Rich Text
This documentation applies to Rich Text widget versions 4.0 and above.
For documentation on Rich Text widget versions 3 with TinyMCE, see Rich Text v3. For documentation on Rich Text widget versions 2 with CKEditor4, see Rich Text v2.
Due to TinyMCE changing its public license, we transitioned to the Quill V2 library in Rich Text 4.
The Rich Text widget provides the user with an WYSIWYG editor, where the user can enter and edit rich-text content. The widget automatically converts the rich-text content into a string in HTML format, which can be stored in an attribute of an entity.

- Allows the user to enter and format text in a WYSIWYG editor
- Configures which buttons are available on the toolbar of the editor
- Automatically outputs the formatted text in a string in HTML format
- Sanitizes the user’s input automatically
- Supports spelling and grammar checker in the editor
- Supports code highlight, which enables the user to insert code fragments and have a live preview with highlighted syntax
. Thus, page styling will directly affect the rich text’s styling.
To configure this widget, follow these steps:
- Place the rich text widget in a data view, list view, or a template grid with a data source that has a string attribute to store the rich-text content.
- Double-click the rich text widget to open the Edit Rich Text dialog box.
- Configure the widget using the properties described in the sections below.
General Tab
Data source
- Value attribute (required) – sets a String attribute to store the rich-text content
- Show label
- Yes – if selected, you can define the label caption
- Label caption – defines the label caption of the widget that is displayed on the page
- No (default) – if selected, there is no label for this widget on the page
- Yes – if selected, you can define the label caption
- Enable status bar display status bar on the bottom of the editor
- Show label
- Toolbar display toolbar based on the selected location on the editor
- Basic – if selected, the following menu will be shown:
- | bold italic | numlist bullist | outdent indent | link | removeformat
- Standard – if selected, the following menu will be shown:
- | undo redo | bold italic underlined | bullist numlist loweralphalist | outdent indent | ltr rtl | alignleft aligncenter alignjustify alignright | fontfamily fontsize forecolor backcolor | link image | blockquote codesample codeblock (view/edit)code | removeformat
- Full – if selected, the following menu will be shown:
- | undo redo | bold italic underlined strikethrough | superscript subscript | bullist numlist loweralphalist checklist | outdent indent | ltr rtl | alignleft aligncenter alignjustify alignright | fontfamily fontsize forecolor backcolor | link image video formula | heading | blockquote codesample codeblock (view/edit)code | removeformat
- Custom – allows you to make your own menubar selection based on the full selection list
- Basic – if selected, the following menu will be shown:
- Location
- Sticky – if selected, toolbar will be placed on the top of the editor and sticky position will apply upon scrolled
- Top – if selected, toolbar will be placed on the top of the editor
- Bottom – if selected, toolbar will be placed on the bottom of the editor
- Hide – if selected, toolbar will be hidden or not shown
- Toolbar display toolbar based on the selected location on the editor
Editable – determines when user can edit content in the editor and when it is read-only.
For more information, see Editability Section in the Studio Pro Guide.- Read-only style - determines the style of the rich text when set to read-only
Visible – determines if the widget is visible on the page
For more information, see Visibility Section in the Studio Pro Guide.
Custom Toolbar Tab
- Custom – allows you to make your toolbar with customized options
- Toolbar group
Basic (default) – if selected, you can select which of the following toolbar groups are available in the toolbar
- Edit history - items: undo, redo
- Font style - items: bold, italic, underline, strikethrough
- Font script - items: superscript, subscript
- List - items: bullist numlist loweralphalist checklist
- Indentation - items: outdent, indent, ltr rtl
- Embedded media - items: link, image, video, formula
- Alignment - items: alignleft aligncenter alignjustify alignright
- Syntax - items: blockquote, codesample, codeblock, (view/edit)code
- Font colors - items: fontfamily, fontsize, forecolor, backcolor
- Content type - items: header
- Removal - items: clear
Advanced – if selected, you can configure buttons for different toolbar groups
All the toolbar groups that you configure will be available in the toolbar. With vertical bars or separator options ("|"), you can separate different toolbar groups.- New – opens the Edit Advanced Groups Item dialog box where you can add a new button to a toolbar group
- Button – specifies the button to be included in the toolbar
- Delete – deletes the selected button
- Edit – opens the Edit Advanced Groups Item dialog box where you can make changes to the selected button
- New – opens the Edit Advanced Groups Item dialog box where you can add a new button to a toolbar group
- Toolbar group
Dimensions Tab
- Width unit – the width of the widget
- Percentage – specifies the width in relation to the rest of the elements on the page
- Pixels – specifies the width in pixels
- Width – used as an appropriate CSS value
- Height unit – the height of the widget
- Percentage of width – specifies the height in relation to the width
- Pixels – specifies the height in pixels
- Percentage of parent – specifies the width in relation to the rest of the elements on the page
- Height – used as an appropriate CSS value
- Minimum height – applicable if height is relative to parent’s percentage
Events Tab
- On change – specifies an action to execute when the user changes the value of the editor
- On change type - specifies which type of event that will trigger the on change action
- When user leaves input field - if selected, an on change action will be triggered when user moves focus out of the editor
- While user is entering data - if selected, an on change action will be triggered each time a data change occurs
- On change type - specifies which type of event that will trigger the on change action
- On enter – specifies an action to execute when the user focuses on the editor
- On leave – specifies an action to execute when the user move focus out of the editor
- On load – specifies an action to execute after the editor is fully loaded in the DOM
Advanced Tab
- Enable spell checking – configures to use the browser’s native spell checker
Common Tab
For more information, see Common Section in Properties Common in the Page Editor.