Change Workflow State

Last modified: February 18, 2025


The Change workflow state activity can be used to add Abort, Continue, Pause, Unpause, Restart, or Retry operations to a workflow and control workflow instances.


An example of change workflow state properties is represented in the image below:

Change Workflow State Properties

There are two sets of properties for this activity, those in the dialog box on the left, and those in the properties pane on the right.

The Change workflow state properties pane consists of the following sections:

Action Section

The Action section of the properties pane shows the action associated with this activity.

You can open a dialog box to configure this action by clicking the ellipsis () next to the action.

You can also open the dialog box by double-clicking the activity, or right-clicking the activity and selecting Properties.


You can select the following operations that represent the new state of the workflow instance:

  • Abort workflow – This operation aborts the workflow instance and brings it to its final state; there is no operation to undo an abort operation. The Reason property can be set for administration purposes to indicate why the workflow instance is aborted. For more information on the Reason property, see the Reason section below.

  • Continue workflow – This operation continues the processing of the workflow instance from the point where it was before a new version of the workflow definition was deployed. The workflow instance will no longer be in the Incompatible state. If the task is no longer in the new workflow definition, this action results in an error.

  • Pause workflow – This operation pauses further processing of the workflow. User tasks cannot be completed when the workflow instance is in the Pause state. Use the Unpause workflow operation to resume processing of the workflow.

  • Unpause workflow – This operation resumes the workflow after it has been paused with the Pause workflow operation. User tasks can be completed again.

  • Restart workflow – This operation stops the current task of the workflow and starts it from the initial task in the workflow definition. This action can be used when a workflow instance has become incompatible after a modified workflow definition has been deployed. Note that when the workflow instance is restarted, the workflow context object has the same values as before the Restart workflow operation was executed.

  • Retry workflow – This operation allows you to retry the failed workflow. Retry workflow differs from Restart workflowRestart workflow starts the same workflow from the beginning, while Retry workflow retries the failed activity to see whether the workflow can get back into the in-progress state. There can be the following use cases:

    • If the failed activity is a user task activity, Retry workflow attempts to get the user task back to the state it had before it failed.
    • If the user task failed due to an execution error in the event handling microflow (for more information, see the Events Section in User Task and the User Task State Change section in Workflow Properties), the failed microflow is re-executed.
    • If the user task failed because no users were targeted by a microflow or XPath expression (for more information, see the Target Users Using section in User Task), there are two ways to fix this:
      • Change the data that is used by the targeting microflow or the XPath expression so that it results in one or more users (for example, making sure each role has at least one user). After that the Retry workflow will re-execute the targeting microflow or XPath expression.
      • Add targeted users to the System.WorkflowUserTask_TargetUsers association (for example, from the DefaultWorkflowAdmin page in the Workflow Commons module or from your own functionality). In this case the Retry workflow puts the workflow into the in-progress state and does not execute the targeting microflow or XPath expression again.
    • If the multi-user task failed because too few users were targeted by a microflow or XPath expression, there are three ways to fix this:
      • Change the completion condition so that the number of (already) targeted users satisfies the condition (for more information, see the Participant Input section in Multi-User Task).
      • Add targeted users to the System.WorkflowUserTask_TargetUsers association, so that the completion condition is satisfied. Note that the user-targeting microflow or XPath expression is not re-executed. This is to prevent overwriting the added targeted users. If re-execution of the user targeting is desired, use the option provided in the next bullet point.
      • Remove all targeted users from the System.WorkflowUserTask_TargetUsers association, which will re-execute the user-targeting microflow or XPath expression. In addition, other changes, like the ones mentioned in the above bullet points, must be made as well. Otherwise, the user targeting will fail again like before.

Workflow Object

The Workflow object property should be a specialization of the System.Workflow entity and identifies the workflow instance the operation should be executed on.


The Reason property is only used when Abort workflow is selected in the Operation property and allows you to add a description on why this workflow instance was aborted.

Common Section

For more information on properties in this section, see Common Properties.