3D Viewer
The 3D Viewer service lets you upload, visualize, and operate on 3D files (JT, OBJ, glTF, and STL formats) in your web applications, using Mendix file storage to store models. The app service contains out-of-the-box Java actions, JavaScript actions, domain models, nanoflows, microflows, and a set of 3D widgets that enable you to build apps to work with 3D models. Also included are whole functionalities and integrations that can be very helpful when building your own 3D applications. All you need to do is drag and drop items and configure them.
This app service does the heavy-lifting for you so you do not have to build a 3D-rendering engine from scratch.
Here is an overview of what the 3DViewer contains:
Item | Name |
Predefined entities | ModelDocument, Pagination, Markup, MxChildDocument, MxModelDocument |
Constants | HTTPEndpoint / Endpoint, LicenseToken, ModelSourceType |
Microflow | DeleteModelFromMendix, DownloadMarkup |
Nanoflow | CreateModelDocumentFromFileDocument, GetMarkupsFromMendix, GetModelListFromMendix |
Java action | VisServerAction |
Widgets | Container3D, Markup builder, Measurement, PMI tree, PS tree, PS tree table, Section view, Toolbar item camera mode, Toolbar item camera orientation, Toolbar item explode slider, Toolbar item fit all, Toolbar item render mode, Toolbar item selection mode, Toolbar item snapshot, Uploader, Viewer, Preference |
In most cases, you will only need what is contained in the Viewer3D/USE_ME folder. The content in the Internal folder is for internal use only and you will not need it.
Typical Use Cases
You can use this app service when you want to upload, store, and visualize 3D models in your Mendix application. You can perform some basic operations, such us navigating the model product structure tree and the Product Manufacturing Information(PMI) tree, creating section views, 2D markups and much more.
This app service enables doing the following:
- Upload to and load models from Mendix file storage or your own file storage (both monolithic JT and shattered JT formats are supported)
- Open a model from a URL
- Preview a model
- Support multiple ways to view a model: zooming, rotating, fitting all, and panning
- Use quick intuitive controls to navigate product structure
- Turn parts on and off
- Select and clear selection of parts
- Examine your model from preset viewing angles
- Display PMI
- Display model views
- Display part/assembly properties
- Display exploded view
- Create 3D cross-sections
- Create 2D markup on model
- Take snapshot of a model
- Perform 3D measurement on distance, angle, area, radius, and length
- Set filter options for PMI and save as personal preferences
The 3D Viewer app service includes a few 3D widgets. These are some limitations on how these widgets should be placed in a page in Mendix Studio Pro:
The Container3D widget acts as a context-sharing container for other 3D widgets, so 3D widgets can talk to each other and perform corresponding actions via this context. Therefore, every other 3D widget (except the Uploader widget) needs to be put inside the Container3D widget. If 3D widgets are placed outside of the Container3D widget, these widgets will not work as expected. In that case, you will be notified and see errors when you switch to Design mode.
One Container3D widget can only contain one Viewer widget. If multiple Viewer widgets are placed inside a Container3D widget, you will see error message in Design mode.
The Viewer widget is used to display a 3D model. All other 3D widgets (except the Uploader and Container3D widgets) need a Viewer widget present on the page to interact with.
Currently, supports glTF, STL, OBJ, and JT (JT version 9 and above) formats.
Before uploading a shattered JT .zip file, make sure you are using UTF-8 encode to zip the JT files. For example, if you are using 7-Zip, make sure you enter cu in Parameters.
3D Viewer version 4.0.0 or above can be used with Studio Pro version 10.0.0 or above.
For more information about the requirements for other releases, see the releases history in the component page in the Marketplace.
Obtaining a License Token
3D Viewer is a premium Mendix product that is subject to a purchase and subscription fee. You can deploy 3D Viewer locally or in a Mendix Free App for free. However, to deploy the 3D Viewer on the cloud, you need to get a license token which you will need when you configure it as described in Configuring the License Token, below.
You can request a license token by clicking the Contact Us button on the 3D Viewer Marketplace page.
Installing the Component in Your App
To download and install the 3D Viewer app service in your app, follow the instructions in the Importing Content from the App Explorer section in Using Marketplace Content. After the app service is installed, you can see a collection of ready-to-use items under the Viewer3D folder and a collection of 3D widgets in the Add-on widget category in the Toolbox.
Initializing on App Startup
To use the 3DViewer features, your app needs to be bound to the 3D Viewer service. This is achieved by executing a microflow when the app starts. The 3D Viewer contains a Java action called VisServerAction, which can start the 3D Viewer service for you. Call this Java action from your app’s after-startup microflow, and this will automatically start the 3D Viewer when the app starts (running after startup usually means you want to run a specific tool all the time.).
If you app does not have an after-startup microflow set, follow these steps:
- Create a Startup microflow and add the Viewer3D/USE_ME/VisServerAction Java action to it.
- Set the return type of the microflow to Boolean with a Value of true.
- Set this microflow as the After startup step via App Settings > Runtime > After startup.
If your app already has a microflow set to execute after startup, you need to extend it with the Viewer3D/USE_ME/VisServerAction Java action and configure it as described in the above steps.
Predefined Entities
The ModelDocument entity is a conceptual entity that incorporates all the information of a model. You can choose to inherit from this entity, set an association to the entity, or copy this entity to your module.

Attribute | Description |
ModelId | A unique string to identify the model. |
ModelName | The name of the model. |
Source | Indicates where the model is from. Currently it has two values: Mendix and Teamcenter. When the source is Mendix, it indicates the model is from Mendix file storage. When the source is Teamcenter, it indicates the model is from a Teamcenter instance. |
Author | The author of the model. |
CreationDate | For models stored in Mendix file storage, the CreationDate corresponds to the time the JT model is first uploaded to the file storage. For models stored in Teamcenter, the CreationDate indicates the creation date of this model revision. |
FileSize | The size of the model in bytes. |
FileType | The 3D model format. |
Status | Used specifically for models uploaded and stored in Mendix file storage. The Status has three values: Complete (indicates the uploading of a model to Mendix file storage is complete), InProgress (indicates the uploading is in progress), and Error (indicates the uploading failed). |
ErrorReason | The reason for the model upload error. |
The Pagination entity serves as an input parameter of the GetModelListFromMendix nanoflow. This allows you to paginate the model list returned by the nanoflow. If the values of the Pagination attributes are not specifically set, GetModelListFromMendix will return a full list of the models.

Attribute | Intended Use |
Count | Indicates which page number to fetch. |
PageSize | The item size of one page. |
OffSet | The offset from the first item of the page. |
The Markup entity is a System.Image type of entity and denotes a markup image.
The MxModelDocument and MxChildDocument entities are internal entities, and in most cases, you will not need them.
For Studio Pro 8.15, the HTTPEndpoint constant with the default value visualization is used to restrict the value of the Endpoint parameter used in the Viewer3D/USE_ME/VisServerAction Java action.
For Studio Pro 9.4 and above, HTTPEndpoint is renamed Endpoint, and you do not need to configure this constant.
The ModelSourceType constant with the value Mendix is used to signify the model source. You can use this constant to restrict the value of the Data source parameter in the Uploader widget, the Model source type parameter in the Viewer widget, or the value of the Source attribute in the ModelDocument entity.
The LicenseToken constant provides a valid license token for an app that uses this app service. As 3D Viewer is a commercial product, you need to have a valid license token and configure it correctly. For details on how to get and configure a license token, see the Obtaining a License Token and Configuring the License Token sections.
The DeleteModelFromMendix microflow takes a ModelDocument object as an input parameter and deletes the corresponding model stored in the Mendix file storage.

The DownloadMarkup microflow takes a Markup object as input parameter and downloads the image to a local directory.

The CreateModelDocumentFromFileDocument nanoflow takes a FileDocument object as an input parameter to create a ModelDocument object to represent a user model file stored as the entity of System.FileDocument or its specialization. As the Viewer widget is prebuilt to take a ModelDocument object as the data source, this nanoflow allows you to get and visualize a model from your existing file storage.

The GetModelListFromMendix nanoflow takes a Pagination object as an input parameter to fetch the model list from Mendix file storage and returns a list of ModelDocuments as a result. Each ModelDocument represents a model that is stored in the Mendix file storage.

The GetMarkupsFromMendix nanoflow takes a ModelDocument object as an input parameter to fetch the markup images associated with this model and returns a list of Markup object as a result. Each markup represents an image that is stored in the Mendix file storage.

Java Action
The VisServerAction Java action is used to set up a visualization server infrastructure, which is critical for realizing all the functions that 3D Viewer provides. It is exposed as microflow actions.
For 3D Viewer to work, you must set the app’s after-startup microflow to call the VisServerAction Java action.
Core Widgets
The Core widgets required to enable visualizing a 3D model are described below.
The Container3D widget is a container widget designed to put other 3D widgets in (except Uploader widget, Uploader widget doesn’t need to be placed within Container3D widget). It provides a shared context for 3D widgets to communicate with each other.
You can place this widget in any location of a page.
The Uploader widget enables selecting one or more models from your local machine and uploading it to the Mendix file storage.
You can place this widget in any location of a page.
On the General tab of the properties, the Model ID, and Data source attributes can be used to retrieve the uploading model’s Model ID and Model source type values.
The Viewer widget provides a viewing window of your 3D model.
Place this widget inside a Container3D widget.
For this widget to visualize a model correctly, set the following properties:
- On the Data Source tab, configure the correct Model ID and Model source type properties:
- Example valid Model ID values – the value of the ModelId attribute of a ModelDocument object, or the value of a Model ID attribute set by the Uploader widget property
- Valid Model Source Type values – Mendix or Teamcenter; you can also use the Viewer3D/USER_ME/ModelSourceType constant
- On the Transport tab, make sure the HttpEndpoint is set to @Viewer3D.HttpEndpoint or visualization
- On the Appearance tab, make sure the widget has a fixed height (for example, set Style to height:600px, or make sure height of its parent is fixed); otherwise, the viewer will expand indefinitely
- On the General tab, there are some optional customization options for changing the widget’s behavior:
- Viewer ID – sets the id for the widget — this can be used later to get the viewer instance
- Show coordinate system – determines if a coordinate system will appear at the lower-left corner of the viewer
- Show navigation cube – determines if a navigation cube will appear at the upper-right corner of the viewer
- Show tooltip determines if a tooltip will appear when the end-user clicks a model part; this accepts a Boolean value
- Automatically load parts – determines if the model part will be loaded into the Viewer automatically; if set to Yes, the model will be automatically loaded as long as the Viewer receives the Model ID and Model source type values; if set to No, the model will only be loaded into the Viewer when triggered from the PS Tree part toggling (for this use case, add the PS Tree widget so you can trigger the part loading by clicking the PS Tree)
- Advance configuration – provides advanced configurations in JSON string format for Viewer. Please see Advanced Configuration, below, for details.
- On the Events tab, there are some optional customization options for changing the widget’s behavior:
- On selection change – by binding a String attribute to the Selection property, you can use this attribute as an input parameter to add an action to trigger when the selection changes on the Viewer
- On error – by binding a String attribute to the Error property, you can obtain the error message raised by the Viewer and add custom actions to trigger when an error arises
- On progress change – by binding a String attribute to the Progress status property, you can obtain the current model loading status; by binding a Decimal attribute to the Progress percentage property, you can obtain the current model loading percentage; you can also add custom actions triggered by this change
- On load – by binding a Boolean attribute to the Loaded property, you can obtain information about if the product structure is loaded; you can also add custom actions triggered by this change
3D Viewer also exposes some APIs on the Viewer for you to invoke and implement custom logic that suits your needs. For information on how to use the 3D Viewer APIs and other details, see Use the 3D Viewer API.
Panel Widgets
The Panel widgets have an operation panel that contains an interactive item for the end-user to operate on.
Each panel widget should be placed in a Container3D widget. A Viewer widget with the right data source should also be in the same Container3D widget.
PS Tree
The PS Tree widget presents a hierarchical tree view of the items that form a model. By toggling the tree node, the end-user can control which model parts are loaded into the Viewer. In addition, the widget supports searching the names of nodes using regular expressions and highlighting the results.
On the General tab, the following options are available:
- Expand all – determines if the model’s product structure tree should be fully expanded at the initial load
- Show search – used to toggle a search bar that enables the end-user to enter a part name and search for the part in the widget
- Show search options – determines whether to display all node search results in the drop-down list

- Show leaf structure – determines if the sub-part data should be displayed in the widget
PS Tree Table
The PS Tree Table widget presents a configurable tree table to display the product structure of a model and other model attributes of your choice.
Compared to the PS Tree widget, this widget adds an additional configurable property called Column. You can expand the table by adding columns and specifying the property to be displayed in this column. Examples of predefined properties are Volume, Mass, Units, HasPMI, and Density. If you want to display other properties other than the predefined properties in the list, you can also add them by specifying valid properties defined in the model.

PMI Tree
The PMI Tree widget presents a hierarchical tree display of a model’s product manufacturing information, model views, and design groups.
On the General tab, the Expand all tree nodes property determines if all tree nodes are expanded by default. When set to Yes, the end-user sees a PMI tree fully expanded by default on the widget load. When set to No, the PMI tree will not fully expand by default.
Also on the General tab, the Auto load property determines if all PMI information should be automatically loaded into viewer once the PMI structure tree is loaded.
Section View
The Section View widget enables creating a section cut on the model and provides a section view from various angles.
Place this widget inside of a Container3D widget. A Viewer widget should be present in the same Container3D widget so that you can add a section plane on the model.
No specific configuration is needed. With this widget, you can add, delete, and clear section planes to the model on your desired direction axis and clipping mode. For details on how this widget behaves in an app, see the Create 3D Section section below.
Markup Builder
The Markup Builder widget enables creating a 2D markup on a model and saving the annotated screenshot. Snapshots that contain 2D markup will be saved along with the model in Mendix file storage.
On General tab, by setting the Enable property you can switch the markup mode on or off. When set to True, model will be locked to a 2D dimension and will not react to mouse rotation. When set to False, the model will be unlocked and return to rotatable state.
Also on the General tab is the markup color property, which allows you to set the color of markup annotations. The valid values are CSS legal color values (for example, RGB values, predefined color names, and hexadecimal color values).
On Event tab, by binding a Boolean attribute to the Save property, the save status of the markup image can be obtained after the end-user clicks Save on the Markup builder’s panel. You can also add custom actions, such as showing a pop-up message, to this. When the attribute value changes to True, it means the markup image associated with the model is successfully saved in Mendix file storage. When the attribute value is False, this means the save is not successful. By setting the Action property, you can trigger an action based on the value of the Save status.
The Measurement widget enables performing measurements on 3D models, including measuring distance, angle, line length, radius, and area.
Place this widget inside of a Container3D widget. A Viewer widget should be present in the same Container3D widget so that you can use the options provided in the widget to perform measurements on the model.
You can set the language of the measurement result in the General tab. The default language is English.

No specific configuration is needed. With this widget, you can measure the distance, length, radius, area, and angle of a part or between parts. For details on how to perform measurements on a 3D model, see the Perform 3D Measurements section below.
The Preference widget allows you to set and save your personal preferences.
Place this widget inside of a Container3D widget. A Viewer widget should be present in the same Container3D widget so that you can use the options provided in the widget to filter PMI of the model.
With this widget, you can use the following filtering settings:
Filter PMI entities by type
Filter model view
Filter design group
Show assembly level PMI
For details on how this widget behaves in an application, see the Setting Preferences section below.
Toolbar Widgets
The Toolbar widgets do not require additional configuration. Simply place them within a Container3D widget with the accompanying Viewer widget.
Widget | Description |
Tool Bar Item Camera Mode | Provides the ability to control the appearance of surface objects displayed in the view. The option determines whether surface objects are represented on the display by facet geometry or edge geometry. |
Tool Bar Item Camera Orientation | Enables viewing the model from different camera orientations. |
Tool Bar Item Explode Slider | Enables creating an exploded view of your assembly. |
Tool Bar Item Fit All | Enables fitting all the model parts in the Viewer. |
Tool Bar Item Render Mode | Enables toggling between different model render modes. |
Tool Bar Item Selection Mode | Provides the ability to select a model part, edge, face, and body. |
Tool Bar Item Snapshot | Provides the ability to take a snapshot of the current Viewer and save the snapshot to a local machine. |
Configuring the License Token
You can deploy 3D Viewer locally or in a Mendix Free App for free. However, to deploy 3D Viewer on the cloud, it will need to be licensed, and you need to obtain a license token as described in Obtaining a License Token, above, and then configure it as follows:
For an App Deployed in Mendix Cloud
If you deploy your app in Mendix Cloud, configure the license token in the Mendix Portal.
Before you deploy your app, configure the app Constants in the deployment package.

If you have already deployed your app, change the existing LicenseToken constant value on the Model Options tab and restart the app.

For an App Deployed in Your Own Environment
If you deploy your app in your own environment, you need to configure the license token in your own environment. For more information, see Deploying Apps.
3D Viewer provides a set of widgets to visualize 3D models and a set of nanoflows and Java Actions to bring in the data.
When you start from a blank app template in Mendix Studio Pro, you can follow the steps below to visualize your local 3D model quickly.
Uploading and Viewing a 3D Model in Your Browser
For the Viewer widget to visualize a 3D model, two data source attributes should be set: Model ID and Model source type. To enable uploading 3D models and visualizing them directly on the page, a set of these attributes should be returned by the Uploader widget and set to that of the Viewer widget.
The procedure shows how to configure this visualization, using a JT file as an example:
Place a Container3D widget on the page.
Put the Uploader and Viewer widgets into the Container3D widget and give them a layout.
Set a fixed height of the Viewer widget (toggle to Design mode to see the preview).
Create an entity and call it UploadedModel in your app module’s domain model.
Wrap the Uploader and Viewer widgets inside a new data view widget.
Create a nanoflow, call it CreatedUploadedModel, and set this as the data source of the data view.
Create two attributes for the UploadedModel entity. Set them to receive the value returned from the Uploader’s Data source and UploadModelId:
On the Data Source tab, set the data source attributes of the Viewer widget by setting Model ID to UploadedModelID and Model source type to Mendix:
On the General tab, set Automatically load parts to Yes, which enables loading the model automatically upon successful upload.
Run your app locally. You can now upload a JT file and view it directly in the browser:
Displaying Model Loading Progress with Progress Bar Widget
When the end-user is uploading or loading a model, they may want to know the uploading and loading progress. The uploading progress in the Uploader widget can seen in the uploader panel :

Loading progress in the Viewer widget can be obtained via the Progress status and Progress percentage attributes in the Events tab.
Follow these steps to display the model loading progress:
Create an entity called PageObject, add a decimal attribute called LoadingProgress with a default value of
= 0
(as the Progress Bar widget expects a decimal value). -
Create a nanoflow called createPageObject that returns a PageObject object.
Wrap the Container3D widget with a data view and set the Data source of the data view to the createPageObject nanoflow.
Set the value of the LoadingProgress attribute by setting the Progress percentage property:
Add the Progress Bar widget to the page and set PageObject.LoadingProgress as the Progress Attribute on the Values tab.
Run your app locally. You can see the real-time model loading progress:
Previewing Models Without Uploading
To preview a model directly without uploading to Mendix file storage, drag and drop the file into the Viewer. If you want to upload the model after the preview, just click the Upload to Mendix File Storage icon on the upper-left corner of the Viewer.

Utilizing More 3D Functionality
You can add more 3D widgets to the page to enable more 3D functionalities and arrange the layout of them as needed. For example:

Managing Uploaded Models
In previous use case, you can only visualize the model you upload.
Usually, you will also need to manage the models that are uploaded and stored in the data storage. 3D Viewer provides the GetModelListFromMendix nanoflow and DeleteModelFromMendix microflow to help you build model data management functionality into your app.
Building a Model List
The Mendix native list view can be used to display the model list by following these steps:
Use the View3D/USE_ME/GetModelListFromMendix nanoflow or copy it to your app module. A list of ModelDocument objects will be returned after calling the nanoflow.
Add a pop-up page to display the model list via a button click or another event of your choice.
Place a list view in the page and set the GetModelListFromMendix nanoflow as the Data source.
As GetModelListFromMendix requires a Pagination parameter input, wrap the list view with a data view. Then, create a nanoflow called CreatePaginationObject nanoflow and set that nanoflow as the list view’s Data source.
Fill in the list item with the information you are interested in:
Opening a Model from the Model List
Once you have the model list, you may want to click to select a model from the list and view the model. As the Viewer widget expects ModelId and Model Source Type to visualize a model, such information of the selected model needs to be passed to the Viewer widget. Since each list item is a ModelDocument object and this object contains various pieces of information about the selected model (including ModelId and Model Source Type), you need to pass this object to the Viewer widget.
Follow these steps for configuration:
Define the On click action for the list view to pass the selected model to the Viewer widget that is present in another page (so the selected model can be loaded into the viewer). An example approach is to create an entity that is associated with the ModelDocument entity defined in the Viewer3D module’s domain model. Make the object a shared object between the page the Viewer is in and the model list page. In this example, you are creating a PageObject with this home page:
This is the model pop-up page:
Set the On click action of the model list item, then change the ModelDocument object with which the PageObject is associated to return the value so that home page can be refreshed on a PageObject change:
Run your app locally. You will get a simple model list where you can select which model to open and visualize it with the home-page viewer:
Deleting a Model
There might be some models that you do not want in the database, so you can delete these, too. The 3D Viewer app service provides the DeleteModelFromMendix microflow to achieve this.
Follow these steps to delete a model from the database:
Use the Viewer3D/USE_ME/DeleteModelFromMendix microflow directly or copy it to one of your app modules.
DeleteModelFromMendix expects a ModelDocument (which represents a model stored in Mendix file storage) as an input parameter. After successful execution, the model will be deleted from Mendix file storage. In the previous steps, a model list was built, each list item of which is a ModelDocument. For a model list item, add a Delete button.
Create a nanoflow called DeleteModel and set ModelDocument as the input parameter. Then, call the DeleteModelFromMendix microflow and commit the ModelDocument:
Set the On click event of the Delete button to the DeleteModel nanoflow.
Run your app locally. You should be able to delete a model by clicking Delete.
Now you are able to get a list of models, select a list item to open a model, and delete the model.
Handling Viewer Events
Multiple events can be picked up by the Viewer widget and can be used to build your customized event handling logic.
There are four main types of events that can be picked up on the Viewer widget, which are described in the sections below.
On Selection Change
By selecting one attribute to set Selection, you can get information on the selected part (for this you might need to work with Viewer APIs; if you have inquiries on how to use the Viewer APIs, please contact Siemens Support).
Selection takes a String attribute. You can define an attribute and bind that attribute to Selection property. In a running app, when user select on a model part, the selection event will be triggered, and the selected part info will be populated to this Selection attribute. You can easily get this selected object information (psid and viewer)and use it in the actions.

Like other Mendix events, you can select from a list of actions upon a model part selection for Action. One possible use case is utilizing GET
APIs exposed by the Viewer (for example, get Boundingbox
, set the material by PSID
in a JavaScript action, include this in a nanoflow, and set the Action to call this nanoflow).

On Error
By selecting one attribute to set the Error event, you can pick up an error exposed by the Viewer.
Error takes a String attribute. You can define an attribute and bind that attribute to this property. In a running app, when there’s problem visualizing a model, the error event will be triggered, and the error information will be populated to this Error attribute. You can easily obtain this error message raised by viewer and add custom actions to trigger when error arises.

Like other Mendix events, you can select from a list of actions upon a Viewer error for Action. One possible use case is show a error pop-up page to let user know the error details.

On Progress Change
By selecting one attribute for the Progress status value, you can get the current loading status and the loading percentage of the model, product structure tree, and PMI tree.
Progress status takes a String attribute. You can define an attribute and bind that attribute to this property. In a running app, upon loading a model, product structure tree, PMI tree, and PMI shape, the load progress status information will be populated to this attribute. You can easily get this model loading status information (Notloaded
, Loading
, Loaded
)and use it in the actions.
Progress percentage takes a Decimal attribute. You can define an attribute and bind that attribute to this property. In a running app, upon loading a model, product structure tree, PMI tree, and PMI shape, the load progress percentage information will be populated to this attribute.You can easily get this loading percentage and use it in the actions.

Like other Mendix events, you can select from a list of actions upon progress change for Action. One possible use case is use a progress bar widget to display captured model loading percentage to user.

For more information, see Displaying Model Loading Progress with Progress Bar Widget.
On Load
By selecting one attribute for the Loaded value, you can get the current loading status of the product structure tree.
OnLoad takes a Boolean type attribute. You can define an attribute and bind that attribute to this property. In a running app, when you open a model, product structure tree will need to be loaded first, the product structure tree load event will be triggered, and the product structure load information will be populated to this attribute. You can get the current loading status of product structure tree and use it in the actions.

Like other Mendix events, you can select from a list of actions upon the product structure tree loaded status for Action. In order to call the On Load action, you must bind a valid Loaded value. One possible use case is show a pop-up page to let user know if product structure is successfully loaded.

Creating a 3D Section
When a model is loaded in the viewer, the Section View widget enables the following:
- Inspecting the interior structure of a model by adding standard section planes
- Deleting a section plane
- Clearing all section planes
- Clipping away parts
- Positioning a plane
The sections below present operations within the Section View widget.

- Add – Use this to add a section plane. First, select the axis along which you would like to section the model, then click Add. You will see a section plane of the desired axis added to the scene. The default position of the newly added section plane is in the middle of the bounding box of the direction selected.
- Delete – Use this to delete a selected section plane. Click the edge of the section plane to select it (when selected, the section plane edges are highlighted in yellow color). Then, click Delete.
- Clear – Use this to clear all the section planes added to the scene.
- X Direction – sets the X axis of the default coordinate system as the reference
- Y Direction – sets the Y axis of the default coordinate system as the reference
- Z Direction – sets the Z axis of the default coordinate system as the reference
For example, if you select Y Direction, then the cross section is created on the ZX plane.
When a section plane is selected (and highlighted in yellow), you can choose which part of the model you would like to clip away by selecting a clipping option:
- Off – do not clip
- Both – clip both sides, showing the 2D intersecting curve on the section plane
- Near – clip away the positive side (toward the Direction)
- Far – clip away the negative side (away from the Direction)
You can move the position sliders to adjust the position of the section plane along its axis. You can also type in an exact position to place the section plane at an exact position.
You can add multiple section planes to cut the model in different directions. After the section, you can save a snapshot of a section view. You can also add markup annotations on the section view and save them for later review.
An advanced end-user can enable the SectionManipulator to move / rotate the section plane using advanced configuration. There are two flavors as illustrated below:
enable SectionManipulator | enable SectionHandle |
![]() |
![]() |
Performing 3D Measurements
When a model is loaded into the viewer, the Measurement widget provides a set of tools to measure different geometrical entities:

The sections below describe these tools.
Measurement Mode
- Distance – measure the distance between two part features
- Length – measure the length of a line
- Radius – measure the radius of a circular edge or surface
- Angle – measure the angle between two edges or surfaces
- Area – measure the area of a surface
- Delete – select one measurement result, then click Delete and the selected measurement result will be removed from the scene
- Clear – clear all the measurement results in the scene
Setting Preferences
You can change the settings of the Preference widget to customize the behavior of the model and set it up to suit your needs.

Click Preference to display the dialog. You can set your filter as a preference in any combination you like, and when you click the OK button, the filter will take effect the next time you open a file; the Reset button clears all settings. This method can only set the preference when your application is running, but of course we also provide a more advanced method - before the application starts - to set your preference, for more details you can refer to Advanced Configuration.
Advanced Configuration
The viewer provides comprehensive configurations to customize behaviors. Advanced users can use these to customize their products by overriding default options. Some of the options are available in the Advanced Version ONLY, so please be aware of this when using the configuration options.
Here is an example of how to set configuration options:
"enableCache": true,
"enableSectionManipulator": true,
"enableBboxSurfaceScanner": true,
"bboxSurfaceScanner": {
"showBBoxes": false,
"pmiPreference": {
"ignoredPMI": ["DIMENSION","NOTE"],
"ignoreModelView": true,
"ignoreDesignGroup": true,
"onlyShowAssemblyLevelPMI": false
You can set the following configuration options:
Cache Options
This enables the edge / segment / vertex cache when loading JT files. When opening the same JT files, it will load directly from the browser cache to improve performance.
- Type – Boolean
- Default value – false
SectionManipulator Options
If you set enableSectionManipulator to true for a section view, it will add a trihedron drag handle to the section plane.
- Type – Boolean
- Default value – false
If you set enableSectionHandle to true for a section view, it will add a drag handle to the section plane.
- Type – Boolean
- Default value – false
Defines the style of sectionHandle. arrowRadius
and handleRadius
are measured in pixels.
Type – object
Default value –
{ "arrowColor": 16711680, "handleColor": 16711680, "arrowRadius": 8, "handleRadius": 1.5 }
Culling / bboxSurfaceScanner
Setting this to true enables bounding box SurfaceScanner for lazy loading and rendering, which will improve performance for large models.
- Type – Boolean
- Default value – false
Specifies bboxSurfaceScanner options.
Type – object
Default value –
{ "useDefault": true, "detailLevel": 35.8, "positions": { "enableAllScannerPositions": false, "positions": { "front": true }, "fitAllPositions": { "left": false, "right": false, "top": false, "bottom": false, "front": false, "rear": false } }, "bboxOpacity": 35, "showBBoxes": true, "useMovingFrameCulling": true, "movingFrameCullingBoundary": 2, "movingFrameSleepMS": 200, "autoScanning": true, "autoScanDelayMS": 2000, "cameraSensitivity": 0.1, "reevaluateAfterRotation": true, "drawWhileLoading": false, "renderBBoxesOnMovingFrames": false, "sleepBetweenAutoDrawsMS": 750 }
This defines measurement behaviors and dimension styles. The measurement
section is used to customize measurement behaviors and the dimension
section is used to customize text, material, lines, colors etc. |
Type – object
Default value –
{ "dimension": { "text": { "color": 0, "flatToScreen": true, "font": 1, "lineGapFactor": 0.25, "lineFactor": 0.25, "hasBorder": false, "isHollow": false, "backgroundColor": 39321, "labelTextColor": 16777215, "textSelectionColor": 16777215, "textHighlightColor": 16777215, "selectionBackgroundColor": 39321, "highlightBackgroundColor": 6151645, "height": 12, "fontFamily": "Arial" }, "associationMaterial": { "diffuse": 18761, "linewidth": 3 }, "associationHighlightMaterial": { "diffuse": 6151645, "specular": 0, "shininess": 1, "linewidth": 3 }, "pointOnTopColor": { "diffuse": 14226709 }, "arrowLine": { "color": 8886442 }, "extensionLine": { "color": 8886442 }, "selectionColor": 39321, "highlightColor": 6151645, "widelineHighlightColor": { "linewidth": 3, "diffuse": 14226709 }, "meshHighlightColor": 14226709, "overwrite": true }, "measurement": { "autoPosition": false, "highlightColor": { "diffuse": 14226709, "specular": 1, "shininess": 1 }, "pickingMaterial": { "diffuse": 12156222, "specular": 0, "shininess": 0 } } }
Preference Options
Here is a sample Preference configuration:
"pmiPreference": {
"ignoredPMI": ["DIMENSION","NOTE"],
"ignoreModelView": true,
"ignoreDesignGroup": true,
"onlyShowAssemblyLevelPMI": false
Defines the PMI entities you do not want to display.
- Type – array
- Default value -
[ ]
Available enumeration values:
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
Defines whether or not to filter the model view.
- Type – Boolean
- Default value – false
Defines whether or not to filter the design group.
- Type – Boolean
- Default value – false
Defines whether or not to show the assembly level PMI only.
- Type – Boolean
- Default value – false
Read More
- Academy course: Build a 3D Model Inspection App