Automatic Fetching
When collaborating with someone on the same branch, they may push their changes to the server before you. Studio Pro has an automatic fetch mechanism that periodically checks the version control server for changes that are not yet present on your machine.
Being aware of what happened on the server allows Studio Pro to guide you during the various version control operations, so you can integrate those changes at an earlier stage. By integrating earlier rather than later, you will typically encounter fewer conflicts while collaborating.
Repository State Indicator
When automatic fetching is enabled, the repository state indicator is displayed at the bottom right of Studio Pro window.

This indicator shows the following:
- the name of the current branch
- the number of incoming commits that exist on this branch of the remote but are not pulled to your machine yet
- the number of outgoing commits that exist on this branch on your machine (local commits) but are not pushed to the remote
You can enable or disable automatic fetching, and configure the fetch interval, on the Version Control Tab of the Preferences dialog.