Private Mendix Platform Functionalities - My Apps

Last modified: October 18, 2024


The My Apps page is the landing page of Private Mendix Platform.

It contains the following elements:


The top section of the My Apps page contains elements that help new users get started with the Private Mendix Platform. It consists of the following blocks:

  • Download & Install Studio Pro - Click this block to download the highest version of Studio Pro available in your Private Mendix Platform.
  • Patch Studio Pro - Click this block to download the required patch file for Studio Pro.
  • Create a New App Project - Click this block to create a new app. For more information, see Creating a New App.

To hide the Onboarding section, click Hide onboarding.

My Apps Overview

The bottom section of the My Apps page contains an overview of your active and archived applications. It contains the following elements:

  • Search bar - Use the search bar to search through apps by name or description.
  • Active tab - Displays all currently active apps. Each tile shows the current member count for the app, as well as a sub-menu to archive or delete it. To view more details about an app, click on its tile. For more information, see Managing Your App.
  • Archived tab - Displays all archived apps. To reactivate an archived project, click on its tile. Apps cannot be archived if they have more than one member.