Migrate to Git
Scrum Masters can migrate apps from SVN version control system to Git. For more information on version control, see Version Control in the Studio Pro Guide.
Git is a more modern version control system that has several advantages over SVN. For more information, see Version Control FAQ.
If your main line is Studio Pro version 9.24.28 or above and your team role is Scrum Master, you see a notification on a possible migration at the top of the Team Server page for your app. Click Migrate to Git to check for migration eligibility and to start the migration.
When to Migrate from SVN to Git
Mendix recommends to combine a migration to Git with an upgrade to Mendix 10, as the advantages of Git in Mendix 9 are limited. For more details on this recommendation, see the Recommendation on Avoiding Git Issues section in Troubleshooting Repository Size.
Apps Eligible for Migration
To migrate to Git your app needs to meet several criteria. The automatic eligibility check validates whether your app meets the criteria mentioned below, and checks your SVN repository on certain technical aspects such as Git branch naming conventions. The check can take a couple of minutes, depending on the size of your repository.
The following criteria determine whether your app can be migrated to Git:
- The main line (‘main’) branch in the app is Studio Pro version 9.24.28 or above
- All branches in the app are Studio Pro version 9.12 or above
- Current version control is in Team Server SVN
- The size of the mpr file for the latest revision is smaller than 400 MB
In addition to the hard criteria mentioned above, a check is performed to determine whether your version control history can be migrated. To qualify for migrating your history, the size of your full SVN repository should be smaller than 3.5 GB.
Eligibility Check Outcomes
Eligible for Migrating With History
If your repository is eligible for migrating with full history, you can choose whether to retain your history during migration or not. For the smoothest experience after the migration, Mendix advises to migrate without history.
Eligible for Migrating Without History
If your app is eligible for migration, but the SVN repository size exceeds the threshold, you can only migrate the latest commit of the main branch. This limitation has been imposed to guarantee a smooth experience after the migration, as a large Git Repository Size can have a negative effect on the developer experience.
Not Eligible for Migration
If your app is not eligible for migration the reason(s) will be listed on a page. To continue the process, resolve these reasons and try again.
MPR File Size
When the size of the .mpr file exceeds the threshold, migration is blocked to prevent rapid repository growth after migrating to Git. To get your app approved for migration, you have to agree on the following steps with Support or your Customer Success Manager:
- Migrate without history. This requires converging all branches which you want to retain.
- Update your app to Studio Pro version 10.18 or above, and convert to MPRv2.
- Execute a Git cleanup.
The first two steps need to be executed within a short timeframe. The last step is technically optional, but is strongly recommended for the best experience.
How Migration Works
If you choose to continue, your app will permanently be migrated to Git and this will not be reversible. The process differs for migrating with or without your history. For more information, see Migrating Without History and Migrating With History sections below.
Access to SVN is disabled as soon as migration starts to prevent developers from making changes to SVN that will not be copied. If migration fails for any reason, it is rolled back and the access to SVN is restored.
To inform your team members about the process, two emails are sent out automatically:
- Migration started
- Migration completed or migration failed
These emails give brief information about the stage and emphasize that changes made during migration will be lost, since they cannot be committed to SVN anymore.
Migrating Without History
During migration without history, only the last revision of the main branch is copied from SVN to Git.
The migration should take a few minutes to complete.
After migration is completed a full backup of your SVN repository is created and made available to all Scrum Masters for a period of 90 days. They receive an email with information on how to download the backup. Several days before this backup expires all Scrum Masters on the app receive another email.
Using an SVN Backup
All Scrum Masters receive an email with a link to download an SVN backup. The backup can also be accessed through https://git-migration.home.mendix.com/p/view-backup/[repository-ID]
, where you need to fill in the [repository-ID].
You can then download a [repository-id].dump file to your local device and you can use this file to restore the repository locally.
To set up your local SVN repository, follow these steps:
Download and Install VisualSVN Server – Use VisualSVN Server and import the existing repository from the .dump file. This will create a locally hosted SVN repository.
Access the Repository – Use TortoiseSVN to check the repository. This will allow you to inspect the .mpr file or any other files within the repository.
To inspect files from a historical revision, use TortoiseSVN and select Update to revision to check a specific revision.
Migrating With History
During migration with history, all app history, including revisions for all branches, is copied from SVN to Git.
Depending on the size of your repository, the migration can take several hours to complete. If you have a large number of commits, Mendix recommends doing this when developers do not need access to the repository, for example during the night.
Steps After Migration
After migration, existing local copies are no longer linked to a working version control system. To be able to work on your app and store your changes in the version control system, you need to check out (re-download) the app from Team Server. Do the following:
- Open Studio Pro, then select the app that was migrated to Git. You can identify it by its Git icon. Click Open in Studio Pro to download the Git version of your app. Once this is completed you can make changes and store them in version control.
- Remove previous local copies of the app to avoid working on the wrong app version.
If Migration Failed
If the migration process failed, all changes are rolled back. This means access to SVN is restored and you can keep developing your app. You can check common causes of a failed migration below and resolve them. After that you can attempt to migrate your app again.
The most likely reason your migration has failed is that you have branches that are invalid: they are below Mendix 9.12. To resolve this, delete or upgrade these branches.