CI/CD for Mendix for Standalone Private Cloud Using Tekton
The Tekton pipelines for Mendix are available to all customers using licensed Operators in Mendix for Private Cloud.
Please make a request to your Customer Success Manager (CSM) to arrange for access to these pipelines.
Mendix recommends using Tekton to create a CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Delivery/Deployment) solution for your Mendix for Standalone Private Cloud apps. This document explains how to install:
- Tekton
- Pipelines containing the appropriate tasks and steps to manage apps and environments
- Triggers to run the pipelines
After following the steps in this document you will be able to:
- Create a Mendix app environment with an HTTP request.
- Build and deploy a Mendix app from a Git repository using a GitLab webhook or HTTP request.
- Configure a Mendix app environment with an HTTP request.
- Delete a Mendix app environment with an HTTP request.
To follow these instructions you will need:
- Administrator access to a Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster
- The standalone cluster registered in the Mendix Portal
- A namespace added to the cluster
- The Mendix Operator v2.8.0+ installed and configured in the cluster
- The Helm package manager
- The Mendix Tekton pipelines – these can be requested through your CSM
- Access to the internet to copy images to your air-gapped registry, or to install images directly onto your cluster
If you have any issues when following these instructions, see the Troubleshooting section to see if there is a solution.
Overview of Tekton and the Mendix for Private Cloud Pipelines
Tekton Components
Tekton is an open-source cloud native CI/CD solution which consists of the following components:
- Pipelines – basic building blocks (tasks and steps) of a CI/CD workflow
- Triggers – event triggers for a CI/CD workflow
- CLI – command-line interface for CI/CD workflow management (not installed as part of these instructions)
- Dashboard – general-purpose, web-based UI for Pipelines
Tekton Pipelines
Each activity needed for management of Mendix for Private Cloud environments and apps is mapped to a Tekton pipeline. These pipelines are run when a trigger condition is met. Each pipeline needs its own trigger and cannot automatically run subsequent pipelines.
A pipeline is a collection of tasks in order. Tekton creates tasks in a number of Kubernetes pods and ensures that each pod successfully completes its task.
A task is a collection of steps in order. Tekton runs a task in the form of a Kubernetes pod, where each step becomes a running container in the pod. This design allows you to set up a shared environment for a number of related steps. For example, you may mount a Kubernetes volume in a task; this will be accessible from each step of the task.
A step is an operation in a CI/CD workflow. Tekton performs each step as a running container in the task pod.
Tasks and pipelines are specified as custom resources (CRs) in a Kubernetes cluster.
Tekton in Mendix for Private Cloud
Each Mendix pipeline can be run independently. However, the create-app-pipeline must be run first as the other pipelines have a dependency on the existence of an environment/app deployed in the namespace.
The Mendix pipelines work together as shown in the diagram below to create the app environment, build and push an app to the environment, and, finally, configure the app.

Mendix Pipelines
Mendix has created the following Tekton pipelines:
- build-pipeline – build and push a Mendix container image from a Mendix MPR file, hosted in a GIT repository — this can only be run after create-app-pipeline
- configure-app-pipeline – update an existing Mendix App
- create-app-pipeline – create a basic MendixApp CR — After running this pipeline, we are ready to run build-pipeline
- delete-app-pipeline – delete a Mendix App CR, which triggers the deletion of the environment
Mendix Triggers
Triggers are set up to trigger the Mendix pipelines in two ways:
- HTTP Trigger – triggers the build-pipeline pipeline
- Tekton Dashboard Triggers – trigger the remaining pipelines
Tekton Dashboard
These instructions install the Tekton Dashboard in the same namespace as the Tekton pipelines. It is run on port 9097.
You can read the official installation procedure on the Tekton Dashboard GitHub repo.
Simplified architecture example
Below is and example of the recommended architecture setup.

The example shows the following namespaces:
- Namespace with a Mendix operator
- Namespace with Mendix Tekton pipelines and triggers
- Namespace with Tekton and Tekton Triggers
Air-gapped Environments
If your cluster is air-gapped and does not have access to the internet, you will need to follow a different set of installation instructions. These can be found in Air-gapped Installation of Tekton CI/CD for Mendix for Private Cloud
When you have followed those instructions, you can continue with Installing Triggers, below.
Tekton Installation for Non Air-Gapped (Regular) Environments
If Tekton is already installed in your namespace, you can skip to Pipeline Installation for non air-gapped Environments.
Installing on Non Air-Gapped Kubernetes
To install Tekton with Tekton Triggers, apply the following yaml manifests:
kubectl apply --filename
kubectl apply --filename
kubectl apply --filename
Installing on Non Air-Gapped OpenShift
To install Tekton and Tekton Triggers on OpenShift you can use Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines, follow the instructions on the Installing OpenShift Pipelines page of the OpenShift documentation.
Main objects would be installed in openshift-pipelines
At the moment we support Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines v1.9.2.
Pipeline Installation for Non Air-Gapped Environments
Before you install the Mendix pipelines, which contain all Tekton-related objects, you need to do the following:
- Install helm.
- Create a folder containing helm charts for configuring the Mendix Tekton pipelines – you can get these by making a request to your CSM, who can arrange for access to them.
To install a pipeline you need to provide the url to your private images repository without a tag. For example:
. The images that the pipeline builds will be stored in this repository.
Install the pipeline in a separate namespace, as shown in Simplified architecture example. The sections below use {$NAMESPACE_WITH_PIPELINES} to refer to that namespace.
The installation command is:
cd $PATH_TO_DOWNLOADED_FOLDERS && cd helm/charts
helm install -n $NAMESPACE_WITH_PIPELINES mx-tekton-pipeline ./pipeline/ \
-f ./pipeline/values.yaml \
--set images.imagePushURL=$URL_TO_YOUR_REPO_WITHOUT_TAG
Installing Triggers
Standard triggers provide HTTP services to trigger (run) pipelines like create-app-pipeline, configure-app-pipeline, and delete-app-pipeline to manage app environments.
There are also two options to build a Mendix app using either a generic or a GitLab webhook trigger.
Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs)
By default, pipelines comes with a 5GB PVC with an empty storageClassName. You can create your own PVC by following these instructions in the Tekton documentation.
To use your own PVC add --set pvcName=$your-pvc-name
to each command during installation of the triggers.
You can specify a secret access token which the trigger will use to validate received payloads.
To enable validation you need to specify the accessToken parameter --set accessToken=SomeLongSecureToken42
(replacing SomeLongSecureToken42
with your secret) during installation of the triggers.
All your HTTP requests to Tekton triggers should then have a similar header X-GitLab-Token: SomeLongSecureToken42
Despite the X-GitLab-Token
header name, this authentication works outside of GitLab,
and all HTTP requests to the trigger will work with that header.
More details on how to activate a trigger using any HTTP client are here.
GitLab Configuration
To set the GitLab Token in GitLab you specify it as the Secret Token when creating the webhook:
Other HTTP Clients
With HTTP clients you simply need to add X-GitLab-Token
to your header.
For example, using the curl
curl -X POST \\ \\
-H 'X-GitLab-Token: SomeLongSecureToken42' \\
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
-H 'Event: create-app' \\
-d '{
Generic Trigger
A Generic trigger is a trigger that can be used as HTTP/curl request. All Mendix-related parameters will be specified in HTTP request body.
To install a generic trigger you can use the following command:
cd $PATH_TO_DOWNLOADED_FOLDERS && cd helm/charts
helm template mx-tekton-pipeline-trigger ./triggers -f triggers/values.yaml \
--set name=$SOME_UNIQUE_NAME \
--set pipelineName=build-pipeline \
--set triggerType=generic | kubectl apply -f - -n $NAMESPACE_WITH_PIPELINES
Parameter | Explanation |
name |
All created Kubernetes objects will have this suffix |
pipelineName |
Name of the pipeline to trigger. build-pipeline is the default pipeline name from the pipeline chart |
triggerType |
Supported types - generic (as used in this section) and gitlabwebhook (see next section) |
Namespace from section 6. |
You can use one Generic trigger with several environments. To use it with several environments you just need to pass the correct parameters in the HTTP request body.
GitLab Webhook Trigger
The GitLab webhook trigger triggers the build-pipeline pipeline in combination with GitLab. All Mendix environment related parameters are specified during trigger installation as you create one trigger per environment.
To install a GitLab webhook trigger use the following command:
cd $PATH_TO_DOWNLOADED_FOLDERS && cd helm/charts
helm template mx-tekton-pipeline-trigger ./triggers -f triggers/values.yaml \
--set name=$SOME_UNIQUE_NAME \
--set triggerType=gitlabwebhook \
--set buildPipelineName=build-pipeline \
--set gitlabwebhook.operatorNamespace=namespace-with-operator \
--set gitlabwebhook.mendixEnvironmentInternalName=mx-environment-internal-name \
--set gitlabwebhook.protocol=ssh \
--set gitlabwebhook.scheduledEventsMode=auto \
--set gitlabwebhook.constantsMode=auto | kubectl apply -f - -n $NAMESPACE_WITH_PIPELINES
Parameter | Explanation |
name |
all created Kubernetes objects will have this suffix |
triggerType |
supported types - gitlabwebhook (as used in this section) and generic (see previous section) |
buildPipelineName |
name of the pipeline to trigger. build-pipeline is the default pipeline name from the pipeline chart |
gitlabwebhook.operatorNamespace |
name of Kubernetes namespace where Mendix Operator runs |
gitlabwebhook. mendixEnvironmentInernalName |
Mendix environment internal name. You can get the all internal environment names using the command kubectl get mendixapps -n $namespace_name |
gitlabwebhook.protocol |
Git protocol. Available options: http or ssh |
gitlabwebhook. scheduledEventsMode |
manual – throws an error if scheduled events listed in myScheduledEvents do not existauto – removes scheduled events listed in myScheduledEvents if they do not exist |
gitlabwebhook.constantsMode |
manual – throws an error if constants set by the operator side are different from those in the .mda fileauto – adds or removes constants which are missing in the operator |
Namespace from section 6. |
To use GitLab triggers on several environments, you need to create a new trigger for every environment and provide the correct parameters during installation of the trigger.
Exposing the Trigger
After installing the generic trigger or the GitLab webhook trigger, you will have a service with a name like el-mx-pipeline-listener-someUniqueName
Make sure that you have access to that service (by creating an ingress or load balancer from a cloud provider, etc).
Here is an example of ingress object:
kind: Ingress
name: triggers-ingress
- host:
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: el-mx-pipeline-listener-someUniqueName
number: 8080
Make sure that an ingress controller already installed. You can use an NGINX Controller for this purpose.
This service expects parameters in JSON/HTTP Header format. Examples of HTTP requests are provided in the Triggering Pipelines section.
By exposing the service with the HTTP protocol all traffic might go unencrypted over the public internet. Mendix recommends enabling HTTPS/TLS protocols.
In this example and in the rest of this document, Mendix uses
to refer to this trigger.
Authentication to External Services
This needs to be configured before you trigger any pipelines.
Git Access
Your Tekton pipeline needs to have access to the Git repository. To provide access, you need to use a basic-auth
type Secret
. To do this, follow the instruction in the tektoncd GitHub repo and link that secret to the tekton-triggers-mx-sa
service account.
Registry Push Access
The Tekton pipeline requires access to the registry to push built images.
Private Registry
If you have a private registry with authentication, you need to follow these instructions to create a secret, and link the secret to the tekton-triggers-mx-sa
service account.
OpenShift Registry
For OpenShift you need to provide an SSL certificate file for the registry and give the system:image-builders
role to the tekton-triggers-mx-sa
service account. Use the following commands replacing $YOUR_NAMESPACE_WITH_PIPELINES
with the correct namespace name:
oc patch rolebindings system:image-builders -p '{"subjects":[{"name":"tekton-triggers-mx-sa","kind":"ServiceAccount","namespace":"$YOUR_NAMESPACE_WITH_PIPELINES"}]}' -n $YOUR_NAMESPACE_WITH_PIPELINES
oc patch tasks build-push-image --type='json' --patch '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/steps/0/env/-", "value": {"name":"SSL_CERT_FILE","value":"/var/run/secrets/"}}]' -n $YOUR_NAMESPACE_WITH_PIPELINES
For ECR you need to create secret with authorization token and refresh it every 12 hours. To make it easier we build Kubernetes CronJob that you can reuse.
This CronJob requires IAM user with the next policy:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "ManageRepositoryContents",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
You need replace strings $YOUR_REGISTRY_REGION
with your values (use the same repo from this section).
Manifest below contains CronJob that will refresh secret with ECR .dockerconfig every 4 hours. Also, it contains Job that will create that secret for the first time. Replace $BASE64_KEYID_HERE, $BASE64_ACCESSKEY_HERE, $BASE64_AWS_ACCOUNT_HERE and $BASE64_AWS_REGION_HERE strings with the correct one. $BASE64_KEYID_HERE and $BASE64_ACCESSKEY_HERE are the Access key ID and Secret access key of the created IAM user.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: ecr-secret
type: Opaque
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: ecr-token-update
kind: Role
name: ecr-token-update
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["secrets"]
verbs: ["get", "create", "delete"]
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["serviceaccounts"]
verbs: ["get", "patch"]
kind: RoleBinding
name: ecr-token-update-binding
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: ecr-token-update
kind: Role
name: ecr-token-update
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: create-ecr-secret
serviceAccountName: ecr-token-update
- name: kubectl
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- secretRef:
name: ecr-secret
image: alpine/k8s:1.18.16
- "/bin/sh"
- "-c"
- |
DOCKER_PASSWORD=`aws ecr get-login --region ${AWS_REGION} | cut -d' ' -f6`
\"auths\": {
\"${AWS_ACCOUNT}.dkr.ecr.${AWS_REGION}\": {
echo "Writing to config.json"
printf "${CONFIG}" > config.json
kubectl delete secret aws-registry || true
kubectl create secret generic aws-registry \
--from-file=.dockerconfigjson=config.json \
kubectl patch serviceaccount tekton-triggers-mx-sa -p '{"imagePullSecrets":[{"name":"aws-registry"}]}'
kubectl patch serviceaccount tekton-triggers-mx-sa -p '{"secrets":[{"name":"aws-registry"}]}'
restartPolicy: Never
backoffLimit: 1
apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
name: aws-registry-credential-cron
schedule: "0 */4 * * *"
successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 1
failedJobsHistoryLimit: 1
backoffLimit: 1
serviceAccountName: ecr-token-update
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0
restartPolicy: Never
- name: kubectl
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- secretRef:
name: ecr-secret
image: alpine/k8s:1.18.16
- "/bin/sh"
- "-c"
- |
DOCKER_PASSWORD=`aws ecr get-login --region ${AWS_REGION} | cut -d' ' -f6`
\"auths\": {
\"${AWS_ACCOUNT}.dkr.ecr.${AWS_REGION}\": {
echo "Writing to config.json"
printf "${CONFIG}" > config.json
kubectl delete secret aws-registry || true
kubectl create secret generic aws-registry \
--from-file=.dockerconfigjson=config.json \
kubectl patch serviceaccount tekton-triggers-mx-sa -p '{"imagePullSecrets":[{"name":"aws-registry"}]}'
kubectl patch serviceaccount tekton-triggers-mx-sa -p '{"secrets":[{"name":"aws-registry"}]}'
Triggering Pipelines
This section documents the HTTP requests which will trigger the various Mendix pipelines, using the triggers you have installed in the Installing Triggers section, and describes their parameters.
Create App Pipeline
The create-app-pipeline creates a basic MendixApp CR. After running this pipeline, we are ready to run the build-pipeline.
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Event: create-app' \
-H 'X-GitLab-Token: SomeLongSecureToken42' \
-d '{
Parameter | Explanation |
namespace |
name of the Kubernetes namespace where the Mendix Operator runs |
env-internal-name |
Mendix environment internal name. The MendixApp CR will be created with this name |
dtap-mode |
mode for running the Mendix application. Available options:P – Production (for all production environments)D – DevelopmentYour app can only be deployed to a production environment if security in the app is set on. |
storage-plan-name |
name of an existing storage plan |
database-plan-name |
name of an existing database plan |
mx-admin-password |
Mendix admin password |
X-GitLab-Token: SomeLongSecureToken42 |
token from 7.2 section. You can remove this field if authentication is disabled. |
Build Pipeline
The build-pipeline builds and pushes a Mendix container image from a Mendix MPR file, hosted in a GIT repository. The environment is then updated with the new image.
This can only be run after create-app-pipeline.
Build Pipeline Using a Generic Trigger
The example here uses a Generic Trigger.
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-GitLab-Token: SomeLongSecureToken42' \
-H 'Event: build' \
-d '{
"repo": {
Parameter | Explanation |
repo.url |
The URL of Git repository that will be fetched |
repo.revision |
A Git revision (for example, branch, tag, or SHA) that will be fetched |
namespace |
name of the Kubernetes namespace where Mendix Operator runs |
env-internal-name |
Mendix environment internal name. You can get all the internal environment names with the command kubectl get mendixapps -n $namespace_name |
scheduledEventsMode |
manual – throws an error if scheduled events listed in myScheduledEvents in the MendixApp CR do not exist in the Mendix MPRauto – removes scheduled events listed in myScheduledEvents in the MendixApp CR if they do not exist in the Mendix MPR |
constantsMode |
manual – throws an error if constants set by the operator side are different from those in the .mda fileauto – adds or removes constants which are missing in the operator |
X-GitLab-Token: SomeLongSecureToken42 |
token from 7.2 section. You can remove this field if authentication is disabled. |
Build Pipeline Using a GitLab Webhook Trigger
You can set up a GitLab Webhook Trigger to generate the build request automatically when you push a new MPR file to the GitLab repository.
Within GitLab, set up a webhook. Use the trigger URL of the trigger you installed in the Installing Triggers section, and choose which push events you want to trigger the build.

Configure App Pipeline
The configure-app-pipeline updates an existing Mendix App.
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Event: configure-app' \
-H 'X-GitLab-Token: SomeLongSecureToken42' \
-d '{
Parameter | Explanation |
namespace |
name of the Kubernetes namespace where Mendix Operator runs |
env-internal-name |
Mendix environment internal name. You can get all the internal environment names with the command kubectl get mendixapps -n $namespace_name |
source-url (Optional) |
.mda file url or oci-image (using oci-image:// scheme) url. If empty, the url is not changed |
mx-admin-password |
Mendix admin password |
replicas (Optional) |
number of replicas. If empty, the number of replicas remains the same |
dtap-mode (Optional) |
mode for running the Mendix application. Available optionsP – Production (for all production environments)D – Development |
set-constants (Optional) |
constants to set provided as a JSON map. Replaces the old list with the new one. Example: {“KEY”:“VALUE”} |
add-constants (Optional) |
constants to add provided as a JSON map. Example: {“KEY”:“VALUE”} |
remove-constants (Optional) |
constants to delete provided as a JSON array. Example: [“KEY1”,“KEY2”] |
set-env-vars (Optional) |
environment variables to set provided as a JSON map. Replaces the old list with the new one. Example: {“KEY”:“VALUE”} |
add-env-vars (Optional) |
environment variables to add provided as a JSON map. Example: {“KEY”:“VALUE”} |
remove-env-vars (Optional) |
environment variables to delete as JSON array. Example: [“KEY1”,“KEY2”] |
X-GitLab-Token: SomeLongSecureToken42 |
token from 7.2 section. You can remove this field if authentication is disabled. |
Delete App Pipeline
The delete-app-pipeline deletes the Mendix App CR, which triggers the deletion of the environment.
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Event: delete-app' \
-H 'X-GitLab-Token: SomeLongSecureToken42' \
-d '{
Parameter | Explanation |
namespace |
name of the Kubernetes namespace where the Mendix Operator runs |
env-internal-name |
Mendix environment internal name. You can get all the internal environment names using the command kubectl get mendixapps -n $namespace_name |
X-GitLab-Token: SomeLongSecureToken42 |
token from 7.2 section. You can remove this field if authentication is disabled. |
Checking Tekton Components
To verify that all components are running correctly, use the following command:
kubectl get po -n tekton-pipelines
You should see a list of Running
pods similar to that below:
tekton-pipelines-controller-78d8d6d4b-rbd6g 1/1 Running 0 20d
tekton-pipelines-webhook-64fd67d65-bhn55 1/1 Running 0 20d
tekton-triggers-controller-6c7c9cfd47-vw92r 1/1 Running 0 20d
tekton-triggers-core-interceptors-5b6f7b6c56-7m7fm 1/1 Running 0 20d
tekton-triggers-webhook-7f5c9477cc-fb624 1/1 Running 0 20d
Also, you need to check the listener of the Tekton Trigger ($NAMESPACE_WITH_PIPELINES
is the namespace from the Installing Triggers step):
The output should include a Running
pod similar to the one below:
el-mx-pipeline-listener-gitlab-55f75fc997-nrl5b 1/1 Running 11 17d
Debugging Triggering
In some cases, you can send an HTTP request to trigger a pipeline, but the pipeline isn’t triggered.
To investigate this, the first place that you need to look is the logs of the listener.
To view the logs you need to identify the name of the listener pods. Use the command kubectl get po -n $NAMESPACE_WITH_PIPELINES
to do this. The listener has a name similar to el-mx-pipeline-listener-gitlab-55f75fc997-nrl5b
Then use the command: kubectl logs $LISTENER_POD -n $NAMESPACE_WITH_PIPELINES
, using the pod name in place of $LISTENER_POD.
Information log messages like those shown below do not indicate an issue — they are caused by implementation details:
{"level":"info","ts":"2022-08-10T09:46:54.300Z","logger":"eventlistener","caller":"sink/sink.go:229","msg":"interceptor stopped trigger processing: rpc error: code = FailedPrecondition desc = expression header.match('Event', 'configure-app') did not return true","":"eventlistener","eventlistener":"mx-pipeline-listener-generic","namespace":"mxpipeline","eventlistenerUID":"fcf84b8f-bcb1-46f1-bcd0-ae4b21d85f06","/triggers-eventid":"627c82d7-1d9e-4dda-99c7-14166c86b385","/trigger":"mx-pipline-configure-app-trigger-generic"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2022-08-10T09:46:54.300Z","logger":"eventlistener","caller":"sink/sink.go:229","msg":"interceptor stopped trigger processing: rpc error: code = FailedPrecondition desc = expression header.match('Event', 'build') did not return true","":"eventlistener","eventlistener":"mx-pipeline-listener-generic","namespace":"mxpipeline","eventlistenerUID":"fcf84b8f-bcb1-46f1-bcd0-ae4b21d85f06","/triggers-eventid":"627c82d7-1d9e-4dda-99c7-14166c86b385","/trigger":"mx-pipline-build-trigger-generic"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2022-08-10T09:46:54.305Z","logger":"eventlistener","caller":"sink/sink.go:229","msg":"interceptor stopped trigger processing: rpc error: code = FailedPrecondition desc = expression header.match('Event', 'create-app') did not return true","":"eventlistener","eventlistener":"mx-pipeline-listener-generic","namespace":"mxpipeline","eventlistenerUID":"fcf84b8f-bcb1-46f1-bcd0-ae4b21d85f06","/triggers-eventid":"627c82d7-1d9e-4dda-99c7-14166c86b385","/trigger":"mx-pipline-create-app-trigger-generic"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2022-08-10T09:46:54.305Z","logger":"eventlistener","caller":"sink/sink.go:229","msg":"interceptor stopped trigger processing: rpc error: code = FailedPrecondition desc = expression header.match('Event', 'delete-app') did not return true","":"eventlistener","eventlistener":"mx-pipeline-listener-generic","namespace":"mxpipeline","eventlistenerUID":"fcf84b8f-bcb1-46f1-bcd0-ae4b21d85f06","/triggers-eventid":"627c82d7-1d9e-4dda-99c7-14166c86b385","/trigger":"mx-pipline-delete-app-trigger-generic"}
Listing All Pipeline Runs
To view the list of pipeline runs use the command kubectl get pipelineruns -n $NAMESPACE_WITH_PIPELINES
is the namespace from the Installing Triggers step).
The output of this command looks like this:
mx-pipeline-app-create-run-generic-zzt8h False Failed 8d 8d
mx-pipeline-build-run-gitlab-2bjc7 True Succeeded 22d 22d
Viewing Pipeline Logs
Logs regarding pipeline execution can be found in the pods.
Example of finding logs of the failed pipeline ($NAMESPACE_WITH_PIPELINES
is the namespace from the Installing Triggers step):
Get a list of pipelines:
kubectl get pipelineruns -n $NAMESPACE_WITH_PIPELINES
In the output, there is one failed pipelinerun with the name
:NAME SUCCEEDED REASON STARTTIME COMPLETIONTIME mx-pipeline-app-create-run-generic-zzt8h False Failed 8d 8d mx-pipeline-build-run-gitlab-2bjc7 True Succeeded 22d 22d
Get the pods for the failed pipeline runs:
kubectl get po -n $NAMESPACE_WITH_PIPELINES | grep mx-pipeline-app-create-run-generic-zzt8h
In the output there is a
pod:mx-pipeline-app-create-run-generic-zzt8h-create-app-cr-2g-hjkx2 0/1 Error 0 8d
Get the logs for the failed pod:
kubectl logs mx-pipeline-app-create-run-generic-zzt8h-create-app-cr-2g-hjkx2 -n $NAMESPACE_WITH_PIPELINES
In the output there are logs which indicate the error:
Error: "mxapp" already exists Usage: mxpc-pipeline-tools-cli app-cr-create [-n namespace] [--dry-run] -d database-name -s storage-name -m dtap-mode env-internal-name [flags] Flags: -d, --database-name string Database plan name --dry-run Prints manifest to stdout -m, --dtap-mode string Mode for running the Mendix application. Available options: P - production D - Development Always set this to P in production environments. (default "D") -h, --help help for app-cr-create --mx-runtime-version string Version of mendix runtime, which will be used during the building of oci-image based on .mda file (default "") -n, --namespace string Cluster namespace -u, --source-url string Source URL. .mda file url or oci-image url -s, --storage-name string Storage plan name 2022/08/01 16:28:35 err: "mxapp" already exists
This means that pipeline couldn’t create environment with the name “mxapp” because it already exists.
As alternative, it’s possible to use Tekton Dashboard or Tekton CLI to view the logs.
Cleaning Up Pods
Pipeline runs can produce a lot of pods. To clean up the pods you can delete pipelineruns
Custom Resource objects.
For example, to delete all pipeline runs except latest 5 use the following commands:
TO_DELETE="$(kubectl get pipelinerun -o jsonpath='{range .items[?(@.status.completionTime)]}{.status.completionTime}{" "}{}{"\n"}{end}' | sort | head -n -${NUM_TO_KEEP} | awk '{ print $2}')"
kubectl delete pipelinerun ${TO_DELETE}
Context Deadline Exceeded
when Installing for Kubernetes
When installing Tekton and the Pipelines for Kubernetes, you can face an issue such as:
Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "STDIN": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": Post "https://tekton-triggers-webhook.tekton-pipelines.svc:443/defaulting?timeout=10s": context deadline exceeded
This is most probably caused by your firewall rules and you can fix this by following the instructions in this issue on the tektoncd GitHub repo.