
Last modified: November 29, 2024


A Mendix Admin can set up App Access Groups, which consist of end-users (who are active users of Mendix Platform in your company) who will have access to Mendix SSO-enabled apps with specific environments and roles.

Adding Access Group

To create a new group, click Add Access Group on the upper-right corner and then enter the Name and Description.

Overview of Access Groups

Click a group name on the list to bring up the group details pop-up window. Then you can click Add Member to add a Mendix Platform user in your company to the group. When you add someone to an app access group, they will automatically be granted access to the apps listed on Accessible Apps tab. After you select an app to be accessible for the group, you also need to select a specific app environment node to be accessible, in addition to specific user roles that should be able to access the app.

When you select groups in the list, Mendix Platform users in your company, or accessible apps in the group details page, a context menu will appear with options for exporting item details to an .xlsx file, deleting access groups, removing the Mendix Platform users in your company from access groups, and removing accessible apps.