
Last modified: February 18, 2025


The dashboard is where you find all information about the results of your tests. It is split into two parts: Current Status and 7-Day History infographics and the Recent Tests result tree.


Infographics are the first thing you see when you open your app in ATS. These charts show you the current status and the states of the past seven days of your tests. They include the results of all your test cases. Data-driven tests are counted as a single test case.

For the 7-Day History, a snapshot of the current test states is taken every day at 23:59 UTC.


To generate a PDF report of the status of your tests, click Download Report. A dialog box will open allowing you to select between two reporting options for determining the items included in the report: All or Selected. If you select All, then all test suites and test cases will be included in the report. If you select Selected, then you can add one or more test cases, test suites, or folders that you want to be part of the report.

When you are happy with your selection (or you have just chosen All), you can proceed with the reporting process by clicking Generate. This will open a second dialog box where you will get a summary infographic, similar to the one that you see on the Dashboard. At this point, you can download the report by clicking Download. You can cancel the process at any point by clicking the button.

Recent Tests

Under Recent Tests, you can find detailed information about the status of all your test cases and test suites. You can see the duration since the latest completed run, a counter of passed/total test cases, and the success rate. The success rate is calculated using the results of all the containing test cases.

For data-driven tests, the dataset is displayed in the test data column. The counter of a data-driven test cases shows the passed/total test runs of the related dataset records at the time of execution.

The results of your test cases are displayed as the following labels:

Label Meaning
Passed The test was completed successfully.
Failed The test has failed.
Not Executed The execution of this test was skipped or it has not been run yet.

The following three icons exist for test cases, test suites, and data-driven test cases:

Icon Meaning
Test case
Test suite
Data-driven test case

To open the latest execution log, click Show Log. When you click the name of a test case/test suite, the edit page opens.


There are two roles in ATS, which are at first assigned to the user by the system itself but can be changed manually later. These are described below.


The Tester role is assigned to a user when they have at least one Team Server project licensed in ATS. A tester has access to all the data and actions that are necessary for writing and executing tests in ATS.

App Admin

The App Admin role is assigned to a user when they have the app settings permission of the Team Server project in the Mendix Portal. The app settings permission is by default part of the Scrum Master role in the Mendix Portal. An App Admin also has access to the app settings page described in the next section.


Settings is the central point for configuring ATS. You can set the Mendix API Key, add your deployments, and add your Selenium hubs. You can also find an overview of all the testers and administrators of your app.


Under Environments, you add the different environment URLs that you use for the current app. The user selects one of these to use in their test case. ATS executes the test case/test suite against that environment.

You edit, create, and delete the applications by clicking the buttons in the top bar:

When you create a new application, set the following parameters:

Field Description
Name The name of the application.
URL The URL under which the Mendix application to test is running.

Selenium Hubs

Under Selenium Hubs, you add the different Selenium hubs that you use for the current app. The users run the tests on the listed hubs. To add a new Selenium hub, click New in the top menu:

In the Edit Selenium Hub dialog box, set the following parameters:

Field Description
Name The name of the Selenium hub.
URL The URL of the Selenium server.
Custom Capabilities¹ Sets the Selenium DesiredCapabilities (for more information, see Class DesiredCapabilities).

ATS automatically retrieves the parallel test session limit from the Selenium hub. This limit is updated every 15 minutes. If ATS is not able to get the limit from the Selenium hub, it is set to one single test execution at a time.

Access Rights Control from ATS

Under App Team, you can specify which app members have what type of access rights for an app.

By default, app members with the Scrum Master role in the Mendix Portal will have administrative rights. All other members of the app will get No access for that app. Please keep in mind that users still need to be a member of an app in Apps for them to be eligible to be app administrators for the corresponding app in ATS.

App members that have a No access role will not see the app in their My apps page and will not be able to open or edit or run any test cases for this app.

In order to make sure that the administration rights granted to users are not overwritten, administration rights are not automatically revoked when the app role for a user in the Mendix Portal changes from administrator to non-administrator. Instead, revoking administration rights can be done manually from the App Settings page. Other existing users’ access will be updated when they log in to ATS or when an administrator refreshes the app access rights by clicking on the corresponding button. New members of a project in the Mendix Portal have to log in to ATS and accept the terms and conditions before they can become members of an app in ATS.

Finally, note that a user who has an administrative app role in the Mendix Portal will always have administrative rights in ATS.

Execution Log Cleanup

ATS automatically deletes execution logs that are older than 90 days. Here you can change for how many days ATS keeps the execution logs. ATS keeps the execution logs at least for one day.

Mendix API Key

The Mendix API Key is used to synchronize stories between the Mendix Portal and ATS.

You must set this key, otherwise you cannot use your user stories in ATS. Be aware that after you have set the Mendix API key, you won’t be able to see it again. You can only set a new API key.

For information on where to find the API keys of your Mendix app, see Authentication.


The CI/CD API key is used to allow other systems or applications access to the ATS CI/CD API. Generating a new API key revokes access for any systems using the old API key. These systems are not able to access the ATS CI/CD API until they are updated with the new API key. Make sure to save the displayed API key in a secure place, as you cannot view it again in ATS.

For more information about the CI/CD API, see CI/CD API.