Mendix Community
The Mendix Community is where Mendix community members come together to help each other with questions and answers, exchange information, and propose ideas for improving the Mendix Platform.
The Mendix Community is closely integrated with the Mendix Profile so that Mendix community members can see all the interesting and useful information about who is participating in the Mendix Community. If someone clicks your name anywhere in the Mendix Community, your profile will open, so make sure to make your Mendix Profile public so everyone can see your details and progress!
Click Create a Post to ask a question, start an exchange with the community, or share an idea.
Under PERSONAL, you can find Community Feed, Bookmarks, and Posts.
Community Feed
Clicking PERSONAL > Community Feed brings you back to the home page of the Mendix Community.
In PERSONAL > Bookmarks, the following tabs are available:
- Questions – the questions you have bookmarked
- Exchanges – the exchanges you have bookmarked
- Ideas – the ideas you have bookmarked
In PERSONAL > Posts, the following tabs are available:
- Posted – the questions, exchanges, and ideas you have posted
- Answered – the questions you have answered
- Commented – the questions, exchanges, and ideas that you have commented on
- Drafts – the post drafts you have started
In GENERAL > Questions, you can see an overview of the questions that have been asked. Here is an example question:

Each question has the following details:
- A descriptive title
- Clicking the question title opens the specific question details page.
- The beginning of the question description, which is taken from the question details page
- The type of post (Question, Exchange, or Idea)
- The space, set by the person when asking the question
- Clicking the space opens an overview page that lists all the posts in the same space.
- Tags, set by the person when asking the question
- Clicking a tag opens an overview page that lists all the questions with the same tag.
- The number of views the question has received
- The number of answers to the question
- The number of emojis received
- The name, avatar, and points level of the Mendix community member who asked the question
- The avatars of the Mendix community members who have answered and commented
Searching and Filtering Questions
To search for a question, enter your keywords in the Search text box.
To filter the searching results, you can use the following filters:
- Status > Unanswered, Answered, or Answer Accepted
- Last Updated > Last Updated (default), Newest, or Most Popular
- Spaces – the space set when the question was asked
- Type in a Tag – the tags set when the question was asked
- Version – the Mendix version to which the question is related
Question Details
Clicking the title of a question brings you to the question details page.

On the right side of the question details page, you can see the following:
Summarize: Click this button to get a key-points summary of the discussion, generated by Maia Summarize, an AI-powered summarize assist. Maia Summarize makes it easier for you to find solutions to your questions without having to read through every answer in the thread.
Bookmark: Click this button to bookmark the question.
Question details:
When the question was Submitted
The Last activity date and time for when the question was updated
How many times the question has been Viewed
The Space of the question
- Clicking a tag opens an overview page that lists all the posts in the same space.
The Tags applied to the question
- Clicking a tag opens an overview page that lists all the questions with the same tag.
The Version set by the person when asking the question
Below the question details are the answers to the question. You can click the thumbs-up icon () or thumbs-down icon () to give your feedback on the answer based on how it addresses the question. By clicking Comment, you can comment on an answer.
In the Your Answer section, you can contribute to the Mendix Community by writing your answer in the editor and then clicking Submit Answer:

Asking Your Question
To ask your own question in the Mendix Community, follow these steps:
Click Create a Post > Ask a Question on the home page, or click Ask a Question on the Questions page.
On the Ask Your Question page, fill in the following details in the editor:
- The Space that reflects your question (for example, Connectors, Databases, or Security)
- The question Title (this is how users will first see your question, so make it descriptive and interesting)
- The question Description (add all the details about your question to make it searchable and so other users can answer it; consider including steps to reproduce the issue)
- The Mendix Studio Pro Version that is relevant to your question (only available when you select a version-dependent Space)
- The Tags that reflect the question topic (users can filter the list of questions by tag)
To upload images, drag them directly into the text editor. To resize and position an image, double-click it in the editor or click the Image button in the toolbar.
To save the post as a draft, click Save as Draft. To check your draft, go to Posts > Drafts.
To use Maia Rewrite, an AI-powered rewrite assist, to help you with your writing, click Rewrite. Maia Rewrite is an assisted writing aid integrated within the Mendix Community posting interface, which helps you to ask properly-formatted questions that are more likely to be answered!
To publish the question, click Ask Questions.
Once a question you have asked receives several answers, you can accept an answer by clicking the check mark next to the answer. You should accept the answer that properly and accurately responds to your question in the best way possible.
In GENERAL > Exchanges, there is an overview of the exchanges that have been posted. Here is an example exchange:

Each exchange has the following details:
- A descriptive title
- Clicking the exchange title opens the specific exchange details page.
- The beginning of the exchange description, which is taken from the exchange details page
- The type of post (Question, Exchange, or Idea)
- The space, set by the person when posting the exchange
- Clicking the space opens an overview page that lists all the posts in the same space.
- Tags, set by the person when posting the exchange
- Clicking a tag opens an overview page that lists all the exchanges with the same tag.
- The number of views the exchange has received
- The number of comments on the exchange
- The number of emojis received
- The name, avatar, and points level of the Mendix community member who posted the exchange
- The avatars of the Mendix community members who have commented
Searching and Filtering Exchanges
To search for an exchange, enter your keywords in the Search text box.
To filter the searching results, you can use the following filters:
- Last Updated > Last Updated (default), Newest, or Most Popular
- Spaces – the space set when the exchange was posted
- Type in a Tag – the tags set when the exchange was posted
Exchange Details
Clicking the title of an exchange brings you to the exchange details page.

On the right side of the exchange details page, you can see the following:
Bookmark: Click this to bookmark the exchange.
Exchange details:
When the exchange was Shared
The Last activity date and time for when the exchange was updated
How many times the exchange has been Viewed
The Space of the exchange
- Clicking a tag opens an overview page that lists all the posts in the same space.
The Tags applied to the exchange
- Clicking a tag opens an overview page that lists all the exchanges with the same tag.
Below the exchange details are comments on the exchange.
In the Your Comment section, you can contribute to the Mendix Community by writing your comment in the editor and then clicking Submit Comment.
Posting an Exchange
To post an exchange in the Mendix Community, follow these steps:
Click Create a Post > Exchange with Community on the home page, or click Post Exchange on the Exchanges page.
On the Create a Post page, fill in the following details in the editor:
- The Space that reflects your post
- The post Title (this is how users will first see your post, so make it descriptive and interesting)
- The post Description (add all the details about your exchange to make it searchable and so other users can comment on it; consider including steps to reproduce the issue)
- The Tags that reflect the post topic (users can filter the list of exchanges by tag)
To save the post as a draft, click Save as Draft. To check your draft, go to Posts > Drafts.
To publish the exchange, click Post Exchange.
In GENERAL > Ideas, you can see an overview of the ideas and feature requests for improving the Mendix Platform that have been submitted by Mendix community members. Here is an example idea:

Each idea has the following details:
A descriptive title
- Clicking the idea title opens the specific idea details page.
The review status of the idea:
Planned – the idea has been accepted by Mendix Product Managers and scheduled for implementation
Implemented – the idea has been implemented
Closed – the idea has been reviewed by the Product Managers but it has not been accepted
If there is no status shown, the idea has not been reviewed yet. -
The beginning of the idea description, which is taken from the idea details page
The type of post (Question, Exchange, or Idea)
The space, set by the person when posting the idea
- Clicking the space opens an overview page that lists all the posts in the same space
Tags, set by the person when posting the idea
- Clicking a tag opens an overview page that lists all the ideas with the same tag.
The number of votes on the idea
The number of views the idea has received
The number of comments on the idea
The number of emojis received
The name, avatar, and points level of the Mendix community member who posted the idea
The avatars of the Mendix community members who have commented
Searching and Filtering Ideas
To search for an idea, enter your keywords in the Search text box.
To filter the searching results, you can use the following filters:
- Status > Open, Planned, Implemented, or Closed
- Last Updated > Last Updated (default), Most Votes, or Most Recent
- Spaces – the space set when the idea was posted
- Type in a Tag – the tags set when the idea was posted
Idea Details
Clicking the title of an idea brings you to the idea details page.

On the right side of the idea details page, you can see the following:
Bookmark: Click this to bookmark the idea.
Idea details:
The review Status of the idea
When the idea was Shared
The Last activity date and time for when the idea was updated
How many times the idea has been Viewed
The Space of the idea
- Clicking a tag opens an overview page that lists all the posts in the same space.
The Tags applied to the idea
- Clicking a tag opens an overview page that lists all the ideas with the same tag.
Under the title, you can click Vote to upvote the idea based on its usefulness. By upvoting ideas, you can show the Mendix Product Managers and Mendix community what you would like to see added to the Mendix Platform The upvotes are used as input for the Mendix Product Managers and Mendix community MVPs to decide which features are nominated for implementation. The level of impact also plays a role.
If the review status of the idea has been Planned, a comment from the Mendix Product Manager about the planned implementation can appear here
Below the ideas details are the comments on the idea.
In the Your Comment section, you can contribute to the Mendix Community by writing your idea in the editor and then clicking Submit Comment.
Posting an Idea
To submit your own idea to the Mendix Community, follow these steps:
Click Create a Post > Share an Idea on the home page, or click Share an Idea on the Ideas page.
On the Share an Idea page, fill in the following details in the editor:
- The Space that reflects your idea (for example, Catalog, Marketplace, or Usability)
- The idea Title (this is how users will first see your idea, so make it descriptive and interesting)
- The idea Description (add all the details about your idea to make it searchable and so other users can vote and comment on it)
- The Tags that reflect the idea topic (users can filter the list of ideas by tag)
To save the post as a draft, click Save as Draft. To check your draft, go to Posts > Drafts.
To publish the idea, click Share Idea.
Mendix looks forward to hearing your ideas!
In spaces in the Mendix Community, you can have discussions around the topics that interest you the most. The spaces that you have joined are shown under SPACES on the left navigation menu.
Clicking Explore Spaces shows all the public spaces. Public spaces are visible to all community members. To join a space, click Join on the space card.
Moreover, it is possible to have a private space for members within your organization. While you explore spaces, click Learn More at the bottom to check this out.