Air-Gapped Installation of Tekton CI/CD for Mendix for Private Cloud

Last modified: December 9, 2024


The instructions for setting up Tekton CI/CD for Mendix for Private Cloud differ between environments which are connected to the internet and air-gapped environments.

This document explains how to install the following on your air-gapped environment:

  • Tekton
  • Pipelines containing the appropriate tasks and steps to manage apps and environments

After following the steps in this document you con continue with the instructions in Installing Triggers in the CI/CD for Mendix for Private Cloud using Tekton document.

Preparation for Air-Gapped Environments

To install Tekton and your CI/CD Pipeline in air-gapped environment you need to provision a list of images in your registry. Mendix has created a tool, aip, to perform this on different operating systems. You will need to download it using one of the following links:

Tekton Images

If you have not installed Tekton from this registry before, you will need to put all the Tekton images into your registry.

Get the Tekton package:

mkdir tekton && cd tekton
aip init
aip pull

Get the yaml manifest for the Tekton installation:

curl -s > tekton.yaml
curl -s > tekton-triggers.yaml
curl -s > interceptors.yaml

Then you need to transfer the tekton folder to the air-gapped environment with the aip tool:

# replace "" with your registry
aip set-base-destination

# get list of required repositories - these will need to be created before you can push to them
cat state.json | jq '.images[].destination'

You will now need to create the repositories listed by the command above. The commands needed to do this depends on which registry you are using. Please see the documentation for your registry for information on how to create the repositories.

# use your credentials here
aip login -u user -p mypassword
aip push

cd ..

Mendix Pipelines and Triggers for Tekton

Get the pipeline package:

mkdir pipeline && cd pipeline
aip init
aip pull

Add build and runtime images for a specific Mendix version, and a base OS with a specific Java version, or for a range of versions:

# add one specific version (in this example
aip addimage mxbuild8.18.11
aip addimage runtime8.18.11
aip addimage ubi8-1-java11

# add multiple versions (in this example all patch versions of 8.18)
aip addimagesquery '^8.18.*'
aip addimagesquery '^runtime-8.18.*$'

# add all base OS images
aip addimagesquery '^ubi\d+-\d-jre\d+-entrypoint$'

aip pull

Then you need to transfer the pipeline folder to the air-gapped environment with the aip tool:

# replace "" with your registry
aip set-base-destination

# use your credentials here
aip login -u user -p mypassword
aip push

Tekton Installation

If Tekton is already installed in your namespace, you can skip to Pipelines Installation.

Installing on Air-Gapped Kubernetes

Assuming you have performed the preparation steps, use the following commands:

cd ../tekton
cat tekton.yaml | aip inject-manifest | kubectl apply -f -
cat tekton-triggers.yaml | aip inject-manifest | kubectl apply -f -
cat interceptors.yaml | aip inject-manifest | kubectl apply -f -

Installing on Air-Gapped OpenShift

Assuming you have performed the preparation steps, use the following commands to install Tekton and Tekton triggers

# Tekton
oc new-project tekton-pipelines
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z tekton-pipelines-controller
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z tekton-pipelines-webhook
cat tekton.yaml | aip inject-manifest | kubectl apply -f -

# Tekton triggers 
cat tekton-triggers.yaml | aip inject-manifest | kubectl apply -f -
cat interceptors.yaml | aip inject-manifest | kubectl apply -f -

For Tekton Triggers on OpenShift you need to update the deployment objects to make them compatible with OpenShift security. Perform the following steps:

  1. Edit the tekton-triggers-controller deployment.

  2. Add the following line to the args section:

    - '--el-security-context=false'
  3. Change runAsUser: to a valid OpenShift user (like 1001000000).

  4. Edit the tekton-triggers-core-interceptors deployment.

  5. Change runAsUser: to a valid OpenShift user (like 1001000000).

  6. Change runAsGroup: to a valid OpenShift group (like 1001000000).

  7. Edit the tekton-triggers-webhook deployment.

  8. Change runAsUser: to a valid OpenShift user (like 1001000000).

Pipeline Installation

Before you install the Mendix pipelines, which contain all Tekton-related objects, you need to do the following:

  1. Install helm.
  2. Create a folder containing helm charts for configuring the Mendix Tekton pipelines. To get access to the helm charts, contact your CSM.

To install a pipeline you need to provide the url to your private images repository without a tag. For example: The images that the pipeline builds will be stored in this repository.
The namespace can be the same namespace where the Mendix Operator runs, or you can create a new namespace. The sections below use {$NAMESPACE_WITH_PIPELINES} to refer to that namespace.

For air-gapped environments, you need to specify the images individually, as well as the private registry you set up in Preparation for Air-gapped Environments:

cd $PATH_TO_DOWNLOADED_FOLDERS && cd helm/charts
helm install -n $NAMESPACE_WITH_PIPELINES mx-tekton-pipeline ./pipeline/ \
  -f ./pipeline/values.yaml \
  --set images.imagePushURL=$URL_TO_YOUR_REPO_WITHOUT_TAG \
  --set images.fetch=$PRIVATE_REGISTRY/mxpc-pipeline-tools:gitinit-0.0.3 \
  --set images.verExtraction=$PRIVATE_REGISTRY/mxpc-pipeline-tools-cli:0.0.9 \
  --set$PRIVATE_REGISTRY/mxbuild \
  --set images.imageBuild=$PRIVATE_REGISTRY/mxpc-pipeline-tools:imagebuild-0.0.9 \
  --set images.constantsAndEventsResolver=$PRIVATE_REGISTRY/mxpc-pipeline-tools-cli:0.0.9 \
  --set images.k8sPatch=$PRIVATE_REGISTRY/mxpc-pipeline-tools-cli:0.0.9 \
  --set images.createAppEnv=$PRIVATE_REGISTRY/mxpc-pipeline-tools-cli:0.0.9 \
  --set images.deleteAppEnv=$PRIVATE_REGISTRY/mxpc-pipeline-tools-cli:0.0.9 \
  --set images.configureAppEnv=$PRIVATE_REGISTRY/mxpc-pipeline-tools-cli:0.0.9

Installing Triggers

After following the steps in this document you con continue with the instructions in Installing Triggers in the CI/CD for Mendix for Private Cloud using Tekton document. The remaining instructions are the same for both air-gapped and connected environments.


Context Deadline Exceeded when Installing for Kubernetes

When installing Tekton and the Pipelines for Kubernetes, you can face an issue such as:

Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "STDIN": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": Post "https://tekton-triggers-webhook.tekton-pipelines.svc:443/defaulting?timeout=10s": context deadline exceeded

This is most probably caused by your firewall rules and you can fix this by following the instructions in this issue on the tektoncd GitHub repo.