Migrating Data in Private Cloud Environments (Preview)

Last modified: September 19, 2024


The Private Cloud data migration tool allows you to:

  • export the database and files from a Private Cloud environment into a backup file
  • import the database and files from a previously exported backup file into an environment

The Private Cloud data migration tool is compatible with backup files from Mendix Cloud, allowing you to transfer application data between Mendix Cloud and Mendix for Private Cloud.

When exporting files from an environment, the export only includes files which are in use (that is, which are referenced by a System.FileDocument entity). Any files that are not used by the app are ignored.


Database and File Storage Requirements

The following database is supported:

The following file storage options are supported:

  • Amazon S3
  • Minio

Environment Requirements

The data transfer tool needs the following:

  • pg_dump and pg_restore binaries in a location listed in the system path
  • Network access to the PostgreSQL server and S3/Minio storage
    • If the database is running inside the cluster or on a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), it might not be reachable from outside the cluster
  • Permissions to call the Kubernetes API
    • These calls are used to get the database and file storage credentials for an environment
  • For environments using AWS IRSA, an IAM Role that can access the environment’s bucket and database.

In most cases, this means the data transfer tool cannot run from a local machine and needs to run in a Kubernetes pod acting as a jump server (a jump pod).

Using the Data Transfer Tool

Downloading the Data Transfer tool

Download and extract the tool for your operating system. If you are planning to run the data transfer tool in a Pod, download the Linux version.

Running the Data Transfer Tool Locally

If your local machine has network access to the database and file storage, you can run it directly on your machine.

The tool will use the current user’s kubeconfig and Kubernetes credentials (or the service account if it is running in the Pod) to retrieve database and file storage credentials from the environment. For environments that use AWS IRSA for authentication, the current user’s AWS credentials will be used to connect to the database and S3 storage.

To create a backup file, use the following command:

./mxpc-data-migration backup -n <namespace> -e <environment> -f <file>
  • -n <namespace> - the namespace containing the environment
  • -e <environment> - the environment to backup
  • -f <file> - destination file where the backup should be saved

To restore a backup file into your environment, use the following command:

./mxpc-data-migration restore -n <namespace> -e <environment> -f <file>
  • -n <namespace> - the namespace containing the environment
  • -e <environment> - the environment where the data should be restored
  • -f <file> - backup file (in a Mendix Cloud format) that should be restored into the destination environment

If the database uses self-signed TLS certificates from a private CA, provide the path to the custom root CA pem file through the PGSSLROOTCERT environment variable.

If the file storage uses self-signed TLS certificates from a private CA, provide the path to the custom root CA pem file or directory through the SSL_CERT_FILE or SSL_CERT_DIR environment variable.

Running the Data Transfer in a Jump Pod

If you cannot run the data transfer tool from a local machine, because of network access issues, you need to run it in a Kubernetes pod acting as a jump server (a jump pod). To do this, follow the instructions below.

Create a YAML file (for example, /tmp/mendix-backup-restore.yaml) with the following contents - containing backup/restore pod configuration:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: mendix-backup-restore
    # Optional, to access data from environments using IRSA:
    # specify an IAM role ARN to use for connecting to the database and S3 storage
    eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn: arn:aws:iam::<account_id>:role/<role-name>
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: Role
  name: mendix-backup-restore
- apiGroups:
  - ""
  - secrets
  - get
- apiGroups:
  - privatecloud.mendix.com
  - mendixapps
  - storageinstances
  - get
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: RoleBinding
  name: mendix-backup-restore
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  kind: Role
  name: mendix-backup-restore
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: mendix-backup-restore
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: mendix-backup-restore
  serviceAccountName: mendix-backup-restore
  automountServiceAccountToken: true
  terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0
  - name: pgtools
    image: docker.io/bitnami/postgresql:12
    command: ["sleep", "infinity"]
          command: ["/bin/sh","-c","killall -w sleep"]

If you need to export or import data from an environment that uses AWS IRSA authentication, you also need to do the following:

  1. Create an IAM Role without any attached policies for that environment in the AWS console.

  2. In the IAM role, add an inline policy with the following JSON, where <aws_region> is the database’s region, <account_id> is your AWS account number, <database_id> is the RDS database instance identifier, and <bucket_name> is the S3 bucket name:

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Sid": "AllowAllS3ActionsInUserFolder",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Resource": [
                "Action": [
  3. Allow a Kubernetes ServiceAccount (for example, mendix-backup-restore) to assume a role.

    1. Open the role for editing and add an entry for the ServiceAccount (or ServiceAccounts) to the list of conditions:

    2. For the second condition, copy and paste the sts.amazonaws.com line; replace :aud with :sub and set it to system:serviceaccount:<Kubernetes namespace>:<Kubernetes serviceaccount name>.

      See Amazon EKS Pod Identity Webhook – EKS Walkthrough for more details. The role ARN is required. You can use the Copy button next to the ARN name in the role details. After this, the specified service account in the specified namespace will be able to assume this role.

  4. Add the eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn annotation to the mendix-backup-restore service account and set it to the role ARN value from the previous step.

This configuration creates a pod which includes pgtools (PostgreSQL tools such as pg_dump and pg_restore), and a Service Account that can get the database credentials from an environment. If your database is using another PostgreSQL version (for example, PostgreSQL 13), change the image: docker.io/bitnami/postgresql:12 to match the target PostgreSQL version (for example, docker.io/bitnami/postgresql:13).

To export data from an environment into a backup file, run the following commands (replace {namespace} with the environment’s namespace, and {environment} with the environment’s internal name):

# Create the resources required for the backup operation
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE apply -f /tmp/mendix-backup-restore.yaml
# Copy the Linux version of the data migration tool into the Pod
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE cp mxpc-data-migration mendix-backup-restore:/tmp/mxpc-data-migration
# Run the backup process
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE exec -it mendix-backup-restore -- /tmp/mxpc-data-migration backup -e $ENVIRONMENT -f /tmp/backup.tar.gz -n $NAMESPACE
# Copy the backup file from the Pod to a local file
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE cp mendix-backup-restore:/tmp/backup.tar.gz backup.tar.gz

To import data from a backup file into an environment, run the following commands (replace {namespace} with the environment’s namespace, and {environment} with the environment’s internal name):

# Create the resources required for the restore operation
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE apply -f /tmp/mendix-backup-restore.yaml
# Copy the Linux version of the data migration tool into the Pod
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE cp mxpc-data-migration mendix-backup-restore:/tmp/mxpc-data-migration
# Copy the backup file to be restored into the Pod;
# replace files_and_database.tar.gz with the path to the backup file
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE cp files_and_database.tar.gz mendix-backup-restore:/tmp/restore.tar.gz
# Run the restore process
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE exec -it mendix-backup-restore -- /tmp/mxpc-data-migration restore -e $ENVIRONMENT -f /tmp/restore.tar.gz -n $NAMESPACE

After running the import or export operation, delete the backup pod and its dependencies (replace {namespace} with the previously used namespace name):

# Delete the Pod and its Service account
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE delete -f /tmp/mendix-backup-restore.yaml
rm /tmp/mendix-backup-restore.yaml

Known Limitations

  • It is not possible to export/import only the database or only files. The import/export process will always export or import the database together with any files.
  • In version 0.0.1 of the tool, when exporting data, all files from the bucket will be included. This may include:
    • files from other environments (in case of a shared bucket),
    • files deleted from the Mendix app, but which still exist in the bucket.
  • The export/import tool needs access to the Kubernetes API to get credentials for a specific environment.
  • If pg_restore fails for any reason, the data import process is terminated immediately with an error.
  • It is not possible to enforce TLS options.
    • If Strict TLS was disabled in the Postgres storage plan, the tool will try to use SSL, but will trust any server certificate. If the database does not support SSL, the tool will switch to an unencrypted connection.
    • If the Postgres storage has the Strict TLS option enabled, the tool will use SSL and validate the server certificate. If the certificate is not valid, or database does not support SSL, the connection will fail.
    • For Minio and S3, TLS will be used if the environment’s storage plan has an https:// endpoint URL.