configuration section, this section can be omited and please continue to section {Using Services

  1. Create a microflow to set up a manual connection. Make sure that the microflow do the following in order:

    1. Create a ServerConfiguration.
    2. Create and associate an IdentityToken.
    3. Provide an associated ClientCertificate.
  2. Call the ServerConfiguration_Connect microflow to connect to the server.

    • If this microflow returns a TestConnectionResponse, with isSuccess to true, the connection succeeded.

    • If not, the error is shown in the ErrorMessage attribute. Read the error message and resolve the error.

  3. Trust the server certificate.

  4. Call the microflow that you created from within the application.

Server Configuration

The core information of the configuration to connect to an OPC-UA server must be stored as ServerConfiguration objects, which contain the following attributes:

  • ConfigurationName – This is the name to identify the configuration.

  • EndpointURL – This is the URL of the endpoint of the OPC-UA server.

  • IsManualConfiguration – Tis is set to true to force the end point configuration.

  • SessionTimeout – This is the requested maximum number of milliseconds a session should remain open without activity.

  • RequestTimeout – This is the requested maximum number of milliseconds a request should remain open without response.

  • MessageSecurityMode – This is the type of security to apply to messages.

    • If it is None – messages are encrypted.
    • If it is Sign – messages are signed by the client certificate.
    • If it is Sign&Encrypt – messages are signed and encrypted by the client certificate.
  • SecurityPolicyURI – This determines what algorithm to use to encrypt and sign the data.

  • _IsConnected: This is set to true when connection is open.

Identity Token

A connection to an OPC-UA server is made using an IdentityToken, similar to a user role in Mendix. The server will dictate the type of the identify token it will support.

The three options are as follows:

  • Anonymous Identity Token – This is the identity token for anonymous users, which gives access to the server without credentials.
  • Username Identity Token – This is the identity token based on a username and password combination.
  • Certificate Identity Token – This is the identity token based on a certificate. The certificate must be trusted by the OPC-UA server before it can be used.

Client Certificate

A connection to an OPC-UA server can be encrypted to provide security. Based on the response, the server will dictate which message security modes (i.e. forms of encryption) it requires for a connection.

If the MessageSecurityMode attribute of the ServerConfiguration object is set to Sign or Sign&Encrypt, the ServerConfiguration object requires a ClientCertificateHolder, with the ClientCertificate and ClientCertificatePrivateKey objects that must meet the following requirements:

  • The ClientCertificate must be an X509 formatted PEM file.
  • The ClientCertificatePrivateKey must be an encrypted PKCS8 or PKCS1 formatted PEM file.

Trusting the Server Certificate

A connection between an OPC-UA server and OPC-UA client (the Mendix application) can only be established if both identities have been acknowledged by the respective parties. For the client side, this means the client should trust the certificate of the server.

To do so, add the server certificate to the Mendix certificate list on the Certificates tab in App Settings of Studio Pro.

The association between the client and the server certificates does not need to be set in the domain model.

If you ever want to reject a certificate from the server, remove it from the list of trusted certificates and restart the application.

Using Services

View Service

The view services enable you to navigate the content of the server. The following three implementations are provided, which are sufficient for most use cases:

  • GetRoots – This retrieves the top level nodes of the server
  • GetChildren – This retrieves the sub level node for a given node.
  • GetParent – This retrieves the parent node for a given node.

For more advanced cases, use the provided Browse action.

Browse Action

The browse action allows you to traverse from one node to others. The request object for the action is BrowseDescription, which contains the following attributes:

  • Nodeid – This is the ID of the node from where you want to browse.

  • BrowseDirections – This specifies the direction to traverse.

  • NodeIdReferenceTypeID – This specifies the node ID of the reference type to follow. If it is left empty, all references are returned.

  • IncludeSubTypes – This indicates whether subtypes of the ReferenceType are included.

  • NodeClassMask – This specifies which NodeClasses will be returned. If no value is provided, no filter will be applied. This is an integer attribute. The interpretation is a set of bits as described in the table below. You need to sum up the values to create the mask. For example: browsing only object, variable, and view is represented in binary by [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1], which has to be set up as 1 + 2 + 128 = 131 for the integer value.

    Bit Node class Value
    0 Object 1
    1 Variable 2
    2 Method 4
    3 ObjectType 8
    4 VariableType 16
    5 ReferenceType 32
    6 DataType 64
    7 View 128
  • ResultMask – This specifies the fields in the reference description structure that will be returned. This is an integer attribute. The interpretation is a set of bits as described in the table below. You need to sum up the values to create the mask. For example: requesting only the field DisplayName is represented in binary by [0,0,0,0,1,0], which has to be set up as 16 for the integer value.

    Bit Node class Value
    0 ReferenceType 1
    1 IsForward 2
    2 NodeClass 4
    3 BrowseName 8
    4 DisplayName 16
    5 TypeDefinition 32

    The response of the Browse action returns a browse response object. There is a StatusCode associated to the response, which represents the status of the call. The response can contain one or more BrowseNode objects. These are the references from the response. BrowseNode contains the following fields:

    • Nodeid – This is the ID of the referenced node.
    • BrowseName – This is the browse name of the referenced node.
    • DisplayName – This is the display name of the referenced node.
    • NodeClass – This is the node class of the referenced node. If the server does not allow returning as many references as requested, the response will contain a continuation point that can be used in future calls to retrieve more references.

Attribute Services

The attribute services enable you a client access data on a server. In particular, the OPC-UA connector lets you read data from and write data to the server.

These exposed actions deserve some additional guidance, as the data a client receives and the data the server requires can differ greatly between calls. This is all due to the highly flexible and customizable nature of an OPC-UA protocol. See the Read Action section and the Write Action section below as well as the documentation in the microflows and domain model in Studio Pro.

The data model of an OPC-UA server consists of a set of Node objects. These nodes can have one of the following values for their NodeClasses attribute: DataType, Method, Object, ObjectType, ReferenceType, Variable, VariableType, or View. Each of these has their own set of properties. For the purpose of each and the set of properties, see the documentation in the domain model of the specializations of the Node entities in Studio Pro.

To make it easier to get the information on a node, a GetNodeDetails action is provided, which reads all properties of the node and puts them in the correct specialization of the Node entity.

For more advanced cases, use the read action as described below.

Read Action

The read action allows you to read specific attributes of a node. The request object for the action is ReadNodeRequest, which contains a list of ReadNodeReadValueIDs.

Each ReadNodeReadValueID object specifies the attributes of the nodes you want to read. Upon executing the read action, a ReadNodeResponse object is returned. This object contains a list of ReadNodeResponseResults, each corresponding to the attributes requested, in the same order they were specified.

Each ReadNodeResponseResult object contains a DataValue attribute. This is the raw payload returned from the OPC-UA Server.

To read the VALUE attribute on a VariableNode, set the NodeId on your ReadNodeReadValueId to the right node ID and the AttributeId to ENUM_AttributeId.VALUE.

The corresponding DataValue attributes depends on the type of the datatype, as shown in the table below:

Data type Example read response Example write request Conversion
Boolean {“value”:true} “true”
{“value”: 1} “1”
{“value” : { “value” : 1}} “1”
{“value” : 1.0} “1.0” or “3.0E20”
String {“value” : “string” } “string”
DateTime {“value” : {“utcTime” : 11335116845776939}} “2007-12-03T10:15:30” CommunityCommons.LongToDateTime
Guid {“value”: “cd1fdbc3-1f45-4fe8-9bff-b4927d5401c4”} “cd1fdbc3-1f45-4fe8-9bff-b4927d5401c4”
ByteString {“value” : {“bytes”:[-1]}} “0xFF”
XMLElement {“value” : { “fragment” : “\u003cprice\u003e29.99\u003c/price\u003e”}} <price>30.00</price> CommunityCommons.HTMLToPlainText
NodeID {“value” : {“namespaceIndex”: {“value”: 1}, “identifier”:“1”}} “ns=1;i=1000”
ExpandedNodeID {“value” : {“namespaceIndex”: {“value”: 1}, “identifier”:“1”}, “serverIndex” : {“value” : 0}} not supported
StatusCode {“value” : {“value” : 0}} “0” Use the _Value attribute on StatusCode
QualifiedName {“value” : {“namespaceIndex” : {“value” : 1}, “name” : “string”}} not supported
LocalizedText {“value” : {“locale” : “en”, “text”: “hello”}} “hello” Currently always writes in “en” locale

Write Action

The Write action allows you to write to specific attributes on a node. The request object for the action is a WriteNodeRequest, which contains a list of WriteNodes.

The WriteNode objects describe how and what to write to a node.

The Write node action returns a WriteNodeResponse object. The object contains a list of WriteNodeStatusCode that contains the statuses of the written attributes in the same order as the request. Check the statuses to know whether the action succeeded.

To write the VALUE attribute on a VariableNode, set the NodeId on your WriteNode to the right node ID, the AttributeId to ENUM_AttributeId.VALUE, and the Payload to one based on the table above in the Read Action section and the VariantType to the correct type.

Subscription and Monitored Item Services

The subscription and monitored item services enable you to receive notification upon a change of a monitored value. A subscription is a client-defined endpoint so that your OPC-UA server can send notification to your Mendix application. A monitored item corresponds to a specific attribute on a node that is monitored.

In order to monitor items, create a microflow that does the following:

  1. Call CreateSubscription action.
  2. Create MonitorItem objects for each attribute to be monitored, with the following fields specified: NodeID, AttributeID, MicroflowName, associated to the created Subscription.
  3. Do not use the Mendix commit, use instead the provided CommitMonitoredItem or CommitMonitoredItems action.

When a notification comes in, the microflow specified by MicroflowName on the monitored item will be triggered.

Use the full name of the microflow, which has this format: MODULENAME.MICROFLOWNAME.

Below are the parameters that can be used when calling a microflow on a notification (not all the parameters are required):

  • MessageMonitoredItem – This parameter contains the MonitoredItem information, that is, how the notification was generated.
  • MessageMonitoredItemReadValueID – This parameter contains the information on what node and attribute was read.
  • MessageDataValue – This parameter contains the information on the actual read value on the Value attribute.

Check out the example microflow EXAMPLE_MonitoredItem_LogDefaultMessage in the USE_ME > 12.MonitoredItems_service_set folder. This microflow simply takes the information from the notification and logs it.

To stop receiving notifications, call the Delete MonitoredItem(s) action from the Toolbox.

Technical Reference

The module includes technical reference documentation for the available entities, enumerations, activities, and other items that you can use in your application. You can view the information about each object in context by using the Documentation pane in Studio Pro.

The Documentation pane displays the documentation for the currently selected element. To view it, perform the following steps:

  1. In the View menu of Studio Pro, select Documentation.
  2. Click the element for which you want to view the documentation.