Rich Text v2
This documentation applies to Rich Text widget versions 2 which uses CKEditor4 library.
For documentation on Rich Text widget versions 4 with QuillV2, see Rich Text documentation. For documentation on Rich Text widget versions 3 with TinyMCE, see Rich Text v3 documentation.
The Rich Text widget provides the user with an WYSIWYG editor, where the user can enter and edit rich-text content. The widget automatically converts the rich-text content into a string in HTML format, which can be stored in an attribute of an entity.

- Allows the user to enter and format text in a WYSIWYG editor
- Configures which buttons are available on the toolbar of the editor
- Automatically outputs the formatted text in a string in HTML format
- Sanitizes the user’s input automatically or with advanced, customized filters, and display the text
- Enables the user to wrap text elements using the keyboard shortcut Enter or Shift + Enter
- Supports spelling and grammar checker in the editor
- Supports code highlight, which enables the user to insert code fragments and have a live preview with highlighted syntax
- Supports the following keyboard shortcuts in the editor:
- Ctrl + B – bold
- Ctrl + I– italicize
- Ctrl + U – underline
- Ctrl + Z – undo
- Ctrl + Y – redo
- Ctrl + C – copy
- Ctrl + V – paste
- Minus sign + Space – starts a list
- Tab – moves the focus to the next element
To configure this widget, follow these steps:
- Place the Rich Text widget in a Data View, a List View, or a Template Grid with a data source that has a String attribute to store the rich-text content.
- Double-click the Rich Text widget to open the Edit Rich Text dialog box.
- Configure the widget using the properties described in the sections below.
General Tab
Editor style
Toolbar (default) – if selected, the toolbar is always displayed
- Inline – if selected, the toolbar pops up only when the user starts typing in the editor
Value attribute (required) – sets a String attribute to store the rich-text content
Sanitize content
- Yes (default) – if selected, untrusted strings in user’s content gets removed
- No – if selected, untrusted strings in user’s content is not removed
Read-only style – defines how the editor looks when the editor becomes read-only
The editor becomes read-only when the Editable property is set to Never or Condition returnsfalse
.- Rich text – if selected, only text is shown
- Bordered – if selected, text is shown in a frame
- Bordered toolbar – if selected, text is shown in a frame and the toolbar is also visible, but the user cannot make any changes
Editable – determines when user can edit content in the editor and when it is read-only
For more information, see Editability Section in the Studio Pro Guide. -
Show label
- Yes – if selected, you can define the label caption
- Label caption – defines the label caption of the widget that is displayed on the page
- No (default) – if selected, there is no label for this widget on the page
- Yes – if selected, you can define the label caption
Visible – determines if the widget is visible on the page
For more information, see Visibility Section in the Studio Pro Guide.
Toolbar Tab
- Presets – defines which pre-set buttons are included in the editor
Basic – if selected, the editor contains buttons suitable for quick input fields
- Standard – if selected, the editor contains buttons used for creating standards-compliant content
- Full – if selected, the editor contains plenty of buttons suitable for various different needs
Custom – allows you to make your toolbar with customized options
- Toolbar group
Basic (default) – if selected, you can select which of the following toolbar groups are available in the toolbar
- Document Group
- Clipboard Group
- Editing Group
- Forms group
- Separator group
- Basic style group
- Paragraph group
- Links group
- Separator 2 group
- Styles group
- Colors group
- Tools group
- Others group
Advanced – if selected, you can configure buttons for different toolbar groups
All the toolbar groups that you configure will be available in the toolbar. The buttons that have the same Toolbar ID will be grouped together, with vertical bars ("|") separating different toolbar groups.- New – opens the Edit Advanced Groups Item dialog box where you can add a new button to a toolbar group
- Button – specifies the button to be included in the toolbar group
- Toolbar ID – specifies the ID of the toolbar group in which this button should be included
- Delete – deletes the selected button
- Edit – opens the Edit Advanced Groups Item dialog box where you can make changes to the selected button
- New – opens the Edit Advanced Groups Item dialog box where you can add a new button to a toolbar group
- Toolbar group
Dimensions Tab
- Width unit – the width of the widget
- Percentage – specifies the width in relation to the rest of the elements on the page
- Pixels – specifies the width in pixels
- Width – used as an appropriate CSS value
- Height unit – the height of the widget
- Percentage of width – specifies the height in relation to the width
- Pixels – specifies the height in pixels
- Percentage of parent – specifies the width in relation to the rest of the elements on the page
- Height – used as an appropriate CSS value
Events Tab
- On key press – specifies an action to execute when the user presses any keyboard key or a combination of keyboard keys
- On change – specifies an action to execute when the user changes any content in the editor
Advanced Tab
- Enter mode – defines which of the following elements is wrapped when the user presses the Enter key:
- Paragraph (
) - Break lines (
) - Blocks (
- Paragraph (
- Shift enter mode – defines which of the following elements is wrapped when the user presses the Shift + Enter keys:
- Paragraph (
) - Break lines (
) - Blocks (
- Paragraph (
- Spellchecker
- Yes (default) – if selected, the inline spelling and grammar checker is enabled
- No – if selected, the inline spelling and grammar checker is disabled
- Enable code highlight
Yes – if selected, the Insert Code Snippet button below becomes available in the toolbar, which enables the user to insert a code snippet that is displayed with highlighted syntax in the editor
No (default) – if selected, the Insert Code Snippet button is unavailable in the toolbar
- Advanced content filtering
Auto (default) – if selected, the content is sanitized automatically
Custom – if selected, you can customize how content is sanitized with the following items:
- Allowed content – specifies tags that are allowed, for example,
h1 h2 h3 p blockquote strong em del ins table tr th td caption
- Disallowed content – specifies tags that get removed
For more information about how to use tags for content filtering, see the Custom ACF Mode section in Advanced Content Filter – Custom Mode - Allowed content – specifies tags that are allowed, for example,
Common Tab
For more information, see Common Section in Properties Common in the Page Editor.
Strict CSP Compatibility
This widget is not yet fully compliant with strict content security policy (CSP). If used with strict CSP, it will result in CSP errors in the console and potentially broken flows in the widget. For more information on CSP compliance, see Widget CSP Overview.
Widgets Below Version 2.0.0
Format selected text
HTML output of formatted text
Show editor options either on a toolbar or as a bubble
Use the custom option to select which editing options you want to show
Input and display text is sanitized – all unsupported HTML tags and JavaScript is removed for security reasons. The following are supported:
- Tags:
- Attributes:
- For all tags:
- For all tags:
- Attributes:
- Schemes:
To be fully secure, all user HTML input should be sanitized on the server side too. This could be done with the XSSSanitize action found in the Community Commons. When the option ‘Sanitize content’ is set to ‘false’ server side sanitating is required before showing any HTML content. - Tags:
The following limitation applies to the rich text widget:
- A hover style issue affecting the toolbar occurs when display size is not set to 100%. This is because major browsers do not calculate correct pixel size on the widget border in CKEditor toolbar styling. The browsers scale pixels based on screen density to ensure information is displayed well across a variety of screen sizes. The side effect of this, however, is that CKEditor toolbar styling cannot give absolute calculations for pixel size.
- When the keyboard input is set to a language which uses input method editors (IME) to offer suggestions via a drop-down (for example Japanese or Chinese), pressing Space to select a suggestion can cause the drop-down to close without selecting any suggestion. This sends a result of no entered value for CKEditor to read. If the user wants to submit or save this value, CKEditor misses handling this IME behavior. This chain of events may print errors in the browser console, and cause rendering issues in older Rich Text Format (RTF) versions.