Pull to Refresh
Last modified: November 19, 2024
This widget is deprecated.
The Pull to Refresh widget enables the end-user to pull down on mobile apps to trigger a page refresh or a synchronization for offline apps.
- Overlay with icon and message shown when pulling down
- Refresh current page when online
- Works when offline and re-syncs when back online
- Message for pull, release, and reload
- Cancel refresh when swiping up
- Does not interfere with scroll behavior
- When refreshing a page, the list view does not keep Load more items
- Only works when app is scrolled to top
To use this widget, follow these steps:
- Place the widget on a page or layout.
- Add the following on the Display tab:
- Text when pulling down
- Release to refresh text
- Text when refreshing
- Text when pulling down
- In the client, pull down the page until the Release to refresh text appears in order to refresh the page.