In the Administrator tab of App Security, you can change the default credentials and a user role for the Administrator user:

Administrator Properties
In the Administrator tab the following properties are available:
User Name
The user name is used to sign into the application as the Administrator.
Default: MxAdmin
The password is used to sign into the application as the Administrator. Click Show password to see the password.
Default: 1
Since the value of the password is general knowledge, it is safer to change this to a custom password.
This password is only used when Mendix is running locally. Changing the password in your model will not update the password in your Cloud environments. You can change the password for your other licensed environments in the Mendix Portal.
Free Apps
The MxAdmin user is not created automatically when you deploy your app as a Free App. For licensed environments the MxAdmin user is created when you change the password for the first time, for example through the Environment Details for Mendix Cloud.
When your Free App has never been deployed and the database still needs to be created, any data snapshot you have added to your app will be restored to the database of your Free App. You can use this process to add the MxAdmin user to your Free App by doing the following:
- In Studio Pro, go to App > Security.
- With Security level set to Production, open the Administrator tab.
- Change the default password of the administrator user.
- Run you app locally. This will create a local database that includes the MxAdmin user.
- Once your app is running locally, stop it again.
- Open Version Control > Add Snapshot of Data.
- Click Yes to confirm committing the new data snapshot.
Your app now contains a data snapshot. If you deploy this app for a Free App for the first time, the snapshot will be restored to the database of the Free App. If there is already a database for your Free App, the snapshot will not be restored.
Alternatively you can log in as an administrator to a Free App deployed to the cloud, by doing the following:
- In Studio Pro, go to App > Security.
- With Security level set to Production, open the Demo users tab.
- Set Enable demo users to Yes.
- Add a demo_administrator having User role Administrator.
- Deploy your Free App to the cloud environment by clicking Publish.
- Log in using the demo-administrator and you can then create some user accounts.
User Role
The user role assigned to the Administrator. For more information, see User Roles.
Default: Administrator
The administrator is always created and has the System.Administrator role by default. The System.Administrator role allows users of your application to be managed.
For Free Apps, the user that created the application automatically has this role by default as well so you can use it to manage your users in that environment.
This role may be helpful in case you have exceeded your user license restriction in which case you can use any user that has this System.Administrator role to sign in to manage your users.