Export and Import Initiatives

Last modified: February 24, 2025


In Portfolio Management, you can import initiatives to a portfolio using an Excel file. This enables you to import already-defined initiatives and thus rapidly get started. You can also export a whole portfolio board or a subset of initiatives to an Excel file. This allows you to move initiatives from one board to another, or export initiatives to generate reports.


  • You need to have at least the Contributor role for the portfolio.


Exporting Initiatives

  1. In Portfolio Management, click the portfolio to open the portfolio.

  2. Go to the page where the initiatives are listed:

    • To export active initiatives, go to the Initiatives Overview page.
    • To export archived initiatives, go to the Archived page.
  3. To export only specific initiatives, use the Filters option on the upper-right corner of the page. This tool allows you to narrow down your selection and export only the initiatives you need.

  4. Click the button on the upper-right corner to export initiatives:

    • On the Initiatives Overview page, click the icon and then select Export Initiatives.
    • On the Archive page, click Export Initiatives.

    The Export Initiatives dialog box opens.

  5. Select how you want to export initiatives:

    • To export all initiatives of the portfolio, click Export All.
    • To only export the selection of your initiatives, click Export Selection.

The initiatives are exported to an Excel file.

Importing Initiatives

  1. In Portfolio Management, click the portfolio to open it. The portfolio opens. You can see the Initiatives Overview page.

  2. On the Initiatives Overview page, click the icon on the upper-right corner and then select Import Initiatives in a drop-down menu. The Import Initiatives dialog box opens.

  3. To prevent any errors, download the Excel file template from the Import Initiatives dialog box, and use it as the template to import your initiatives. When you prepare your Excel file, make sure it meets the following requirements:

    • There should be maximum 500 rows in the Excel file.

    • The Excel file should not contain any columns other than the ones listed in the table below. The data in the Excel file should meet the requirements specified in the table below.

    Column Required Format Additional Constraints Remarks Example Value
    Name String Character limit: 200 If an initiative with the same name already exists in the portfolio, a duplicate will be created. My first initiative
    Stage String Character limit: 200 If a stage does not exist in the portfolio, it will be created. Proposal
    Status String Only one of the three statuses can be filled in: On Track, At Risk, or Off Track. On Track
    PercentageCompleted Integer A number between 0–100 50
    Tags String
    • Character limit: 50 per tag.
    • Multiple tags should be separated by commas.
    If a tag does not exist in the portfolio, it will be created. Important, Operational, Architecture
    Description String A description of the initiative.
    Department String Character limit: 200 If a department does not exist in the portfolio, it will be created. Finance
    Location String Character limit: 200 If a location does not exist in the portfolio, it will be created. Utrecht
    Country String Only countries that appear as options for Countries on the Portfolio Settings page can be filled in. Netherlands
    UseCase String Character limit: 200 Innovation
    IntakeDate Date-Time The year must be between 1900 and 9999. 28/Jul/2022
    StartDate Date-Time
    • The year must be between 1900 and 9999.
    • Start Date has to be sooner than Go-Live Date.
    GoLiveDate Date-Time
    • The year must be between 1900 and 9999.
    • Go-Live Date has to be later than Start Date.
    RICEReach Integer Only a positive number is allowed. 50
    RICEImpact String The selectable options can be found in the RICE section in Prioritization Models. Medium
    RICEConfidence String The selectable options can be found in the RICE section in Prioritization Models. High
    RICEEffort Integer Only a positive number is allowed. 12
    WSJFBusinessValue String The selectable options can be found in the WSJF section in Prioritization Models. Medium
    WSJFTimeCriticality String The selectable options can be found in the WSJF section in Prioritization Models. Highest
    WSJFRiskReduction String The selectable options can be found in the WSJF section in Prioritization Models. Medium
    WSJFJobSize String The selectable options can be found in the WSJF section in Prioritization Models. XS
  4. When your Excel file is ready to be imported, drag it to the Import Initiatives dialog box, or click Upload and select the file.

  5. Click Import.

All the initiatives in the Excel file are imported successfully. You can see the initiatives on the Initiatives Overview page.