Install and Configure Mendix for Private Cloud Non-Interactive Mode
To support automation namespace installation and configuration we provide a non-interactive mode in our configuration tool.
Please see Download the Configuration Tool for information on how to download the configuration tool.
The following parameters may be used in the commands:
– a cluster namespace.--clusterType
– a cluster type openshift or generic.--clusterMode
– a cluster mode standalone or connected.-i
– the namespace id that is shown in the Installation tab of a namespace in the Private Cloud Portal.-s
– the namespace secret that is shown in the Installation tab of a namespace in the Private Cloud Portal.--file
– a file which contains the configuration for the namespace.
When using connected mode, you need to put namespace id and namespace secret as arguments. These parameters are used by the Mendix Gateway Agent to connect to the Private Cloud Portal. You can see these values in the installation command, as the -i and -s parameters, respectively.

Base Installation
To perform the base installation, use the following command:
./mxpc-cli base-install --namespace <namespace> -i <namespace-id> -s <namespace-secret> --clusterMode <cluster-mode> --clusterType <cluster-type>
The namespace-id and namespace-secret are only required when using Mendix for Private Cloud in connected mode.
Global Operator Namespace - Base installation
For Global Operator, the base installation should only be applied to the Global Operator namespace and not to the managed namespace. For more information, see Global Operator.
For the Global Operator main namespace, use the following command for the base installation:
./mxpc-cli base-install --namespace <namespace> -i <namespace-id> -s <namespace-secret> --clusterMode <cluster-mode> --clusterType <cluster-type> --global
Apply Configuration
To configure a standard namespace with a configuration file, use the following command:
./mxpc-cli apply-config -i <namespace-id> -s <namespace-secret> --file <config-file>
For namespaces managed by a global operator, apply the following command for the managed namespace – the command is not needed in the main namespace:
./mxpc-cli apply-config -i <namespace-id> -s <namespace-secret> --file <config-file> --global
The namespace-id and namespace-secret are only required when using Mendix for Private Cloud in connected mode.
To generate the config file, follow the instructions described in Creating a Private Cloud Cluster. The mx_config_cli.yaml file is generated when you click Write YAML during the Review and Apply phase of configuring your namespace interactively.
Below is an example of a config file. The example is provided for reference only. To make sure that the config file captures all the values of the input fields used in your own app, you must generate your own mx_config_cli.yaml file.
namespace: my-namespace
cluster_mode: connected
database_plan: true
storage_plan: true
ingress: true
registry: true
proxy: false
custom_tls: false
name: ephemeral-database
type: ephemeral
name: ephemeral-storage
type: ephemeral
type: openshift-route
enable_tls: false
k8s_ingress: null
service: null
type: openshift4
Global Operator - Managed Namespace
To configure a managed namespace inside a Global Operator, the namespace configuration should only be applied on managed namespace and not Global Operator namespace. For more information, check Global Operator documentation.
For managed namespace configuration, apply the following command:
./mxpc-cli apply-config -i <namespace-id> -s <namespace-secret> --file <config-file>
Below you can find an example config file for the managed namespace configuration.
namespace: managedNamespace
cluster_mode: connected
database_plan: true
storage_plan: true
ingress: true
registry: true
proxy: false
custom_tls: false
name: ephemeral-database
type: ephemeral
name: ephemeral-storage
type: ephemeral
type: openshift-route
enable_tls: false
k8s_ingress: null
service: null
type: openshift4
operator_namespace: <globalOperatorMainNamespace>
Upgrade Mendix Operator and Mendix Gateway Agent
To upgrade the versions of Mendix components in your namespace, use the following command:
./mxpc-cli upgrade-namespace --clusterType <cluster-type> --namespace <namespace>