If you would like to upgrade to a newer long-term support version of Studio Pro, see Moving from Mendix Studio Pro 8 to 9.
Build a Mendix Native App in the Cloud
This how-to teaches you how to go from a blank slate to an app running on a device.
The Mendix Native Mobile Builder is the UI tool to set up and build your Mendix Native Mobile Apps. It is directly accessible in Mendix Studio Pro 8.15 and above for all projects with a native mobile navigation profile.
Before starting this how-to, make sure you have completed the following prerequisites:
- Mendix Studio Pro 8.15 and above installed using the online installer. The offline installer does not include the Mendix Native Mobile Builder dependency.
- Read How to Get Started with Native Mobile to see how to create, style and debug an application with Mendix Studio Pro
- Deploy your native mobile app to the cloud via Studio Pro and have the cloud address of your deployed application available
- A GitHub account.
- An App Center account. Mendix recommends a paid account if you will be building and deploying regularly.
Platform-Specific Prerequisites
If you plan to deploy your app for testing on an iOS device, make sure you have completed the following prerequisites:
- Register for an Apple Developer Account
- Have an iOS device for testing the iOS package that will be produced
- Have an iOS deployment certificate and a provisioning file for which your device is activated
- Have Xcode installed on your computer for deploying the iOS package to your test device
If you plan to deploy your app for testing on an Android device, make sure you have an Android device available.
Getting Your Tokens
To use the Mendix Native Mobile Builder, you will first need to get tokens to authenticate with GitHub and App Center. If you already have tokens for your GitHub and App Center, you do not need to complete the Getting Your Token sections.
GitHub Token
- Go to GitHub and sign in.
- Go to Settings by clicking your profile picture in the upper-right corner of the page.
- Click Developer settings at the bottom of the left menu.
- Navigate to Personal access tokens and then click Generate new token to create a new personal access token.
- In the Note field, write Native Mobile Builder.
- Under Select scopes, select repo and workflows.
- Click Generate token.
- Store your token in a secure place. You will not be able to see it again. If you lose it, you will have to create a new token and delete your old one.
App Center Token
- Go to App Center and sign in.
- Click your profile icon in the upper-right corner, then click Settings, and then Account Settings.
- In the API Tokens tab, click New API token.
- Add a description of your token, select Full Access, then click Add new API token, and then New API Token.
- Store this token in a secure place as well. You will not be able to see it again. If you lose it, you will have to create a new token and delete your old one.
Build Your Native App
From Studio Pro:
Click Project > Build Native Mobile App:
When Mendix Native Mobile Builder launches you will see the home screen:
Select Build app for distribution.
Fill in your app’s name and the app identifier. The wizard provides defaults, but you might want to align the app identifier to use your company’s reversed URL, or change the app name to something besides the project name:
Click Next Step when ready.
In the Tokens screen fill in your GitHub and App Center API tokens. The tool will verify the tokens grant sufficient access to valid accounts and will notify you if they do not:
Click Next Step when ready.
Select Choose your icon if you already have an image you would like to use as an icon. If you continue without adding a custom image, your app will use the default images displayed below. You can change app icon later if you wish:
Click Next Step when ready.
Select Choose your splash screen if you already have an image you would like to use as a splash screen, or just continue if you are satisfied using the default image. You can change the splash screen later if you wish:
Click Next Step when ready.
Drag your custom fonts into the field if you already have a selection of fonts you would like to use, or continue if you do not need to add custom fonts. You can add custom fonts later if you wish:
Click Next Step when ready.
You have completed the mandatory basic app configuration required to build your project. Now you see the Build app for distribution screen:

Next, do the following:
Fill in an intentional version number. For defaults, we reccomend you use these numbering guidelines:
- Versions lower than 0.5.0 for alpha releases
- Versions ranging from 0.5 to 0.9.x for beta releases
- Versions starting from 1.0.0 for release
Fill in your Runtime URL. It can be the IP of your local machine if you plan on testing against a locally-running Studio Pro installation. If you already deployed your app to Mendix Cloud, you can point it to the URL of the deployed runtime as found in Cloud Portal.
Click the Build button to start the build.
The tool will set up your GitHub repository, commit your changes, configure App Center with two new projects (one for iOS and one for Android), and continue building your apps:
After the build completes you can scan the QR code provided to install the app on your device. Currently the QR code service is only supported for Android devices:
Signing Your Apps
By default, App Center builds are unsigned and cannot be released on the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. To release your apps, you must provide your signature keys to Mendix Native Mobile Builder. Signature keys prove the authenticity of your app and prevent forgeries. For more information to how to acquire these keys, see the Managing App Signing Keys Reference Guide.
Set Up Signing for iOS
iOS supports two types of signing configurations: Development and Release. The type of the build depends on the type of provisioning file and certificate that was used for configuring the tool. To set up signing for iOS, follow these steps:
From within Mendix Native Mobile Builder, select iOS under Certificates:
Upload your provisioning file and P12 certificate, and then type in your password. The tool will verify that:
- The app identifier of the app is included in the Provisioning file
- The Certificate is included in the Provisioning file
- The password can unlock the certificate
If the tool errors, please correct the issue and try again:
Click Save.
With that you have completed setting up signing for iOS. Your next build will use the provided configuration to sign your iOS app.
Set Up Signing for Android
From within Mendix Native Mobile Builder, choose Android under Certificates:
Upload your keystore file and provide the keystore password, the key alias and the key password as defined when setting up the keystore. The tool will verify that:
- The keystore password is valid
- The key alias exists in the provided keystore
If it errors, please correct the issue and try again:
Click Save.
With that you have completed setting up signing for Android. The next build will use the provided configuration to sign your Android app.
This section will guide you in distributing your binaries, setup, signing for iOS and Android using your release certificates and keystore, and building your binaries.
For distributing to a specific platform, consult the appropriate section below:
Distribute the iOS app to App Store Connect
Depending on whether you chose to sign your iOS app or not, the output of the build will be an IPA or XCArchive file, respectively. IPA files can be directly distributed to App Store Connect for further processing. XCArchives require Xcode to sign and generate an IPA before they can be further processed.
Distribute a Signed IPA
To be able to upload your app to App Store Connect, you will have to have set up a new app using the App Store Connect website. While there, use the app name and app id you used to build your app. For further instruction, see the App Store Connect Guide to adding a new app.
When signing your iOS app, an IPA file is generated. To upload an IPA to the Apple App Store, Xcode includes a command line tool. Assuming Xcode is installed and the extra command line tool is set up, the command to upload the IPA is the following:
xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios --file "path/to/application.ipa"
Replace file "path/to/application.ipa"
with the absolute path to your IPA file, username
with your developer app store email address, and password
with your Apple App Store password.
The command will first verify your IPA is packaged correctly and ready to be shipped, and then will then upload it to TestFlight for further processing.
Distributed an Unsigned XCArchive
Local signing is useful if you only want to test your app on a device, or you do not have a distribution certificate and have run out of build minutes on App Center when signing with a developer certificate.
In order to deploy the nativeTemplate.xcarchive on a device or on the Apple App Store, an Apple developer account and development team is required. If one is available, do the following:
Using Xcode, double-click the nativeTemplate.xcarchive file. It should open with the built-in Application Loader software.
Click the Distribute App button to start the local signing flow:
Select Development:
Choose a Development Team:
Configure your Development distribution options:
Select a re-signing option:
Review your .ipa content and click Export:
Congratulations. You now have a signed .ipa file:

Distribute the Android app to Google Play
A signed Android APK can be uploaded to Google Play store directly. For more info on setting up a new app and uploading your binaries follow Google’s guide on Uploading an app.