Private Cloud License Manager

Last modified: February 13, 2025


When deploying your Mendix app for production use, it needs to be licensed. This removes the restrictions which are placed on unlicensed apps. For more information, see Licensing Mendix for Private Cloud in the Private Cloud documentation.

Apps which are deployed to Mendix Cloud have access to the internet and have licenses which work on a subscription basis, contacting the Mendix license server to validate the license. This method is not appropriate for apps which are deployed using Mendix for Private Cloud, and may even be in standalone mode and not connected to the internet (air-gapped).

Rather than having to apply and update licenses for each environment individually, the Mendix Private Cloud License Manager (PCLM) provides a repository of offline Mendix licenses to enable you to manage these centrally. This reduces the possibility of errors, and enables the production of license usage reports.

The PCLM runs as a Kubernetes service on your cluster. This means that it can be used by all your Mendix apps which run in namespaces within that cluster.


To install and use the PCLM, you need the following prerequisites:

  • A Mendix for Private Cloud Standalone cluster
  • Mendix Operator in version 2.11.0 or above
  • Administrative rights to a Kubernetes namespace to install PCLM server (a dedicated namespace is recommended). This can be within your Mendix for Private Cloud cluster, or in another cluster which is accessible over HTTP
  • A Postgres or SQLServer database server and within it:
    • A dedicated database with remote access which will be used to store your licenses, user authorization details, and usage information
      • The database server should be accessible to the cluster where the application is deployed.
      • The database server must allow inbound connections.
      • The database must be called mxlicenses.
    • A dedicated administrator user role with all grants over this database (including the Create Table server role, and Select, Insert, Update, Delete, and Truncate database roles for the tables that are created)
  • Kubectl or the OpenShift CLI
  • The mx-pclm-cli tool
  • The default password for the PCLM server administrator account – you will receive this together with your copy of the PCLM server

Installing the PCLM server

You install the PCLM server by applying a manifest using kubectl or oc. This manifest can be created for you by the mx-pclm-cli tool. The mx-pclm-cli tool is available for download in the Installation tab of the Namespace Details page.

Creating the Manifest

The installer-gen option of mx-pclm-cli is used to create a yaml manifest file to apply to your Kubernetes namespace. Use the following command:

mx-pclm-cli installer-gen --db-type <db-type> \
    --db-hostname <hostname> \
    --db-auth-mode <authenticationMode> \
    --db-aws-iam-role <aws-iam-role> \
    --db-azure-client-id <azure-client-id> \
    --db-name <db-name> \
    --db-user <db-user> \
    --db-password <db-pass> \
    --db-port <port> \
    --db-strict-tls <tls-boolean> \
    --ssl-cert-file <ssl-root-certificate> \
    --image-repo <docker-repo> \
    --image-tag <docker-tag> \
    --out-file <out-file>

Where you need to supply the following parameters

  • <db-type> – the sort of database, either postgres (default) or sqlserver
  • <hostname> – the hostname of the database service
  • <authMode> – authentication mode of the database, aws-irsa or azure-wi or static (default)
  • <azure-client-id> – azure client id when authMode is set to azure-wi
  • <aws-iam-role> – aws iam role when authMode is set to aws-irsa
  • <db-name> – the name of the database where you want to hold the PCLM data
  • <db-user> – a database user with the rights described in the prerequisites section
  • <db-pass> – the password for the database user
  • <port> – the port used to access the database, default: 5432
  • <tls-boolean> – whether the database uses strict TLS, true or false (default)
  • <ssl-root-certificate> – the location of the SSL Root certificate file, if <tls-boolean> is true
  • <docker-repo> – location of the image repo, default:
  • <docker-tag> – the docker image tag, default: 0.10.0
  • <out-file> – the name of the file where the yaml is written, for example manifest.yaml

Authentication mode

By default, static credentials are used for authentication, meaning that if --db-auth-mode is not specified, you must provide --db-password. For enhanced security, AWS providers can use Postgres IAM authentication, while Azure providers can use Postgres managed identity authentication. When the authentication mode is set to aws-irsa, you need to specify --db-aws-iam-role, and the --db-password is no longer required. Similarly, for azure-wi, --db-azure-client-id must be provided, and --db-password is not necessary.

To set up Postgres with IAM authentication, refer to the Prerequisites for configuring the server. For instructions on configuring the database, see Private Cloud Storage Plans: RDS Database.

For setting up Postgres with Azure workload identity, follow the guide in Azure azwi Postgres setup.

To configure an SQL Server, refer to the Azure azwi SQL setup.

Applying the Manifest

To apply the installation manifest to install the server in the Kubernetes namespace, use the following command:

$ kubectl -n <namespace> apply -f <out-file>

Where you need to supply the following parameters

  • <namespace> – the namespace in which the PCLM server will run
  • <out-file> – the name of the file which contains the yaml manifest, for example manifest.yaml

This creates the following resources:

  • mendix-pclm – the deployment CR of the server
  • mendix-pclm – a secret containing the credentials to access the Database
  • mx-private-cloud-mx-privatecloud-license-manager – the service name of the PCLM server

Reaching the HTTP REST API of the PCLM Server

You will now be able to communicate with the PCLM Server through an HTTP REST endpoint. The endpoint will be different depending on whether you are using a Kubernetes Service or Kubernetes Ingress.

Using Kubernetes Ingress

In most cases, the PCLM server is installed in a separate cluster. This means you have to create an ingress for your Kubernetes cluster or a Route for your OpenShift cluster in order to allow those HTTP connections.

You must also define a host domain in the DNS service (for example, AWS Route53).

The configuration to connect to the server running in the namespace my-pclm-1 will look similar to this:

kind: Ingress
  name: pclm-ingress
  namespace: my-pclm-1
    - host: pclm.<domain> # for example,
          - path: /
            pathType: Prefix
                name: mx-privatecloud-license-manager
                  number: 80

Given the many possible ingress controllers which depend on the cloud provider, you will need to follow the instructions for your ingress controller and cloud.

For production environments, in order to increase the security of your app, consider using an ingress with HTTPS/TLS enabled. Without HTTPS/TLS, all traffic may go unencrypted over the public internet.

To apply the manifest to configure the ingress in the Kubernetes namespace, use the following command:

$ kubectl -n <namespace> apply -f <ingress-file>

  • <namespace> – the namespace in which the PCLM server will run
  • <ingress-file> – the name of the file which contains the yaml manifest for the ingress configuration

You can confirm that you can connect to the PCLM server using the following URLs:

  • http<s>://pclm.<domain>/health should return HTTP 200 OK
  • https<s>://pclm.<domain>/metrics should return HTTP 200 OK together with the collected server metrics

Using the Kubernetes Service

If PCLM is installed in the same Kubernetes cluster as the Private Cloud environments, the PCLM server can be reached at http://mx-privatecloud-license-manager.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local, where <namespace> is the namespace where the PCLM Server was installed.

You can confirm that you can connect to the PCLM server using the following URLs:

  • http://mx-privatecloud-license-manager.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local/health should return HTTP 200 OK
  • http://mx-privatecloud-license-manager.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local/metrics should return HTTP 200 OK together with the collected server metrics.

When using the CLI, use kubectl port-forward instead of an ingress, as in the following example:

kubectl port-forward -n <namespace> svc/<service name> 8080:8080

and use http://localhost:8080 as the PCLM address

Self-Signed Custom CA Certificate

If the PCLM server is self-signed with a Custom CA Certificate, then the OpenShift route or Ingress needs to be configured with a custom certificate.

Example for an OpenShift route:

oc -n <namespace> create route edge --service=mx-privatecloud-license-manager \
    --cert=server.crt \
    --key=server.key \
    --ca-cert=ca.crt \

The next step is to create a generic secret in the namespace where we need to deploy the application. Below is an example on how to create the secret:

oc -n <namespace> create secret generic custom-ca-secret --from-file=custom.crt=<path of ca.crt>

The next step is to also configure the Operator configuration of the namespace with the custom CA secret created above. The custom CA secret can be configured following the Custom TLS instructions in Running the Mendix Operator in Standard Mode.

Setting Up Users

Once the PCLM server is running, you can set up users. The PCLM server supports two user types:

  • Admin – this user type has read-write permissions of users and licenses resources. It should only be used from the cli.
  • Operator – this user type has only read-only permissions for license resources. This user is designed to allow the Mendix for Private Cloud Operator to obtain licenses.


When the PCLM server is set up, it contains one user administrator with a default password. This password should be modified immediately using the command:

mx-pclm-cli user update \
  -s <pclm-http-url> -u administrator -p <default-password> \
  --username administrator --password='<new-password>' --type admin \


  • <pclm-http-url> – is the HTTP REST endpoint of the PCLM server
  • <default-password> – is the default password which is set for the administrator user – you can obtain this from Mendix Support
  • <new-password> – is the new password for the administrator user
  • <custom-ca-cert-path> - is only required if the PCLM server is configured with a custom certificate. Otherwise it is optional.

Authenticating Using a Config File

To avoid supplying the <admin-user>, <admin-password>, and <pclm-http-url> on every call, these can be set up once in a config file. The PCLM command line, mx-pclm-cli, will then pick up these values and use them for all commands.

The default location for the config file is $HOME/.pclm/config. Alternatively, you can use the flag -c (--config-file) on the mx-pclm-cli commands to specify an alternative location for the config file.

The format of the config file is:

admin_user: <admin-user>
admin_pass: <admin-password>
server_url: <pclm-http-url>


  • <admin-user> – is a user of type admin which can update users, default: administrator
  • <admin-password> – is the password for the chosen admin user
  • <pclm-http-url> – is the HTTP REST endpoint of the PCLM server

Additional Users

You will want to set up operator users and (optionally) additional admin users. To do this, use the following command:

mx-pclm-cli user create \
  -s <pclm-http-url> -u <admin-user> -p <admin-password> \
  --username=<new-user>  --password='<password>' --type=<user-type> \


  • <pclm-http-url> – is the HTTP REST endpoint of the PCLM server (overrides the config file)
  • <admin-user> – is a user of type admin which can update users, default: administrator (overrides the config file)
  • <admin-password> – is the password for the chosen admin user (overrides the config file)
  • <new-user> – is the name of the new user you are creating
  • <password> – is the password for the new user
  • <user-type> – is the type of user you are creating, either admin or operator
  • <custom-ca-cert-path> - is only required if the PCLM server is configured with a custom certificate. Otherwise it is optional.

Installing Licenses

Licenses are supplied by Mendix as a License Bundle. A license bundle can contain both Mendix Runtime (app) licenses and a Mendix Operator license. Runtime licenses are required for each Mendix runtime environment, and an Operator license is required for each namespace where the Operator runs. To purchase a license bundle, please contact Mendix Support. You will receive your license (or licenses) as a .zip file. The following command will import a license bundle into the PCLM server:

mx-pclm-cli license import \
    -s <pclm-http-url> \
    -u <admin-user> \
    -p <admin-password> \
    -f <bundle-zip-file-path> \
    -t <custom-ca-cert-path>


  • <pclm-http-url> – is the HTTP REST endpoint of the PCLM server (overrides the config file)
  • <admin-user> – is a user of type admin which can update users, default: administrator (overrides the config file)
  • <admin-password> – is the password for the chosen admin user (overrides the config file)
  • <bundle-zip-file-path> – is the location of your license bundle file
  • <custom-ca-cert-path> - is only required if the PCLM server is configured with a custom certificate. Otherwise it is optional.

You will get a report of the results of your import operation:

-- Loading zip file...
┃ License Bundle Contents                            ┃
┃ LICENSE-ID                           ┃ TYPE        ┃
┃ c97ecdae-0376-42ab-9d91-22a45a88a3e4 ┃ mx-operator ┃
┃ 5025defa-a442-47c3-ae2e-2ac6628926e3 ┃ mx-runtime  ┃
┃ c823eeb1-7eb2-471c-a818-7be132c9cdb1 ┃ mx-runtime  ┃
-- Importing License: 5025defa-a442-47c3-ae2e-2ac6628926e3 [Duplicated]
-- Importing License: c823eeb1-7eb2-471c-a818-7be132c9cdb1 [OK]
-- Importing License: c97ecdae-0376-42ab-9d91-22a45a88a3e4 [OK]
-- Licenses imported successfully

If a license has previously been imported, you will be told that it is [Duplicated].

Listing the Runtime License

Once the license bundle is installed, you can see the list of Runtime license in the bundle using following command:

mx-pclm-cli license runtime list \
   -s <pclm-http-url> \
   -u <admin-user> \
   -p <admin-password> \
   -t <custom-ca-cert-path>
  • <custom-ca-cert-path> - is only required if the PCLM server is configured with a custom certificate. Otherwise it is optional.

You will receive the result in the following format:

5025defa-a442-47c3-ae2e-2ac6628926e3 mx-runtime 2024-05-02T14:38:39Z 2023-05-02T14:38:39Z standard
c823eeb1-7eb2-471c-a818-7be132c9cdb1 mx-runtime 2024-05-02T14:38:39Z 2023-05-02T14:38:39Z standard

Listing the Operator License

Once the license bundle is installed, you can view the list of Operator licenses in the bundle by using the following command:

mx-pclm-cli license operator list \
   -s <pclm-http-url> \
   -u <admin-user> \
   -p <admin-password> \
   -t <custom-ca-cert-path>
  • <custom-ca-cert-path> - is only required if the PCLM server is configured with a custom certificate. Otherwise it is optional.

You will receive the result in the following format:

c97ecdae-0376-42ab-9d91-22a45a88a3e4 mx-operator 2024-05-02T14:38:39Z 2023-05-02T14:38:39Z standard

Applying Licenses to Your Operator and Apps

To use the licenses, you must add information to the operator configuration. For this, you need to have set up the operator in a namespace on your cluster. See Installing and Configuring the Mendix Operator in the Private Cloud Cluster documentation. Assume that the operator is running in the namespace <operator-ns>.

Storing Operator User Credentials and Configuring the Mendix Operator

The credentials you have created for an operator or admin type user need to be stored in the repository. You also need to patch the Mendix Operator and Agent with the location of the PCLM server, and the credentials for accessing the PCLM server. To do this, you can use the below mx-pclm-cli command:

mx-pclm-cli config-namespace -n <operator-ns> \
   -s <pclm-http-url> \
   -u <admin-user> \
   -p <admin-password>

The default secret name is mendix-operator-pclm. If PCLM was previously configured manually, the existing secret name is used.

Sample Yaml Files

Below are sample yaml files for the secrets, with the changes applied after running the above command. You do not need to make those changes manually; to configure the Mendix Operator and Agent, it is enough to run the above command.

Mendix Operator
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: <secret-name>
  username: <base64-encoded username>
  password: <base64-encoded password>


  • <secret-name> – is the name of the secret where you want to store the credentials
  • <username> – is a user of operator or admin type
  • <password> – is the password for the chosen username

With the above command, the Mendix Operator Configuration will also be patched with below information.

    credentialsSecretName: <secret-name>
    serverURL: http://<pclm-http-url>


  • <secret-name> – the default secret name is mendix-operator-pclm
  • <pclm-http-url> – is the HTTP REST endpoint of the PCLM server
Mendix Agent
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: <secret-name>
  username: <base64-encoded username>
  password: <base64-encoded password>
  server-url: <base64-encoded PCLM URL>


  • <secret-name> – the default secret name is mendix-agent-pclm
  • <username> – is a user of operator or admin type
  • <password> – is the password for the chosen username
  • <server-url> – is the URL of the PCLM server

Applying Licenses

Once you have patched the Mendix Operator, restart your environment. All app environments which are controlled through the operator will have licenses applied automatically after the restart.

If you delete a licensed app environment, the mx-runtime license will be marked as unused and will be applied to new app environments. This may take up to 30 minutes.

If you do not have any unused licenses, new app environments will not be licensed.

The Mendix Operator will also pick up a Mendix Operator license if one has been imported into the PCLM server.

Verifying That the Licenses Are Applied

There are multiple ways to verify whether the licenses (both Operator and MendixApp) are applied and where.

Using the PCLM CLI

You can see which licenses are currently used by which environments and operators, as well as unused licenses, using the following command.

mx-pclm-cli license list-usage -s <pclm-http-url> \
    -u <admin-user> \
    -p <admin-password> \
    -t <custom-ca-cert-path>


  • <pclm-http-url> – is the HTTP REST endpoint of the PCLM server (overrides the config file)
  • <admin-user> – is a user of type admin which can update users, default: administrator (overrides the config file)
  • <admin-password> – is the password for the chosen admin user (overrides the config file)
  • <custom-ca-cert-path> - is optional. Required only if the PCLM server is configured with custom cert.

Which would reply with something similar to this:

<license-id> <namepace> <app-ID> mx-operator yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
<license-id> <namepace> <app-ID> mx-runtime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

From Mendix Application Custom Resources Installed in the Namespace

This way of checking is more advanced, and should be used only for debugging.

Checking the Operator License

Use the following command to verify whether the Operator license was applied correctly:

<oc|kubectl> -n <namespace> get MendixApp <app_id> -o yaml

In the section status.licenseStatus you should see something similar to the following:

    licenseID: 1ca080f8-c54e-4e24-b09c-14353505a65d
    mode: Licensed
Checking the Runtime License

Use the following command to verify whether the Runtime license was applied correctly:

<oc|kubectl> -n <namespace> get Runtime <app_id> -o yaml

In the section spec.resources.runtimeLicense you should see something similar to the following:

      id: c823eeb1-7eb2-471c-a818-7be132c9cdb1
      key: <base64-encoded-license-key>
      type: offline


If you have manually configured static runtime licenses (offline licenses), PCLM will not replace those licenses. Only the runtime licenses applied through a Subscription secret will be replaced. If your namespace was never licensed, please ignore this section.

Once you have configured the Mendix Operator running in a specific <namespace> to use the PCLM (following steps 7.1 and 7.2) you need to restart the Mendix operator to remove the existing licenses. You can do this as follows:

kubectl -n <namespace> scale deployment mendix-operator --replicas=0
kubectl -n <namespace> scale deployment mendix-operator --replicas=1
kubectl -n <namespace> scale deployment mendix-agent --replicas=0
kubectl -n <namespace> scale deployment mendix-agent --replicas=1

This restarts the Mendix Operator, and associated Mendix App Runtimes, and configures both with licenses fetched from the PCLM server.

You can confirm this by running the following command:

mx-pclm-cli license list-usage -s <pclm-http-url> \
    -u <admin-user> \
    -p <admin-password> \
    -t <custom-ca-cert-path>
  • <custom-ca-cert-path> - is optional. Required only if the PCLM server is configured with custom cert.

This will indicate that licenses have been applied to the operator and apps in the selected namespace:

License-ID Namespace App-ID Type
<license-id> <namepace> <app-ID> mx-operator
<license-id> <namepace> <app-ID> mx-runtime


mx-pclm-cli Help

You can get help on using mx-pclm-cli and its individual commands at any time by using the help command. For example, mx-pclm-cli --help or mx-pclm-cli user --help.