Implement Best Practices for JavaScript Actions
JavaScript actions can extend your app with several new functions. To implement JavaScript actions most effectively, be sure to follow these best practices.
These best practices teach you how to do the following:
- Create high-quality JavaScript actions
- Learn common implementation patterns
- Design better APIs
- Use JavaScript actions in nanoflows
Implementing Actions
JavaScript actions are run in the browser, and each browser version has its own implementation of JavaScript Standard Style. Certain actions, therefore, can run in some browsers but not in others. For compatibility, working with ECMAScript 5 is recommended.
Older browsers might not have the new ES6 functions implemented, so be careful copying and pasting modern sample code from the internet, especially when IE11 must be supported. Some ECMAScript 6 functions are polyfilled by the Mendix Client.
Mendix Studio Pro contains the following polyfills from Core JS:
- core-js/fn/array/find
- core-js/fn/array/from
- core-js/fn/array/includes
- core-js/fn/array/fill
- core-js/fn/array/find-index
- core-js/fn/object/assign
- core-js/fn/object/entries
- core-js/fn/object/is
- core-js/fn/object/set-prototype-of
- core-js/fn/object/values
- core-js/fn/string/starts-with
- core-js/fn/string/ends-with
- core-js/fn/string/pad-end
- core-js/features/string/includes
- core-js/features/promise
- core-js/features/symbol
- core-js/features/set
- core-js/features/map
Mendix Studio Pro also contains a polyfill for Mozilla’s Fetch API.
Handling Input
When creating a JavaScript action, input parameters can be used. Your JavaScript actions will be used by others, but you never know if they will be used correctly. To make actions more robust, validate all input parameters and enable defaults when possible.
Use this code for validating input string text:
* @param {string} text
async function TextToSpeech(text) {
if (text === undefined) {
// Throw an error when the parameter is set to 'empty', the value will be undefined
throw new Error("The Text parameter is required");
if (text.trim() === "") {
// Throw an error when the text is an empty string ""
throw new Error("The Text parameter can not be empty");
/* implementation */
Use this code for validating a Mendix input object:
* @param {MxObject} audioFile
async function PlayAudio(audioFile) {
if (!audioFile) {
throw new Error("The 'Audio file' parameter can not be empty");
if (!audioFile.isA("System.FileDocument") && !audioFile.inheritsFrom("System.FileDocument")) {
throw new Error("The 'Audio file' parameter should inherit from System.FileDocument");
if (!audioFile.get("HasContents")) {
throw new Error("The 'Audio file' parameter does not have any content");
const allowedExtensions = ["mp3", "wav", "ogg"]
const fileName = audioFile.get("Name");
const dotIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
const extension = fileName.substring(dotIndex + 1).toLowerCase();
if (dotIndex === -1 || allowedExtensions.indexOf(extension) === -1) {
throw new Error("The 'Audio file' parameter only supports files with extension .mp3, .wav or .ogg");
/* implementation */
Use this code for validating an input list of objects and attributesNames
* @param {MxObject[]} objectList
* @param {string} attributeName
* @returns {Promise.<Big>}
async function SumListAttributeValues(objectList, attributeName) {
if (!attributeName || attributeName.trim() === "") {
throw new Error("The 'Attribute name' parameter can not be empty");
if (!objectList || objectList.length === 0) {
// Return early, sum of empty is 0
return new Big(0);
if (!objectList[0].has(attributeName)) {
throw new Error("List of type " + objectList[0].getEntity() + " does not have an attribute named " + attributeName);
if (!objectList[0].isNumeric(attributeName)) {
throw new Error("List of type " + objectList[0].getEntity() + " an attribute named " + attributeName + " is not numeric");
/* implementation */
Use this code for default input values:
* @param {Big} targetSize
* @param {""|""} pictureSource
* @param {boolean} correctOrientation
* @param {string} waterMark
function CameraStart(targetSize, pictureSource, correctOrientation, waterMark) {
targetSize = targetSize && targetSize > 0 ? targetSize : 150; // numeric
pictureSource = pictureSource ? pictureSource : "camera"; // enumeration
correctOrientation = correctOrientation ? true : false; // boolean
waterMark = waterMark !== undefined ? waterMark : "DEMO"; // string
/* implementation */
For more detail on input types, see JavaScript Actions. For more information on choosing correct input types, see the Better APIs section below.
Coding the Actions
To customize your JavaScript actions, consult the sections below.
Understanding the Mendix Client API
Within the JavaScript actions, the full Mendix Client API is available. For reference, see the Mendix Client API. Note that some parts of the Mendix Client API were created for widgets, and are less relevant for JavaScript actions.
Using Numeric Parameters in Your JavaScript Actions
When you use a parameter of the decimal, integer, or long types, your parameter will not be a number as you are used to in JavaScript. Instead, it will be will be a Big
object, which comes from a JavaScript library called Big.js used by the Mendix Client. This is to ensure that the numbers used in your application are not constrained by default JavaScript number limitations.
// Precision limitation of JavaScript numbers
0.1 + 0.2 // 0.30000000000000004
// Solved with BigJs
x = new Big(0.1)
y = // '0.3'
If you know your JavaScript action does not require this extended precision (for example, if you expect a simple integer between 1 and 100), you can easily convert a Big
object to a JavaScript number:
const numberValue = Number(bigJsValue); // number
For information on how to use Big.js, consult the big.js API.
Creating Objects
Use the following code to create objects:{
entity: "MyFirstModule.Cat",
callback: function(object) {
console.log("Object created on server");
error: function(error) {
console.error("Could not commit object:", error);
For more information on creating objects, consult the Create section of the Mendix Client API.
Changing Objects
Use the following code to change objects:
mxobj.get("Name"); // "Fred"
mxobj.set("Name", "Henry");
mxobj.get("Name"); // "Henry"
mxobj.getOriginalValue("Name") // "Fred"
For more information on changing objects, consult the Set section of the Mendix Client API.
Loading Platform-Shipped Dependencies
Use the following code for loading platform-shipped dependencies (please note the shipped dependencies might vary per Mendix version):
// Synchronous libs that are already loaded
var lang = require("mendix/lang");
The following libraries are provided by the Mendix Client:
While there are Dojo and Document Object Model (DOM) functions available, they are not recommended. For more information on Dojo and DOM functions, see the Understanding Bad Practice section of this document below.
Using External Dependencies in the Browser
Loading and bundling external libraries are not currently supported. Embedding library code and CSS inside the JavaScript is not ideal. Adding the library JavaScript file and CSS into the theme folder and referencing them in the index.html and the components.json is recommended.
Below is an example of using an external dependency based on pdf-lib:
Open Command Prompt and navigate to the right folder using
cd --your-app-folder--/javascriptsource/--ModuleName--/actions
. -
npm install pdf-lib
. -
In the JavaScript action, use the following code to import the library:
// This file was generated by Mendix Studio Pro. // // WARNING: Only the following code will be retained when actions are regenerated: // - the import list // - the code between BEGIN USER CODE and END USER CODE // - the code between BEGIN EXTRA CODE and END EXTRA CODE // Other code you write will be lost the next time you deploy the app. import { Big } from "big.js"; import { PDFDocument } from "pdf-lib" // BEGIN EXTRA CODE
Understanding Hybrid App External Dependencies
The Mendix hybrid app ships with a large set of plugins by default. For more details on default plugins, see the November 20, 2018 Version Upgrades section of the Hybrid App Base and Template release notes.
It is also possible to add new plugins during a mobile build.
The actual list of plugins use can be found in config.xml inside your deployment package.
Understanding Returns
The JavaScript action can specify a return type such as Integer, DateTime, Object, List of object, and Generics. For more information on returns, see JavaScript Actions.
Actions can be synchronous or asynchronous. Synchronous actions will directly return the value and finish executing. An asynchronous action will return a promise, and will continue to execute and finish at a later time. The nanoflow will continue to execute when the promise is resolved.
At its core, JavaScript is a synchronous programming language – it runs one line of code at a time. If a line of code is executing, it prevents all other JavaScript in the Mendix Client from running, making the Mendix Client appear slow. Asynchronous functions solve this problem. With asynchronous functions, a function is stored for later execution when the results are available. This way, other JavaScript is not prevented from running.
Use the following code to employ a synchronous return for when your results are directly available:
* @param {Big} valueA
* @param {Big} valueB
* @param {Big}
function AddValue(valueA, valueB) {
Use the following code to employ an asynchronous return for when your nanoflow needs to wait until an action is finished:
function Wait(delay) {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
}, delay);
Many APIs and functions are designed in an asynchronous way, and use callback functions or promises. A JavaScript action expects a promise to be returned. The promise should be resolved with the return value as expected in the action.
Understanding Promises
A Promise
object represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation and its resulting value.
Use the following code to wrap a callback API in a promise:
function AskConfirmation(question) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
content: question,
handler: function() {
onCancel: function() {
Explaining the callback code:
- Use the standard Mendix Client to show a confirmation dialog box with an OK and a Cancel button (the execution of the nanoflow halts until the user clicks one of the buttons)
- The resolve will return a Boolean value, which is used as the return value of the action
- In the nanoflow, the return variable can be used for an alternative flow for confirmation and cancel
Understanding Promise API
This function uses the Fetch API:
async function GetUserNameSampleRest(userID) {
if (!userID) {
throw new Error("The UserID parameter is required")
const url = "" + userID;
try {
const response = await fetch(url); // Fetch returns a promise, gets the url and wait for result
const jsonData = await response.json(); // Transform to json
return; // Get the data
} catch (error) {
throw new Error("Failed to get user information");
Explaining the Fetch API code:
The URL refers to a sample API that returns a JSON object
{ id: string, name: string }
, andfetch
is a browser API for retrieving data which returns a promise (see the MDI Fetch API documentation — the response is a promise that is converted into data with the.json()
function (the name is accessed and returned) -
As this is an async function, error handling at all three steps: fetch, parse JSON, and accessing the data can be done inside a single
block (for a more detailed explanation, see the MDN documentation for error handling with async/await). -
For more information on building a JavaScript action rest consume function, see Build JavaScript Actions: Part 2 (Advanced).
Understanding Common Promise Functions
These are the most commonly used promise functions:
new Promise(
: creates a new promise that can be returned – the executor function gets two parameters; a resolve and a reject functionresolve(someValue)
: should be called with the result value – the value will be used in the nanoflow return valuereject(rejectReason)
: throws an error in the nanoflow, and stops the executionPromise.resolve(results)
: returns aPromise
object that is resolved with the results, which will be set in the output variable of the action in the nanoflowPromise.reject(errorMessage)
: returns aPromise
object that is rejected, and will explain that the rejection will induce an error in the nanoflow.then()
: enables chaining promises, which will make the code easier to read than nested callback functions
More recent additions to the JavaScript language are async functions
and the await
keyword. These features make asynchronous code easier to write and to read afterwards by making async code looking more like synchronous code. There are two parts to using async/await
in your code:
keyword, which you put in front of function declarations to turn them into async functions (telling them to return a promise rather than directly returning the value)await
can be put in front of any async promise-based function to pause your code on that line until the promise fulfills, then return the resulting value
For error handling, there are couple of options:
- Using a synchronous
structure withasync/await
and wrapping async function call into it. Thecatch(
) {}
block will have receive the error object of rejectedPromise
- Chaining a
block onto the end of the.then()
Using Promise Function Best Practices
When using promise functions, be aware of the following:
- Currently, JavaScript actions always expect a return type – if an action does not have a relevant returning value, choose return type
(the implemented return or promise can beundefined
) - When using a JavaScript action in a nanoflow, set the output
Use return variable
- Return type Boolean should never be returned with an
value (this will cause an error if the returned variable is accidentally used in the nanoflow) - It is recommended to return early so no code is executed if it can or should be skipped – for example, when validating input
- Uncaught errors in JavaScript will throw an error in microflows – currently, there is no way to add an error handler in nanoflows like you can in microflows
Making Reusable JavaScript Actions
To create and refine your JavaScript actions most effectively, consult the subsections below.
Designing Better APIs
With well-designed APIs, JavaScript actions will become easier to reuse. Please consider the following guidelines when designing APIs:
- Create small, functional actions – when actions with many functions are split into smaller components, the nanoflow can combine them in various ways
- Generate the fewest number of side effects – an action without a side effect does not have a state, does not depend on the state of other components, and can thus stand alone (this will also make testing and behavior predicting easier for developers)
- Do not implement actions that can be done with standard actions, and do not combine new and existing functions into single actions (instead, compose the required function with multiple actions in a nanoflow)
- Business logic should be in the nanoflow – the actions should only
states, andGet
data - Create
actions andDo
actions for developers who do not know that the Mendix Client can perform the actions – for example theCheckCameraSupported
actions - Name actions and parameters clearly (this will go far in documenting the API)
- Document the action, parameters, defaults, return values, errors, and compatibility – for more information, see the Documenting JavaScript Actions section of this document below
- Only expose the most generic functionality – libraries with fewer exposed functions are easier to understand, use, maintain, and test (new features can always be added later)
- Design an API that is independent from the used library (this makes it possible to change the implementation or replace the library without changing the API)
- Use language that is familiar to developers – for example, the function name should not include implementation details;
should beOpenCamera
Consider these additional technical suggestions for best API practices:
- Favor enumerations for limited options over a free format string – for example: source “Camera”, “Gallery”, or “User choice”
- Prefer Boolean options for binary parameter – for example: ‘Blocking dialog’ (true / false)
- Prefer primitive return types – do not return objects where possible, but use return String or Decimal instead
- Do not change objects; create new non-persistable entity (NPE) objects instead – NPE objects should be shipped with the action in a module, and can be reused in various unrelated nanoflows
- When you are not working, make NPE objects depend on the Entity or Generic parameters (this way, you can restrict hardcoded entity names which could generate errors when the entities are renamed in the domain model)
- Validate input, and never trust that the developer is using the action correctly – for more information, see the Handling Input section of this document above
- Provide sensible defaults for input parameters whenever possible
Exposing JavaScript Actions
JavaScript Actions can be used in a nanoflow with a JavaScript action call activity. It is also possible to expose the actions in the activity list. This will make it easier for developers to find the actions. It is recommended to expose only the actions that will be reused often.
Use Category to group actions, Icon and Image to give the exposed nanoflow action easy recognition inside the nanoflow:

Publishing JavaScript Actions
You can export a single action by right-clicking a JavaScript action in the App Explorer then selecting Export document to file. Then, the exported file can be shared with other developers. A single nanoflow cannot be published in the Mendix Marketplace. Instead, publish it as a module.
You can import a single action by right-clicking your module in the App Explorer, and then selecting Import document from file. Next, select your JavaScript action file.
A single nanoflow action cannot be published in the Mendix Marketplace. You may publish one as a module, but it is recommended to publish related nanoflow actions as a group within a module. For a module containing multiple nanoflow actions, group actions with a relevant data model like “entities” and provide relevant documentation for external dependencies. Export the module as a whole and upload it to the Mendix Marketplace. For further instructions, see How to Share Marketplace Content.
Documenting JavaScript Actions
Well-documented actions are easier to reuse. Consider the following when documenting:
- Correct naming is the most important aspect of documentation
- Use “VerbNoun” naming conventions, for example: GetUser
- Use self-explaining parameter names
- In an action’s Settings > Documentation tab, describe:
- What the action is doing
- The returned value
- Supported platforms, such as web, mobile, or native
- Browser compatibility, such as Chrome, Firefox, or Edge
- Dependent modules (if any)
- The used library or function
- For parameters, add a description and provide the default if implemented
- Referring to documentation for used APIs
- Noting any external dependencies, and explain how they can be added
Testing JavaScript Actions
An extensive test app can help make a JavaScript action more robust. Within a test app, try to create all possible variations of the input, accounting for empty inputs and error cases that should be handled.
When testing, make sure you to check all compatible platforms (web, hybrid, and native). The web should handle the Mendix browser compatibility. For further information about compatibility, see the Browsers section of System Requirements.
When an action is not compatible with the platform, make sure it can be checked with an additional action before running into an error. For example, employ a CheckCameraSupport
action before starting a camera. When an action is called but not compatible, it should fail gracefully or display a clear error message.
Debugging JavaScript Actions
Debugging a JavaScript action’s code can be done within a browser development tool. For details on how to do this, see your browser’s developer tools documentation at either Chrome Devtools, Firefox Developer Tools, Microsoft Edge Developer Tools, or Safari’s Web Development Tools.
Initially, JavaScript actions’ source code is not loaded. Their source code will be loaded right before the first execution of a module’s action. From that moment on, you can find the source code in the Sources tab of Developer Tools in the folder javascript-actions if you are using Chrome.
After the file is loaded, breakpoints can be set in the code by clicking the inline number (A, in the screenshot below). Alternatively, select Pause on caught exceptions could be used to find issues (B). As a last resort, you could alter the source code by adding the line debugger;
(C). This statement will start the debugging tools the first time the action is executed, and will apply a breakpoint:

Understanding Bad Practices
Not all capabilities are recommended for use. Consider the side effects that an action could have on the Mendix Client, DOM, or other widgets:
- Do not assume your user’s browser – remember not all browsers have the same capabilities
- Permanent rendering should be done using pluggable widgets – the new Mendix Client will render the page at will and remove your changes (for example, when you are rendering DOM, work on a DOM node of the
) - Changes to the DOM might be lost due to the Mendix Client which can render the DOM at will (for example, when you add a CSS class to another component the Mendix Client will render the page at will and remove your changes) – you can create and change DOM elements that are placed outside
<div id="content"></div>
- Avoid using deprecated libraries – do not use Dojo or Dijit as they are deprecated (jQuery should also no longer be used)
- Avoid using Boolean actions that return
– the Boolean variable is the only variable that requires a value, is the only acceptable state istrue
(other variables could be set toundefined
and can be checked in Mendix Studio Pro as$variable != empty
Read More
- Build JavaScript Actions
- JavaScript Actions
- Mendix Client API
- JavaScript basics: