Curate Registered Assets
Curators, owners of services, and Mendix Admins can curate registered assets. Curation in the Catalog is the process of enriching the metadata and providing further information about the exposed services, datasets and attributes, and deleting irrelevant or outdated services. You can add custom application icons, Catalog-specific descriptions, and tags to supplement the registered metadata. Curate functions in the Catalog include setting the Discoverability of services, indicating whether the service is validated, and specifying the Business and Technical Owners.
Users who can curate assets in the Catalog are as follows:
- Owners of a registered service – can curate their own services which include those that have been set to Not discoverable
- Curators and Mendix Admins – can curate and find all registered assets in the Catalog
Owners and Curators can also get an overview of the registered assets they own and curate from the Curate page in the Catalog.
Curate List
Owners and curators of registered assets can click Curate from the Catalog home page to see the curation list screen. This page provides an overview of all the registered assets you can curate as an owner under the My Assets tab. Curators will also see the Company Assets tab that lists all the registered assets:

These lists include registered service and also individual datasets that are exposed for the service.
You can search for specific assets by entering a search string in the search bar or Filter by: Asset Type, Application, Environment Type, Technology, or Discoverable assets.
The list can be sorted by any of the columns by clicking on the column header.
Click View to display the asset details. You can then perform curate actions to add Catalog-specific information to the asset metadata.
Curate Page
Curation is performed on the Edit Services screen. If you are a curator or owner of an asset, you will see the option to Edit the selected item.
When a service is selected, click Edit to do the following:
- Add or edit the description of the service
- Set the service as Validated and/or Discoverable
- Validated – indicates the service has been validated
- Discoverable – determines if the service is visible and can be found (and consumed) by users of the Catalog; if a service is set to Not discoverable, only the owners of the service (Business and Technical) and curators can find the registered service
- Add new tags to your service
When a dataset is selected, click Edit the dataset to do the following:
- Add or edit the description of the dataset
- Set the dataset as Validated
- Search for and add descriptions of the attributes
Editing the Metadata of an App
The curate functions that are available for a selected service are to change Service, Application, and Authentication details This section describes the application details that can be changed: changing owners or changing the application icon.
You can curate application details from the Application tab as follows:
Click Edit > Application tab.
The Application tab is displayed:
Changing Owners of an App
The Business Owner and Technical Owner are displayed as a link in the Application tab so users can contact them through the provided email.
By default, the Technical Owner for a registered asset is the user who registered the service through the deployment pipeline in Studio Pro. The owners can also be specified during manual registration using one of the connectors on the Catalog home page and when registering assets using the Catalog API.
Changing the Business and Technical Owners of an App
To change the Business Owner or Technical Owner from the Application tab, click in the name field of the Business or Technical owner. You can start typing or select a name from the drop-down list. Mendix Platform users will be displayed with their avatar and custom owners will be shown with an avatar that displays their initials.
The Technical Owner can only be changed in Control Center, not within the Catalog. For more information, see the Owners section of Catalog.
Adding a Custom Owner
When curating the owners of an application, you can specify an owner who is not a registered Mendix user but is the technical contact point for the application (the Technical Owner) or the owner of the data that is made available in the app (the Business Owner). The name and the contact email must be provided.
Curators can manage the lists of custom owners as an administration task. For more information, see the Owners section of Catalog.
To add a custom Business Owner, follow these steps:
On the Application tab, if you start typing the name of an owner and it is not in the drop-down list, you will be prompted to Create it. Click on the prompt and the Enter New Custom Owner Details pop-up is displayed.
Enter the Name and Email of the owner and click Save.
When you create or select a custom owner for an application, this will be displayed in the Application tab as a link to the email specified. Custom owners will have curate or access rights to the Catalog or the asset in the Catalog. Only Mendix users that are added as an owner can curate assets they own. -
Click Save to return to the Application tab. Click Save to return to the Service details page where the changes will be displayed in the right-hand metadata pane.
Changing the App Icon
You can change the icon that is displayed for the app and service by uploading your own custom application icon or selecting one from the icon library. The selected icon will be displayed for all endpoints of the application and service, such as the Catalog search results and in the Mendix Studio Pro Integration pane.
When you change an application icon, all services that are registered in the Catalog for that application will show the new icon.
Currently, by default, the application icon is determined by the application type when the service is registered. For example, for Mendix apps the Mendix icon is displayed which identifies the technology of the source app.
Uploading a Custom Icon Image File
When you want to upload a custom icon or image, the following apply:
The accepted file types are .png, .jpg, and .jpeg.
The maximum accepted file size is 50 KB.
The minimum recommended image size is 64 pixels x 64 pixels. You can crop larger images and files, then select the area you want to display during the upload operation.
If smaller images are selected, they will be expanded to meet the 64 x 64 size which may result in a loss of image quality. Ensure that your original file meets the recommendations for an optimal display. -
Custom icons that are uploaded will be saved to the Icon Library and can be used for other apps.
To Upload a different icon for the app, follow these steps:
In the Application tab of the selected service, click Upload a different icon to display the Upload Application Icon pop up:
Drag the image file into the upload area or click Upload to browse and select a file from your file system. Click Step 2: Crop image to proceed.
Move the wire-frame to select an area of the loaded image and change the size of the wire-frame to crop the image to the area that you want to use. When you are satisfied, click Apply Changes.
For high-resolution images, there will be a warning if the selected area exceeds the size limit. Select a smaller area of the image to reduce the file size. -
A preview of the application icon is shown. Click Save to upload the selected icon.
The Application tab will now show the selected icon:
Click Save to return to the Service details page. The custom icon will be stored in the Icon Library.
Selecting an Icon from the Library
An alternative to uploading an icon is to use an existing icon by clicking select one from your library. The icons for your Catalog will be shown and you can select one and click Change Icon.
Editing the Metadata of a Service
You can curate service to add a Catalog description and add tags.
Adding or Editing a Catalog Description
If a description was included in the contract, it will be displayed in the Service details page for the selected service. You can add a description or edit an existing description for the Catalog. They are included in searches.
To edit the asset metadata, follow these steps:
On the Curate page, click Edit to display the Edit Service
The description from the service metadata is displayed in the Description provided by the contract. This cannot be changed, as it is part of the service definition. You can provide an alternative description in the Description box.
Add a description. This will be stored with the service details in the Catalog.
Click Save to save the changes and return to the Service details page, which will now display the selected description.
Adding or Editing Tags to a Service
Add tags to categorize a registered service and provide additional means for finding the service. Tags that are specified for a service also apply to the datasets and attributes that are exposed in the service. Specify tags for the selected service by following these steps:
On the Service details page of a selected service, click Edit to display the Edit Service screen.
To add tags, click the empty Tags input area:
To add or edit the tags, enter a tag string and press Enter or select one from the list of existing tags that are used in the Catalog. To separate multiple tags, use spaces.
Tags can only contain lower-case letters, numbers, and underscores. They must have a minimum of 2 characters. If you use capital letters when typing the tag string, they will be converted to lower-case. -
You can enter multiple tags separated by spaces. You can remove tags by clicking the .
When you are finished specifying the tags, click Save to register the changes. The tags will be shown on the Service details page.
Adding Authentication to a Service
Publishers of a service can let consuming developers know what they will need to identify themselves when consuming a service. Add this later if not configured during the registration step.
For a description of supported authentication methods, see the Selecting an Authentication Method section of Register Resources in the Catalog.
Discoverable and Validated
The discoverable and validated properties of registered assets can be set from the Edit Service page for the selected asset.
The discoverability is set at a service level. When a service is registered in the Catalog, Discoverable is set to the company’s default value, which is configured by the Mendix Admin in Control Center. If Discoverable is on for a service, all users can find the asset and see the details. The Discoverable setting will apply to all datasets that are exposed in the service.
When the Discoverable setting is turned off, it will only be visible to the owners of the service, curators, and the Mendix Admin. All other users of the Catalog (and through the Catalog integrations in Studio Pro) will not be able to see an asset whose discoverability is turned off.
When a service is set to Not discoverable, the service, and the datasets that are exposed cannot be found by other users (except by owners and curators). However, there may be instances of the same datasets in the Catalog, from the same apps, that are available through other discoverable services.
To change the discoverability of a service, follow these steps:
- In the Catalog, select the desired service.
- If you have curation rights, the Edit button is displayed. Click the Discoverable toggle to turn it on or off.
A message is displayed to indicate the discoverability of the asset and the discoverability icon is updated in the search results and Service details page.
The Validated property can be assigned to a service or a dataset to indicate, for example, that it has been qualified and is a reliable asset. You can turn it on and off by clicking the Validated toggle. A validated service or dataset is indicated by the validation shield on the Service details page and in the search results pane.
Setting an asset as Validated contributes to the weighting of the asset in the search results. This means that Validated assets will be listed before unvalidated assets in the results.
Deleting a Service
Owners of a service can delete their own services. Anyone with curation rights (Mendix Admins or curators) can delete any service within the company. This ensures that their Catalog is free of outdated or irrelevant services.
Deleting something from the Catalog only removes the metadata registration. It does not affect the publishing application or any applications that are consuming the service.
To delete a service, click the delete icon (red trash can) on the Service details page, then click Delete.