Software Composition (Control Center)

Last modified: March 17, 2025


A Mendix app can consist of the Mendix Model (which includes pages, domain model, microflows, etc.), custom Java, and JavaScript. Additionally, it can use reusable components such as standard marketplace modules, widgets, Java libraries, npm packages, and the runtime version. These reusable components are dependencies, namely, components you are dependent on for your Mendix app to run.

Over time, these dependencies can become deprecated, outdated, or vulnerable. Enterprises also have policies on which of these reusable components can or cannot be used based on support, license, etc. It is important to have an easily accessible, clear view of component dependencies through the development lifecycle in order to address any security finding raised by your admins or security teams.

To enable this, the Software Composition page in Control Center provides visibility into the component dependencies in each app environment. The components displayed here will be based on the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM).


To be able to see the software composition information, make sure that you meet the following prerequisites:

  • Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) generation and the associated Software Composition capabilities are compatible with the following versions of Studio Pro: 9.24.26 and above, 10.6.12 and above, 10.12.3 and above.

  • Software composition visibility is only possible for deployment packages created via the platform services. It is not available if you manually upload the locally-created deployment package. SBOMs are created behind the scenes for each deployment package. For more information, see Create Deployment Package.

  • You must be using free or licensed Mendix Cloud or Mendix Cloud Dedicated, or Mendix for Private Cloud.

  • If your deployment package was deployed before June 14, 2024, you must create and deploy a new deployment package in order to get the software composition information populated on this page.

Software Composition Generation

a software bill of material (SBOM) is generated in the following circumstances:

  • when a new deployment package with the compatible Mendix Runtime version is created via the Mendix Portal
  • using menu option App -> Tools -> Generate Bill of Materials in Studio Pro 10.18 and above

Click View build output in the deployment package details in the Mendix Portal to see the log details. For details of SBOM generation, see SBOM Generation.

You can find the component dependencies for each non-expired, deployment package in the Software Composition page of Apps in the Mendix Portal.

After the creation of a deployment package, it may take up to a day for the Software Composition page to become visible. Mendix is working to improve the performance on this front.


On the Overview tab, you can see a list of all the deployed apps and their environments, if applicable.

Above the list, you can use the search box to search for information in the list. Next to the search box, you can filter apps by selecting the type of the cloud. You can click Export all on the right side above the list to export all the information in the list to an Excel file.

The list contains the following information:

  • App Name – This is the name of the app.
  • Environment – This is the name of the environment.
  • Runtime – This shows the Mendix Runtime version.
  • Technical Contact – This shows the Technical Contact of the app.
  • Target Cloud – This shows the type of the cloud where the deployment package is deployed. Currently, the following types of cloud are supported:
    • Mendix Free Cloud
    • Mendix Cloud (including Mendix Cloud Dedicated)
    • Private Cloud (connected)
  • Column customization ( ) – You can customize the columns of the list by clicking the icon and adjusting the selection of the check boxes.
  • View details – Click this opens the Component Summary page, if it is available. The View details button is grayed out when an SBOM is not available for the selected application environment. Ensure you are on a compatible runtime version and create a new deployment package in order to get component visibility here.

To export the information of selected items in the list to an Excel file, select the check boxes of the items in the list, and then click Selection Export that appears at the bottom of the page.

Component Summary

On the Overview tab, if you click View Details for an item in the list, the Component Summary page opens. This page shows the components of the selected app environment for your easy visual consumption.

On the top of the page, you can find the app name, the environment name, the Mendix Runtime version, the Technical Contact, and the type of the cloud where the deployment package is deployed.

For details on the information in the list and how to search, filter, and export information in the list, see the All Components section.

Downloading the Software Bill of Materials

A software bill of materials (SBOM) is a .json file in the CycloneDX format. It contains a description about the Mendix app and the components (dependencies) put into it. For more information, see SBOM Generation.

On the upper-right corner of the Component Summary page, you can click SBOM to download the software bill of materials (SBOM). Different versions of Studio Pro support different component dependencies. For details on component dependencies supported per version, see the Supported Features section in SBOM Generation.

All Components

The All Components tab gives an overview of all the unique components used across your app landscape.

Above the list, you can use the search box to search for a component name or a component version. Next to the search box, you can filter components by selecting the component type. You can click Export all on the right side above the list to export all the information in the list to an Excel file.

The list shows the following information about the component:

  • Component – This is the name of the component.

  • Type – This shows the type of the component. The type could be modules, widgets, framework, Java libraries (JAR), etc. The descriptions of each type are as follows:

    • Modules – Standard marketplace modules imported from the Marketplace, for example Community Commons
    • Widgets – User interface elements downloaded from the Marketplace, for example Charts
    • Framework – The Mendix Runtime version, for example 10.12.0
    • Jars – Java libraries imported into your app using Managed Dependencies, or those manually added in the userlib folder depending on the Studio Pro version used, for example
    • npms – npm libraries that are used in your JavaScript actions
    • Unknown – When the type of the component is none of the above and hence undetermined

    For more information, refer to SBOM Generation.

  • Support type – This shows the support type of the Marketplace component. It can be Mendix, Partner, or Community. For more information, see Content Support Categories.

  • Version – This shows the version of the component that is being used.

  • License – This shows the end-user license for the component.

  • Marketplace – This shows whether the component is Public or Private. A public component is available to the whole Mendix community in the Marketplace, while a private component is available only via your Company Content page.

  • Apps using component – This shows the number of apps where the component is used.

  • Latest version – This shows the latest version of the component.

  • Publisher – This shows the name of the organization that published the component.

  • Column customization ( ) – You can customize the columns of the list by clicking the icon and adjusting the selection of the check boxes.

  • View details – Click this opens the Component Usage page.

To export the information of selected items in the list to an Excel file, select the check boxes of the items in the list, and then click Selection Export that appears at the bottom of the page.

Component Usage

On the All Components tab, if you click View details for an item, the Component Usage page opens. This page lists the apps and the environments where the selected component is being used. If a security vulnerabilities is found in one of the components, then the component usage tab can be used to assess the impact radius.

On the top of the page, you can find the component name, the component version, the component type, the number of apps where the component is used, and the number of environments where the component is used.

For details on the information in the list and how to search, filter, and export information in the list, see the Overview section.