Access Management

Last modified: February 24, 2025


The Access Management page allows you to view and manage user access to the portfolio.


The Members tab lists all the users that have portfolio access. You can search for a user by their user name, email, or company. You can also filter users by their role and status. The list contains the following items:

  • User Name – This is the name of the user.

  • Email – This is the email of the user.

  • Company – This shows the company to which the user belongs.

  • Status – This shows whether the user is active or deactivated.

  • Role – This is the role of the user. A user can be a Portfolio Manager, Contributor, or Viewer. For more information about the permissions of each role, see the table below in this section.

  • More Options ( ) (only available to Portfolio Managers) – Clicking the button opens a menu with the following items:

    • Edit Role – Selecting this allows you to change the role of the user.
    • Remove – Selecting this allows you to remove the user from the portfolio.

The table below shows the permissions of Portfolio Managers, Contributors, and Viewers:

Action Portfolio Manager Contributor Viewer*
Invite users
Remove user permissions and roles
Update user permissions and roles
View user access information
Manage portfolio settings
Delete the portfolio
Create initiatives
Edit existing initiatives
Archive and restore initiatives
Delete initiatives
View initiative details
Create comment
Edit comments Own comments Own comments Own comments
Delete comments Own comments Own comments Own comments
View comments
Add initiative attachments
Delete initiative attachments
View and download initiative attachments
Export and import initiatives
Link and unlink epics
View linked epics

* For open portfolios, all company members (other than the portfolio members) have the same rights as the Viewer of the portfolio.

Leaving the Portfolio

To leave the portfolio, click the Leave button on the right side above the member list.

If you are the only Portfolio Manager of the portfolio, when you click Leave, a dialog window opens and asks you to choose one of these two options:

  • Delete the portfolio permanently together with all the data in the portfolio when you leave the portfolio; or
  • Assign another user to be the new Portfolio Manager before you leave the portfolio.
    • If you choose to assign another user to be the new Portfolio Manager, click Assign Portfolio Manager, and then select an existing member and edit their role to Portfolio Manager, or invite a new member to be the new Portfolio Manager.

Adding New Users

  1. Go to Access Management.
  2. On the upper-right corner of the Members tab, click Add Users.
  3. In the dialog box, enter the email address of the user who you want to invite. The Email Address field also gives a drop-down list with all the active users from your company. You can add multiple email addresses if you need to invite more than one user. The users can be people within your company or outside your company. For users outside your company, their names and profile pictures are not displayed.
  4. Select an Access Role for the users that you add – Portfolio Manager, Contributor, or Viewer. This determines their access level to all the initiatives in this portfolio.
  5. Click Add to List.
  6. Click Send Invites.

The users that you invited receive a notification per email and now appear on the Access Management page.

For users outside your company, they need to accept the invitation. They will appear on the Pending Invites tab until they accept or reject the invitation. After they accept the invitation, they will appear in the Members tab.

For users within your company, they do not need to accept their invitation. If they have a Mendix account, they will immediately be given access and appear on the Members tab. If they do not have a Mendix account, they will appear on the Pending Invites tab. After they create a Mendix account and log in to Portfolio Management, they will immediately be given access and appear on the Members tab.

Removing Deactivated Users

When there are deactivated members in the portfolio, the Remove Deactivated Users button becomes available above the list on the right side. Clicking the button allows you to remove all deactivated users from this portfolio in one go. If a deactivated user that you will remove still owns initiatives, these initiatives will no longer have an owner after you remove the user from the portfolio.

Access Requests

Users from the same company can request to join a restricted or open portfolio.

For restricted portfolios, you can request to join from the Portfolio Landscape Overview by clicking Request to Join on the portfolio card. For open portfolios, you can request to join by clicking Request to Join on the lower-left corner after opening the portfolio. Access requests need to be approved by a Portfolio Manager. Portfolio Managers automatically get a notification for a new access request.

The Access Requests tab shows all open access requests for the portfolio. You can search a user by their user name. You can also filter users by their role. The list contains the following items:

  • Requested By – This is the name and avatar of the user who requested access.
  • Role – This is the access role that was requested by the user.
  • Date – This is the date when the request was made.
  • Reject – Clicking this rejects the request.
  • Approve – Clicking this opens a dialog box where you can approve the access request and give the user access to the portfolio. In the dialog box, you also have the option to assign the user an access role different from the one they requested.

Pending Invites

When a Portfolio Manager invites a user outside the company to join the portfolio, the user gets an invite via email. The user must first accept the invite; then they can access this portfolio. Until the user accepts or rejects the invite, the invite appears on the Pending Invites tab. After they accept the invitation, they will appear on the Members tab.

The Pending Invites tab shows all pending invites of external users. You can search a user by their email. You can also filter users by their role. The list contains the following items:

  • Email – This shows the email of the invited user.

  • Role – This shows the access role of the invited user.

  • Invite Date – This shows the date the invite was sent.

  • More Options ( ) – Clicking this button opens a menu with the following items:

    • Edit Role – Selecting this allows you to change the access role of the pending invite.

    • Delete – Selecting this allows you to cancel the pending invite.