Retrieve Environment-Sensitive Data from a Secret Store

Last modified: March 1, 2025


You can increase the security of your environment by implementing an external secrets store to manage your Kubernetes secrets. Environments running Mendix for Private Cloud can be granted read-only access to a secrets store by using a Kubernetes Secrets Store CSI Driver. This document outlines the high-level process, and provides example implementations for HashiCorp Vault and AWS Secrets Manager.

Supported Stores

Mendix apps currently support the following secret stores:

Configuring Your Environment

To implement an external secret store, you must configure the required settings by following these steps:

  1. Set up and configure the secret storage provider, for example, HashiCorp Vault, AWS Secret Manager or Azure Key Vault. In most cases, this should only be done once for the entire cluster. For more information and support, contact the secret storage provider.
  2. Install and configure a Kubernetes Secrets Store CSI driver, for example, AWS Secrets Manager CSI Secrets Store. This driver is installed globally for the entire cluster. For more information, refer to documentation supplied by the secret storage provider.
  3. Prepare a Kubernetes ServiceAccount to be used for authentication. The ServiceAccount name must match the Mendix App CR name (that, is, the internal name of the app environment). In addition, the ServiceAccount needs to have a "true" annotation. Your secret storage provider may have other requirements - for more information, refer to documentation supplied by the secret storage provider. Typically, the Kubernetes ServiceAccount requires vendor-specific annotations to link it with an account or role in the secret storage provider.
  4. Configure the SecretProviderClass The SecretProviderClass contains vendor-specific configuration that specifies mapping rules - where to read the keys, how to transform and rename them. You must configure it to match the Mendix App CR name, and use a specific list of mappable keys - for more information, see SecretProviderClass Keys. In addition, the SecretProviderClass should have a "true" annotation. Your secret store provider may have other requirements - for more information, refer to documentation supplied by the secret store provider.
  5. Configure permissions to read secrets specified in the SecretProviderClass. The specific configuration requirements depend on your secret store provider. It usually involves allowing the Kubernetes ServiceAccount to access specific keys in Vault or in AWS console.

SecretProviderClass Keys

The following table lists the properties used as keys for database and storage-related data. Use the following values when configuring the mapping rules in your SecretProviderClass.

Data type Key Example Required
Database type (for example, SQLSERVER, PostgreSQL) database-type PostgreSQL
Database Jdbc Url database-jdbc-url jdbc:postgresql://
Database Host database-host
Database Name database-name my-app-1
Database Username database-username my-app-user-1
Database Password database-password Welc0me! ✓ (only for password authentication)
Storage service name storage-service-name
S3 Storage endpoint storage-endpoint ✓ (only for S3)
S3 Storage access key id storage-access-key-id AKIA################
S3 Storage secret access key storage-secret-access-key A#######################################
S3 subdirectory (or bucket name for S3-like storage systems) storage-bucket-name subdirectory ✓ (only for S3)
Azure storage account storage-azure-account-name example ✓ (only for Azure Blob Storage with static authentication)
Azure storage account key storage-azure-account-key aw== ✓ (only for Azure Blob Storage with static authentication)
Azure storage container name storage-azure-container examplecontainer ✓ (only for Azure Blob Storage)
Azure storage blob endpoint storage-azure-blob-endpoint ✓ (only for Azure Blob Storage with managed identity auth)
Use managed identity auth for Azure blob storage storage-azure-use-default-azure-credential true ✓ (only for Azure Blob Storage with managed identity auth)
Use HTTP for Azure storage-azure-use-https true
Use configured CA trust for file storage storage-use-ca-certificates true
Delete files from storage when deleted in the app storage-perform-delete true
Mendix Admin Password mx-admin-password Welc0me!
Mendix Debugger Password mx-debugger-password Welc0me!
App constant {name} mx-const-{name} mx-const-MyFirstModule.WelcomePageTitle
Runtime custom setting {name} mx-runtime-{name}

storage-service-name must specify one of the following supported blob storage providers:

  • for AWS S3 or S3-compatible providers
  • for Azure Blob Storage

To set a Mendix app constant, use the mx-const-{name} format (replace {name} with the name of the app constant). For example, if you need to set the MyFirstModule.WelcomePageTitle constant, specify its value via the mx-const-MyFirstModule.WelcomePageTitle key. In case you want to use the Key vault on Azure, the value should be mx-const-MyFirstModule-WelcomePageTitle

To set a Mendix Runtime custom setting, use the mx-runtime-{name} format (replace {name} with the name of the custom setting). For example, if you need to set the constant, specify its value via the key.

For a full configuration example, see Configuring a Secret Store with AWS Secrets Manager.

Sample Implementations

The following sections outline the process of implementing an external secret store with Vault and with AWS. You can refer to them as an example, and to help you troubleshoot your own implementation.

Configuring a Secret Store with HashiCorp Vault

To enable your environment to use Vault as external secret storage, follow these steps:

  1. Install Vault and its CSI Secrets Driver, if it is not already installed in the cluster.

  2. Install CSI Secret Store Driver, as shown in the following example. Replace <{ns}> with the namespace name where Vault is installed:

    helm repo add secrets-store-csi-driver
    helm -n <{ns}> install csi secrets-store-csi-driver/secrets-store-csi-driver \
    --set syncSecret.enabled=true
  3. Configure a Postgres or SQLServer database server with the following:

    • A dedicated database to store your secrets
    • An S3-compatible storage
  4. Set up the secret in the database by starting an interactive shell session on the vault-0 pod, as shown in the following example. Replace <{ns}> with the namespace name where Vault is installed:

    kubectl -n <ns> exec -it vault-0 -- /bin/sh
  5. Enable the Kubernetes authentication method by running the following command:

    vault auth enable kubernetes
  6. Configure the Kubernetes authentication method to use the service account token, the location of the Kubernetes host, and its certificate, as shown in the following example:

    vault write auth/kubernetes/config \
  7. Create a database secret in Vault, as shown in the following example. Replace <{env-db-secret}> with a unique name:

    vault kv put secret/<{env-db-secret}> database-type="PostgreSQL" database-jdbc-url="jdbc:postgresql://" database-host="" database-name="my-app-1" database-username="my-app-user-1" database-password="Welc0me!"
  8. Create a file storage secret in Vault, as shown in the following example. Replace <{env-file-secret}> with a unique name, and update any values to match your file storage configuration:

    vault kv put secret/<{env-file-secret}> storage-service-name="" storage-endpoint="" storage-access-key-id="AKIA################" storage-secret-access-key="A#######################################" storage-bucket-name="subdirectory" storage-use-ca-certificates="true" storage-perform-delete="true"
  9. Create an app environment configuration secret in Vault, as shown in the following example. Replace <{env-configuration-secret}> with a unique name, and set any additional parameters:

    vault kv put secret/<{env-configuration-secret}> mx-admin-password="Welc0me!" mx-debugger-password="Welc0me!"
  10. Create the required Vault role, as shown in the following example. Replace <{env-policy}> with a unique name to identify the app environment, and update any paths to match the secrets you created in the previous steps:

    vault policy write <{env-policy}> - <<EOF
    path "secret/data/<{env-db-secret}>" {
        capabilities = ["read"]
    path "secret/data/<{env-file-secret}>" {
        capabilities = ["read"]
    path "secret/data/<{env-configuration-secret}>" {
        capabilities = ["read"]
  11. Bind the Vault role to a Kubernetes service, as shown in the following example. Replace <{env-policy}> with the policy name from the previous step, use a unique role name in place of <{env-role}>, and specify the environment’s Kubernetes namespace and ServiceAccount in place of <{env-namespace}> and <{env-serviceaccount}>):

    vault write auth/kubernetes/role/<{env-role}> \
      bound_service_account_names=<{env-serviceaccount}> \
      bound_service_account_namespaces=<{env-namespace}> \
  12. Create a Kubernetes ServiceAccount for your environment, as shown in the following example. Specify the environment’s Kubernetes namespace and ServiceAccount in place of <{env-namespace}> and <{env-serviceaccount}>:

    kubectl -n <{env-namespace}> create serviceaccount <{env-serviceaccount}>
    kubectl -n <{env-namespace}> annotate serviceaccount <{env-serviceaccount}>
  13. Create the SecretProviderClass CR for the Secrets Store CSI Driver:

    kind: SecretProviderClass
      name: <{MendixApp CR name}>
      namespace: <Namespace name>
      annotations: "true"
      provider: vault
        vaultAddress: "http://vault.{<Vault-namespace>}.svc.cluster.local:8200"
        roleName: "<{env-role}>"
        objects: |
          - secretKey: "database-type"
            objectName: "database-type"
            secretPath: "secret/data/<{env-db-secret}>"
          - secretKey: "database-jdbc-url"
            objectName: "database-jdbc-url"
            secretPath: "secret/data/<{env-db-secret}>"
          - secretKey: "database-username"
            objectName: "database-username"
            secretPath: "secret/data/<{env-db-secret}>"
          - secretKey: "database-password"
            objectName: "database-password"
            secretPath: "secret/data/<{env-db-secret}>"
          - secretKey: "database-host"
            objectName: "database-host"
            secretPath: "secret/data/<{env-db-secret}>"
          - secretKey: "database-name"
            objectName: "database-name"
            secretPath: "secret/data/<{env-db-secret}>"
          - secretKey: "storage-service-name"
            objectName: "storage-service-name"
            secretPath: "secret/data/<{env-file-secret}>"
          - secretKey: "storage-endpoint"
            objectName: "storage-endpoint"
            secretPath: "secret/data/<{env-file-secret}>"
          - secretKey: "storage-access-key-id"
            objectName: "storage-access-key-id"
            secretPath: "secret/data/<{env-file-secret}>"
          - secretKey: "storage-secret-access-key"
            objectName: "storage-secret-access-key"
            secretPath: "secret/data/<{env-file-secret}>"
          - secretKey: "storage-bucket-name"
            objectName: "storage-bucket-name"
            secretPath: "secret/data/<{env-file-secret}>"
          - secretKey: "storage-perform-delete"
            objectName: "storage-perform-delete"
            secretPath: "secret/data/<{env-file-secret}>"
          - secretKey: "storage-use-ca-certificates"
            objectName: "storage-use-ca-certificates"
            secretPath: "secret/data/<{env-file-secret}>"
          - secretKey: "mx-admin-password"
            objectName: "mx-admin-password"
            secretPath: "secret/data/<{env-configuration-secret}>"
          - secretKey: "mx-debugger-password"
            objectName: "mx-debugger-password"
            secretPath: "secret/data/<{env-configuration-secret}>"
          # Example: use MyFirstModule.MyConstant constant value from HashiCorp Vault
          #- secretKey: "mx-const-MyFirstModule.MyConstant"
          #  objectName: "mx-const-MyFirstModule.MyConstant"
          #  secretPath: "secret/data/<{env-configuration-secret}>"
          # Example: use custom setting from HashiCorp Vault
          #- secretKey: ""
          #  objectName: ""
          #  secretPath: "secret/data/<{env-configuration-secret}>"      
  14. Create an app with the secret store enabled. If you are using the Portal, secret stores are enabled automatically if the Enable Secrets Store option is activated for the namespace where you create the app. For a standalone app, you must set the value of the allowOverrideSecretsWithSecretStoreCSIDriver setting to true in the Mendix app CRD. The following yaml shows an example Mendix app CRD:

    cat > mendixApp.yaml <<EOF
    kind: MendixApp
      name: <{Mendix App CR name}>
      allowOverrideSecretsWithSecretStoreCSIDriver: true
      replicas: 1
          cpu: "1"
          memory: 512Mi
          cpu: 100m
          memory: 512Mi
        customConfiguration: '{"ScheduledEventExecution":"NONE","MicroflowConstants":"{\"MyFirstModule.MyConstant\":\"Awesome\",\"RestClient.RestServiceUrl\":\"https://go-dummy-app.privatecloud-storage-tls.svc.cluster.local\",\"Atlas_Core.Atlas_Core_Version\":\"3.0.5\"}"}'
        dtapMode: D
        logAutosubscribeLevel: INFO
        runtimeLicense: {}
      runtimeMetricsConfiguration: {}
      sourceURL: oci-image://<{image URL}>

Configuring a Secret Store with AWS Secrets Manager

To enable your environment to use AWS Secrets Manager as external secret storage, follow these steps:

  1. In AWS Secrets Manager, create a new secret of the type Other.

  2. Define the keys as described in the SecretProviderClass Keys section above, and then click Next.

  3. Enter the secret name, for example, <namespace>/<Kubernetes environment name>.

  4. Follow the wizard to complete the secret creation process.

  5. Open the secret and copy the Secret name and Secret ARN.

  6. In the Cloud Portal, create an environment using secrets storage, with no database or storage plan.

  7. Create an IAM Role without any attached policies for that environment in the AWS console.

  8. In the IAM role, add an inline policy with the following JSON:

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                    "<{The secret ARN that you copied in step 5 above}>"
  9. Allow a Kubernetes ServiceAccount to assume a role.

    1. Open the role for editing and add an entry for the ServiceAccount (or ServiceAccounts) to the list of conditions:

    2. For the second condition, copy and paste the line; replace :aud with :sub and set it to system:serviceaccount:<Kubernetes namespace>:<Kubernetes serviceaccount name>.

      See Amazon EKS Pod Identity Webhook – EKS Walkthrough for more details.

      The role ARN is required, you can use the Copy button next to the ARN name in the role details.

      After this, the specified serviceaccount in the specified namespace will be able to assume this role.

  10. Create a Kubernetes ServiceAccount for your environment:

    kubectl -n <{Kubernetes namespace}> create serviceaccount <{environment name}>
    kubectl -n <{Kubernetes namespace}> annotate serviceaccount <{environment name}>
    kubectl -n <{Kubernetes namespace}> annotate serviceaccount <{environment name}><{aws role ARN}>
  11. Create an app with the secret store enabled. If you are using connected mode, secret stores are enabled automatically if the Enable Secrets Store option is activated for the namespace where you create the app. For a standalone app, you must set the value of the setting allowOverrideSecretsWithSecretStoreCSIDriver to true in the Mendix app CRD.

    The following yaml shows an example Mendix app CRD:

    cat > mendixApp.yaml <<EOF
    kind: MendixApp
      name: <{Mendix App CR name}>
      allowOverrideSecretsWithSecretStoreCSIDriver: true
      replicas: 1
          cpu: "1"
          memory: 512Mi
          cpu: 100m
          memory: 512Mi
        customConfiguration: '{"ScheduledEventExecution":"NONE","MicroflowConstants":"{\"MyFirstModule.MyConstant\":\"Awesome\",\"RestClient.RestServiceUrl\":\"https://go-dummy-app.privatecloud-storage-tls.svc.cluster.local\",\"Atlas_Core.Atlas_Core_Version\":\"3.0.5\"}"}'
        dtapMode: D
        logAutosubscribeLevel: INFO
        runtimeLicense: {}
      runtimeMetricsConfiguration: {}
      sourceURL: oci-image://<{image URL}>
  12. Attach the secret to the environment by applying the following Kubernetes yaml:

    kind: SecretProviderClass
      name: <{MendixApp CR name}>
      annotations: "true"
      provider: aws
        objects: |
          - objectName: "<{The secret name that you copied in step 5 above}>"
            objectType: "secretsmanager"
            - path: '"database-type"'
              objectAlias: "database-type"
            - path: '"database-jdbc-url"'
              objectAlias: "database-jdbc-url"
            - path: '"database-username"'
              objectAlias: "database-username"
            - path: '"database-password"'
              objectAlias: "database-password"
            - path: '"database-host"'
              objectAlias: "database-host"
            - path: '"database-name"'
              objectAlias: "database-name"
            - path: '"storage-service-name"'
              objectAlias: "storage-service-name"
            - path: '"storage-endpoint"'
              objectAlias: "storage-endpoint"
            - path: '"storage-access-key-id"'
              objectAlias: "storage-access-key-id"
            - path: '"storage-secret-access-key"'
              objectAlias: "storage-secret-access-key"
            - path: '"storage-bucket-name"'
              objectAlias: "storage-bucket-name"
            - path: '"storage-perform-delete"'
              objectAlias: "storage-perform-delete"
            - path: '"storage-use-ca-certificates"'
              objectAlias: "storage-use-ca-certificates"
            - path: '"mx-admin-password"'
              objectAlias: "mx-admin-password"
            - path: '"mx-debugger-password"'
              objectAlias: "mx-debugger-password"
            # Example: use MyFirstModule.MyConstant constant value from AWS Secrets Manager
            #- path: '"mx-const-MyFirstModule.MyConstant"'
            #  objectAlias: "mx-const-MyFirstModule.MyConstant"
            # Example: use custom setting from AWS Secrets Manager
            #- path: '""'
            #  objectAlias: ""      

In the above example, path specifies the key name from the original AWS Secret (Secret Manager key), and objectAlias specifies how it will be named when mounted into the sidecar. Do not modify objectAlias, as it matches the AWS objectName.

If your app is created in Mendix 9.20 or above, you can remove storage-access-key-id and storage-secret-access-key parameters, and instead attach this IAM policy to the app’s IAM role (replace <bucket_name> with the name of the S3 bucket):

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [

This means that the app authenticates with the AWS S3 API using AWS IRSA instead of static credentials.

Using IAM authentication for AWS RDS databases

AWS RDS Postgres databases can use IAM database authentication instead of regular passwords.

To use this feature, you need to:

After completing the prerequisites, follow these steps to switch from password-based authentication to IAM authentication:

  1. Remove or comment out database-password from the SecretProviderClass and the associated AWS Secret.

  2. Enable IAM authentication and grant rds_iam role to database-username role by using the below psql commandline to run the following jump pod commands (replacing <database-username> with the username specified in database-username and <database-host> with the database host):

    kubectl run postgrestools -ti --restart=Never --rm=true -- /bin/sh
    export PGDATABASE=postgres
    export PGUSER=<database-username>
    export PGHOST=<database-host>
    export PGPASSWORD=<database-password>
    GRANT rds_iam TO <database-username>;
    ALTER ROLE <database-username> WITH PASSWORD NULL;
  3. Attach the following inline IAM policy to the environment’s IAM role (created when Configuring a Secret Store with AWS Secrets Manager):

      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": [
          "Resource": [

    replacing <db-region> with the RDS database region, <account-id> with the AWS account ID, <db-resource-id> with the database Resource ID and <database-username> with the username specified in database-username.

    For more information on how to get the Resource ID and create an RDS IAM policy, see the AWS documentation.

  4. Restart the Mendix app environment.

When using IAM authentication, the Mendix app’s environment (m2ee-sidecar container) uses that app’s attached IAM role to request a new Postgres password every 10 minutes from the RDS API. These passwords expire after 15 minutes. Passwords are only checked when opening a new connection, so an expired password does not cancel any existing connections or interrupt any running database transactions and queries.

Configuring a Secret Store with Azure Key Vault

To enable your environment to use Azure Key Vault as external secret storage, follow these steps:

  1. Enable managed identities for your AKS cluster as described in the Azure documentation. This only need to be done once per cluster.

    Ensure that you have the Cluster OIDC Issuer URL. You will need the URL to complete the configuration.

  2. Install and enable the Key Vault CSI driver by doing the following steps:

    1. Open the AKS cluster configuration.
    2. Select the Enable secret store CSI driver option.
    3. Press Apply:
  3. Create a new Azure Key vault by using the Azure CLI or Azure Portal.

    You can leave the Access configuration as default (Azure RBAC and no additional Resource access).

  4. Write down the name of the new Key vault and its Directory ID (Azure Tenant ID).

  5. To create, edit or view secrets in Key vault, go to the Access control (IAM) tab, press Add role assignment, and follow the wizard to assign the Key Vault Administrator role to your user.

  6. Go to the Secrets tab, and for every key listed in the SecretProviderClass Keys section above, use the Generate/Import button to create a new key.

    After creating the keys, your Key vault should look like this:

  7. Create an app with the secret store enabled. If you are using connected mode, secret stores are enabled automatically if the Enable Secrets Store option is activated for the namespace where you create the app. For a standalone app, you must set the value of the setting allowOverrideSecretsWithSecretStoreCSIDriver to true in the Mendix app CRD.

    The following yaml shows an example Mendix app CRD:

    cat > mendixApp.yaml <<EOF
    kind: MendixApp
      name: <{Mendix App CR name}>
      allowOverrideSecretsWithSecretStoreCSIDriver: true
      replicas: 1
          cpu: "1"
          memory: 512Mi
          cpu: 100m
          memory: 512Mi
        customConfiguration: '{"ScheduledEventExecution":"NONE","MicroflowConstants":"{\"MyFirstModule.MyConstant\":\"Awesome\",\"RestClient.RestServiceUrl\":\"https://go-dummy-app.privatecloud-storage-tls.svc.cluster.local\",\"Atlas_Core.Atlas_Core_Version\":\"3.0.5\"}"}'
        dtapMode: D
        logAutosubscribeLevel: INFO
        runtimeLicense: {}
      runtimeMetricsConfiguration: {}
      sourceURL: oci-image://<{image URL}>
  8. Create a Managed identity for your app environment by using the az identity create CLI command, or the Create User Assigned Managed Identity wizard.

    Ensure that you have the Client ID of this Managed identity. You will need the ID to complete the configuration.

  9. Add a Federated Credential to the Managed identity from the previous step by using the az identity federated-credential create command, or by going to the Federated credentials tab and using the Add Credential wizard. This will allow the Mendix app environment to be associated with this Managed identity.

  10. Fill in the following details:

    • Federated credential scenario - Kubernetes accessing Azure resources
    • Cluster Issuer URL - the Cluster OIDC URL from step 1
    • Namespace - the Kubernetes namespace where the app environment is running
    • Service Account - MendixApp CR name (environment internal name)
    • Name - any value
  11. Create a Kubernetes ServiceAccount for your environment, using the Client ID from step 8 as the value for {managed identity client id}:

    kubectl -n <{Kubernetes namespace}> create serviceaccount <{environment name}>
    kubectl -n <{Kubernetes namespace}> annotate serviceaccount <{environment name}>
    kubectl -n <{Kubernetes namespace}> annotate serviceaccount <{environment name}> azure.workload.identity/client-id=<{managed identity client id}>
  12. To allow the app environment to access contents of the Key vault, open the Key vault created in step 3, go to the Access control (IAM) tab and press Add role assignment.

  13. Follow the wizard to assign the Key Vault Secrets User role to the Managed identity created in step 8.

  14. Attach the secret to the environment by applying the following Kubernetes yaml:

    kind: SecretProviderClass
      name: <{MendixApp CR name}>
      annotations: "true"
      provider: azure
        keyvaultName: "<{The key vault name that you created in step 3 above}>"
        clientID: "<{The Managed Identity Client ID copied in step 8 above}>"
        tenantID: "<{The Tenant (Directory) ID copied in step 3 above}>"
        objects: |
            - |
              objectName: database-type
              objectType: secret
              objectAlias: database-type
            - |
              objectName: database-jdbc-url
              objectType: secret
              objectAlias: database-jdbc-url
            - |
              objectName: database-host
              objectType: secret
              objectAlias: database-host
            - |
              objectName: database-name
              objectType: secret
              objectAlias: database-name
            - |
              objectName: database-username
              objectType: secret
              objectAlias: database-username
            - |
              objectName: storage-service-name
              objectType: secret
              objectAlias: storage-service-name
            - |
              objectName: storage-azure-account-name
              objectType: secret
              objectAlias: storage-azure-account-name
            - |
              objectName: storage-azure-account-key
              objectType: secret
              objectAlias: storage-azure-account-key
            - |
              objectName: storage-azure-container
              objectType: secret
              objectAlias: storage-azure-container
            - |
              objectName: storage-perform-delete
              objectType: secret
              objectAlias: storage-perform-delete
            - |
              objectName: mx-admin-password
              objectType: secret
              objectAlias: mx-admin-password
            # Example: use MyFirstModule.MyConstant constant value from Azure Key vault
            #- |
            #  objectName: mx-const-MyFirstModule-MyConstant
            #  objectType: secret
            #  objectAlias: "mx-const-MyFirstModule.MyConstant"
            # Example: use custom setting from Azure Key vault
            #- |
            #  objectName: com-mendix-storage-s3-EncryptionKeys
            #  objectType: secret
            #  objectAlias: ""      

    In the above example, objectName specifies the secret name from the original Key vault, and objectAlias specifies how it will be named when mounted into the sidecar.

For more information, see the Azure Key Vault Provider example in the Azure Key Vault documentation.

Using Managed Identity Authentication for Postgres Databases

Azure Postgres (Flexible Server) databases can use managed identity authentication instead of regular passwords.

To use this feature, you need to:

After completing the prerequisites, follow these steps to switch from password-based authentication to managed identity authentication:

  1. Remove or comment out database-password from the SecretProviderClass and the associated Key vault Secret.

  2. Enable Microsoft Entra authentication and add yourself as an Entra Admin user in the Postgres database.

  3. Open Azure Cloud Shell (or a Bash-compatible terminal) and run az login to authenticate with Entra ID.

  4. Run the following command to connect to the Azure Postgres database, replacing <hostname> with the Postgres server hostname (e.g., and <user-email> with your Entra ID login email (e.g.

    psql "host=<hostname> port=5432 dbname=postgres user=<user-email> password=$(az account get-access-token --resource-type oss-rdbms --output tsv --query accessToken) sslmode=require"
  5. In the Postgres client, run the following commands (replace <database-user> with the environment’s current database-user name, and <managed-identity-uuid> with the Object (principal) ID of the environment’s Managed Identity:

    SECURITY LABEL for "pgaadauth" on role "<database-user>" is 'aadauth,oid=<managed-identity-uuid>,type=service';
    ALTER ROLE <database-user> WITH PASSWORD NULL;
  6. Restart the Mendix app environment.

When using managed identity authentication, the Mendix app’s environment (m2ee-sidecar container) uses that app’s attached Managed Identity role to request a new Postgres password a few minutes before it expires using the identity API. These password have an expiration time between a few minutes and a few hours. Passwords are only checked when opening a new connection, so an expired password does not cancel any existing connections or interrupt any running database transactions and queries.

Using Managed Identity Authentication for Azure SQL Databases

Azure SQL databases can use managed identity authentication instead of regular passwords.

To use this feature, you need to:

After completing the prerequisites, follow these steps to switch from password-based authentication to managed identity authentication:

  1. Remove or comment out database-password from the SecretProviderClass and the associated Key vault Secret.

  2. Write down the value of database-username - this username will need to be removed on step 5.

  3. Edit the database-jdbc-url and add a authentication=ActiveDirectoryManagedIdentity parameter to the JDBC URL value: the URL should look like jdbc:sqlserver://;encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=false;authentication=ActiveDirectoryMSI;.

  4. Add yourself (or your Entra group) as an Entra Admin user in the Azure SQL database. Azure SQL can only have one Entra Admin, and to add multiple users you’ll need to do grant access through an Entra group.

  5. Connect to the database using Azure Query Editor using Entra Authentication, and run the following query (replace <managed-identity-name> with the Name of the environment’s Managed Identity, and <static-database-username> with the database-username that was written down on step 2):

    DROP USER [<static-database-username>];
    CREATE USER [<managed-identity-name>] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER;
    ALTER ROLE db_owner ADD MEMBER [<managed-identity-name>];
  6. Restart the Mendix app environment.

Azure SQL database drivers have built-in support for Managed Identity authentication and use their local environment’s Managed Identity.

Using Managed Identity Authentication for Azure Blob Storage

Azure Blob Storage accounts can use managed identity authentication instead of static access keys.

To use this feature, you need to:

After completing the prerequisites, follow these steps to switch from password-based authentication to managed identity authentication:

  1. Remove or comment out storage-azure-account-key and storage-azure-account-name from the SecretProviderClass and the associated Key vault Secret.
  2. Add the following keys to the SecretProviderClass and Azure Key vault:
    • storage-azure-blob-endpoint - specify the storage account’s Primary endpoint;
    • storage-azure-use-default-azure-credential - set to true to enable managed identity authentication.
  3. Open the environment’s Blob Storage Account Container in the Azure portal, and assign a Storage Blob Data Contributor role to the environment’s managed identity.
  4. Restart the Mendix app environment.

Configuring a Secret Store with Google Secret Manager

To follow these instructions you will need:

  • A Google Kubernetes Engine cluster and access permissions.
  • Mendix Operator version 2.9.0 and above installed in the cluster.
  • The Helm package manager.

To enable your environment to use Google Secret Manager Provider as external secret storage, follow these steps:

  1. Enable workload identity federation for your GKE cluster as described in the Google Cloud documentation (this only needs to be done once per cluster).

  2. Install the CSI Secret Store Driver, as follows (this only need to be done once per cluster):

    helm repo add secrets-store-csi-driver
    helm -n kube-system install csi-secrets-store secrets-store-csi-driver/secrets-store-csi-driver \
    --set syncSecret.enabled=true
  3. Install and enable the Google Secret Manager Provider for Secret Store CSI Driver using the following steps (this only needs to be done once per cluster):

    1. Clone or download a copy of the secrets-store-csi-driver-provider-gcp repository.

    2. Navigate to the root folder of the local secrets-store-csi-driver-provider-gcp copy.

    3. Run the following command to install the provider using Helm:

      helm upgrade --install secrets-store-csi-driver-provider-gcp charts/secrets-store-csi-driver-provider-gcp
  4. Get the Google Cloud account Project Number and Project ID from the Google Cloud welcome page, or using the gcloud projects list command.

  5. Create an app with the secret store enabled.

    If you are using connected mode, secret stores are enabled automatically if the Enable Secrets Store option is activated for the namespace where you create the app. For a standalone app, you must set the value of the setting allowOverrideSecretsWithSecretStoreCSIDriver to true in the Mendix app CRD.

    The following yaml shows an example Mendix app CRD:

    kind: MendixApp
      name: <{Mendix App CR name}>
      allowOverrideSecretsWithSecretStoreCSIDriver: true
      replicas: 1
          cpu: "1"
          memory: 512Mi
          cpu: 100m
          memory: 512Mi
        customConfiguration: '{"ScheduledEventExecution":"NONE","MicroflowConstants":"{\"MyFirstModule.MyConstant\":\"Awesome\",\"RestClient.RestServiceUrl\":\"https://go-dummy-app.privatecloud-storage-tls.svc.cluster.local\",\"Atlas_Core.Atlas_Core_Version\":\"3.0.5\"}"}'
        dtapMode: D
        logAutosubscribeLevel: INFO
        runtimeLicense: {}
      runtimeMetricsConfiguration: {}
      sourceURL: oci-image://<{image URL}>
  6. Go to the Secrets Manager page in the Google Cloud console, and use the Create Secret button to create keys for every key listed in the SecretProviderClass Keys section above.

    Alternatively, the gcloud CLI tool can be used to create keys in an automated way as follows:

    NAMESPACE=<{Kubernetes namespace}>
    ENVIRONMENT_NAME=<{Mendix App CR name}>
    # Example: set the database-type to PostgreSQL
    printf "PostgreSQL" | gcloud secrets create ${NAMESPACE}-${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}-database-type --data-file=- --replication-policy=automatic

    Replace <{Kubernetes namespace}> with the namespace where the app is deployed, and <{Mendix App CR name}> with the name of the MendixApp CR.

  7. For every secret created in the previous step, allow the Mendix app to access it by adding a Secret Manager Secret Accessor role to the following principal:

    principal://<{Project number}>/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/<{Project ID}><{Kubernetes namespace}>/sa/<{Mendix App CR name}>

    Replace <{Project number}> and <{Project ID}> with the Google Cloud account Project Number and Project ID which you found earlier, <{Kubernetes namespace}> with the namespace where the app is deployed, and <{Mendix App CR name}> with the name of the MendixApp CR.

    This can also be done using the gcloud CLI tool:

    NAMESPACE=<{Kubernetes namespace}>
    ENVIRONMENT_NAME=<{Mendix App CR name}>
    PROJECT_ID=<{Project ID}>
    PROJECT_NUMBER=<{Project number}>
    # Example: grand access ENVRIONMENT_NAME in NAMESPACE permissions to access its database-type secret
    gcloud secrets add-iam-policy-binding ${NAMESPACE}-${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}-database-type --role=roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor\
  8. Create a Kubernetes ServiceAccount for your environment as follows:

    kubectl -n <{Kubernetes namespace}> create serviceaccount <{environment name}>
    kubectl -n <{Kubernetes namespace}> annotate serviceaccount <{environment name}>

    Replacing <{environment name}> with the name of the MendixApp CR:

  9. Attach the secret to the environment by applying the following Kubernetes yaml:

    NAMESPACE=<{Kubernetes namespace}>
    ENVIRONMENT_NAME=<{Mendix App CR name}>
    PROJECT_ID=<{Project ID}>
    PROJECT_NUMBER=<{Project number}>
    cat <<EOF |kubectl apply -n $NAMESPACE -f -
    kind: SecretProviderClass
      name: ${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}
      namespace: ${NAMESPACE}
      annotations: "true"
      provider: gcp
        secrets: |
          - resourceName: projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/${NAMESPACE}-${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}-database-type/versions/latest
            fileName: database-type
          - resourceName: projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/${NAMESPACE}-${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}-database-jdbc-url/versions/latest
            fileName: database-jdbc-url
          - resourceName: projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/${NAMESPACE}-${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}-database-host/versions/latest
            fileName: database-host
          - resourceName: projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/${NAMESPACE}-${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}-database-name/versions/latest
            fileName: database-name
          - resourceName: projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/${NAMESPACE}-${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}-database-username/versions/latest
            fileName: database-username
          - resourceName: projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/${NAMESPACE}-${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}-database-password/versions/latest
            fileName: database-password
          - resourceName: projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/${NAMESPACE}-${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}-storage-service-name/versions/latest
            fileName: storage-service-name
          - resourceName: projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/${NAMESPACE}-${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}-storage-access-key-id/versions/latest
            fileName: storage-access-key-id
          - resourceName: projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/${NAMESPACE}-${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}-storage-secret-access-key/versions/latest
            fileName: storage-secret-access-key
          - resourceName: projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/${NAMESPACE}-${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}-storage-endpoint/versions/latest
            fileName: storage-endpoint
          - resourceName: projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/${NAMESPACE}-${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}-storage-bucket-name/versions/latest
            fileName: storage-bucket-name
          - resourceName: projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/${NAMESPACE}-${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}-storage-perform-delete/versions/latest
            fileName: storage-perform-delete
          # Example: to get the MyFirstModule.MyConstant constant value from the namespace1-myapp1-myfirstmodule-myconstant secret you would use the following:
          #- resourceName: namespace1-myapp1-myfirstmodule-myconstant
          #  fileName: "mx-const-MyFirstModule.MyConstant"      

    In the above example, resourceName specifies the secret ID from the Google Cloud project, and fileName specifies how it will be named when mounted into the sidecar.

    Replace <{Project number}> and <{Project ID}> with the Google Cloud account Project Number and Project ID which you found earlier, <{Kubernetes namespace}> with the namespace where the app is deployed, and <{Mendix App CR name}> with the name of the MendixApp CR.

For more information, refer to the the official Google Secret Manager Provider for Secret Store CSI Driver repository and Google Secret Manager documentation.

Additional Considerations

When implementing a secret store, keep in mind the following considerations:

  • It is not currently possible to use Storage Plans with CSI Secrets Storage. Instead, your infrastructure admin must attach a Kubernetes ServiceAccount and SecretProviderClass would be attached to the app before or after the environment is created.
  • If a secret is rotated or updated, Mendix Operator version 2.10.0 and above will detect the changes and apply them. However (depending on the Mendix Runtime version in use), the changes might not be applied. If the changes are not applied, you should restart the environment. Bear in mind the following features of detecting a changed secret:
    • There is a delay of a few minutes before the CSI Secrets Storage driver detects the changes.
    • Only file storage credentials and MxAdmin password changes are correctly processed at the moment.
    • In Mendix 9.22 or above, database password rotation is processed without restarting the app.
  • Dynamic secrets in HashiCorp Vault are supported - from the app environment, they are identical to regular secrets.
  • The internal name of the environment must match an existing ServiceAccount and SecretProviderClass.
  • CSI Secrets Storage can override app settings — if a parameter is configured in the Mendix Portal or MendixApp CR, the value from CSI Secrets Storage will have a higher priority and will override the value specified elsewhere. For example, CSI Secrets Storage can override the MxAdmin password, app constants, and runtime custom settings.