With the CI/CD API, you can easily integrate ATS into your automated deployment workflow. You can run a test according to predefined templates and then query its status and result. Additionally, you can rerun the test cases that were not passed for a failed test suite. For more information on how to integrate ATS into your CI/CD workflow, see the How-To ATS CI/CD.
CI/CD Templates
CI/CD Templates are predefined configurations for a remote job run. The remote job run is triggered via the run job web service. Every CI/CD Template consists of the job configuration, an associated test case or test suite, and a generated unique ID. This ID identifies the CI/CD template. An overview of all the existing CI/CD Templates is found on the CI/CD Templates tab on the Test Runs page.

Name | Description |
Type Icon | Test case, test suite. |
Name | Test case name, test suite name, or custom name. |
Browser | Firefox, Chrome. |
UID | The ID that identifies the CI/CD Template. |
You can add new CI/CD Templates by clicking Add Testcase or Add Testsuite. A dialog box will open where you select the test case or test suite for the CI/CD Template. After that, the New CI/CD Template dialog box opens.

Configure the following options in the New CI/CD Template dialog box:
Name | Description |
Name | By default, the name of the test case/test suite. Customizable. |
Environment | The environment to test. |
Selenium Hub | The Selenium hub where the test is completed. |
Browser | The browser that is used for the test: Firefox or Chrome. |
For supported Selenium hubs, like BrowserStack, further options are available. For more details, see Supported Selenium Hub Provider.
The ATS CI/CD API is based on the SOAP web service protocol. Currently there are three services available: Run Job, Get Job Status, and RerunNotPassed. The following sections show the structures of the request-and-response messages of these services.
Run Job
Starts a new job based on a CI/CD template and returns the UUID of the job which can be used to query the result.
You must include the following information in the request:
Name | Description |
username | ATSAPIUser |
password | ATSAPIUser |
AppAPIToken | The key for the CI/CD API. Generated on the App Settings page. |
AppID | The ID of your Mendix app. |
JobTemplateID | The unique ID of the CI/CD Template. |
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="">
The following table shows the data contained in the response of the Run Job service:
Name | Description |
Started | True if the test has already started. Otherwise, false. |
ErrorMessage | Contains the error message if the test failed to start. Empty if the test started successfully. |
JobID | The unique ID of the job. This ID is used to retrieve the result of the test with the Get Job Status service. |
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="">
Get Job Status
You must include the following information in the request:
Name | Description |
username | The user name of the web service user. |
password | The password of the web service user. |
AppAPIToken | The key for the CI/CD API. Generated on the App Settings page. |
JobID | The unique ID of the job returned by the Run Job service. |
AppID | The ID of your Mendix app. |
IncludeExecutionFlags¹ | Indicates whether to include execution flags (canceled, warning) in the response. |
IncludeExecutionResultBreakdown¹ | Indicates whether to include the number of passed/failed/not run test cases in the response. |
IncludeDetailsPerTestCase¹ | Indicates whether to include details (for example, name, result, duration) for each test case that was run in the response. |
¹ Optional. If left out, defaults to false
Example 1
Basic example, only returns the status and result (and error message if there is one):
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="">
Example 2
Example which also returns the number of passed/failed/not run test cases:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="">
Example 3
Example which returns the status of the execution flags and details for each test case.
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="">
The following table shows the data contained in the response of the Get Job Status service:
Name | Description |
ExecutionStatus | Status of the execution: Running or Queued. |
ErrorMessage | Contains the error message if the test failed to start. Empty if the test started successfully. |
ExecutionResult | Result of the execution: Passed or Failed. |
ExecutionFlags¹ | Status of the canceled and warning flags for the job. |
ExecutionResultBreakdown¹ | Number of test cases in this job that passed, failed, and were not run. |
ExecutionDetailsPerTestCase¹ | Name, result (Passed,Failed,Not_Executed), duration, and error message² for each completed test case. |
¹ Optional, only returned if the corresponding Include statement was set to true in the request.
² Error messages are only included for not passed testcases where a simple and short error message can be generated.
Example 1
Basic example, only returns the status and result (and error message if there is one):
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="">
Example 2
Example which also returns the number of passed, failed, and not-executed test cases:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="">
Example 3
Example which returns the status of the execution flags and details for each test case.
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="">
Rerun Not Passed
Reruns all the failed or not-executed test cases for a finished job. Returns the UUID of the new job which can be used to query the result.
You must include the following information in the request:
Name | Description |
username | ATSAPIUser |
password | ATSAPIUser |
AppAPIToken | The key for the CI/CD API. Generated on the App Settings page. |
AppID | The ID of your Mendix app. |
FinishedJobID | The unique UUID of a finished job that was started with Run Job. |
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="">
The response for Rerun Not Passed is identical with the response for Run Job in the 3.1.3 Response section above.