Portfolio Management

Last modified: February 24, 2025


The Portfolio Management tool is available to all Mendix users. It enables staying informed about initiatives and managing them in the different development stages. It provides portfolio managers, business stakeholders, and developers with everything they need to collaborate effectively in one place and bring new initiatives to the Mendix Platform.

With the Portfolio Management tool, you can manage active initiatives and archived initiatives in a portfolio. If you are Portfolio Managers, you can manage access and configure portfolio settings of a portfolio.

To start the Portfolio Management app, open the Global Navigation menu ( ) of the Mendix Portal, and select Portfolio.

Portfolio Landscape Overview

When you start the Portfolio Management tool, the Portfolio Landscape Overview page opens.


My Portfolios vs Company Portfolios

The Portfolio Landscape Overview page contains two sections: My Portfolios and Company Portfolios. A section only appears if there is at least one portfolio card in that section.

  • My Portfolios – This section shows all the portfolios where you are a portfolio member. Clicking a portfolio card opens the portfolio.

  • Company Portfolios – This section shows all the restricted and open portfolios in your company, for which you are not a portfolio member.

    • Restricted portfolios – Clicking the portfolio card shows more details about the restricted portfolio. To join a restricted portfolio, click Request to Join on the portfolio card. A Portfolio Manager needs to approve this access request.
    • Open portfolios – You can directly access the open portfolio by clicking the portfolio card. You will have the same access rights as the Viewer of the portfolio. To join an open portfolio, click Request to Join on the lower-left corner after opening the portfolio. A Portfolio Manager needs to approve this access request.

Portfolio Cards

On the Portfolio Landscape Overview page, each card represents a portfolio. On a portfolio card, you can see the name of the portfolio, the company to which it belongs, the privacy settings, and the avatars of Portfolio Managers (up to avatars of four Portfolio Managers).

Different Privacy Settings of a Portfolio

Currently, the privacy settings of a portfolio can be private, restricted, or open. The table below shows their differences:

Portfolio type Visible in the Company Portfolios section? Can users access the portfolio without joining the portfolio? Can Portfolio Manager add users to the portfolio? * Can users apply to join the portfolio? ** Can Mendix Admins govern the creation of the portfolio? ***

* A Portfolio Manager can add users to the portfolio on the Access Management page.

** A user can apply to join the portfolio by clicking the Request to Join on the portfolio card. A Portfolio Manager needs to approve this access request.

*** If the toggle on the Privacy Requests tab is turned on in Control Center, a Mendix Admin needs to approve the creation of a restricted or open portfolio. In that case, a Mendix Admin will receive a notification about the request and can approve or reject the request from the Control Center. The Privacy Settings of the portfolio will be Private until a Mendix Admin approves the request.

Creating a New Portfolio

On the Portfolio Landscape Overview page, you can create a new portfolio as follows:

  1. On the upper-right corner of the page, click Create Portfolio. The New Portfolio dialog box opens.

  2. Enter Portfolio Name and Description for the new portfolio.

  3. For Privacy Settings, select Private, Restricted, or Open. For details on privacy settings, see the Different Privacy Settings of a Portfolio section, above.

  4. For Prioritization Model, select WSJF Prioritization or RICE Prioritization.

  5. From the Currency drop-down list, select the default currency for this portfolio.

  6. Click Create.

The portfolio is created. You are the first Portfolio Manager of this portfolio. You can start inviting other people to the portfolio.

Opening a Portfolio

When you click a portfolio card to which you have access, the portfolio opens with a menu on the left side.

Clicking a menu item opens the corresponding page:

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