Properties Common in the Page Editor
These are properties that are shared by many elements in the page editor, such as a page or widgets. For a complete list of properties, take a look at the relevant element.
Accessibility Properties and Widgets
Screen Reader Caption
The Screen reader caption property allows information to be read by screen readers when Show label is set to No in an input widget.
Screen Reader Caption Input Elements
The Screen reader caption property can be set on the following widgets:
- Text Box
- Text Area
- Drop-down
- Checkbox
- Radio Buttons
- Date Picker
- File Manager
- Reference Selector
- Input Reference Set Selector
Common Section

The internal name of the widget. You can use this to give sensible names to widgets. The name property also appears in the generated HTML: the widget DOM element automatically includes the class mx-name-{NAME}
, which can be useful for Selenium testing.
Tab Index
The tab index influences the order in which the end-user navigates through the page using the tab key. By default tab indices are zero and the tab order is determined automatically by the client system. A value of minus one (-1) means that the widget will be skipped when tabbing through the page.
Default: 0
The class property allows you to specify one or more cascading style sheet (CSS) classes for the widget. The classes should be separated by a space. The classes will be applied to the widget in the browser and the widget will get the corresponding styling. The classes should be classes in the theme that is used in the app. It overrules the default styling of the widget.
Styling is applied in the following order:
- The default styling defined by the theme the app uses.
- The
combined withDynamic classes
properties of the widget. - The
property of the widget.
You can see which widgets in a page have styling applied via the class or style property by clicking the Show styles button.

The style property allows you to specify additional CSS styling. If a class is also specified, this styling is applied after the class. For example, >background-color:lightblue; color:red;
will result in red text on a blue background:

Dynamic Classes
The dynamic classes property allows you to specify one or more cascading stylesheet (CSS) class like the class property, but based on an expression. This allows you to dynamically construct classes based on data from an enclosing data container. The dynamic classes constructed in the expression are appended to the classes defined in the Class

You can see which widgets in a page have styling applied via the style or class property by clicking the Show styles button.
element, not to the <td>
element (in contrast to the class property).
Some widgets, for example snippets and building blocks, have a Documentation property which can be used to store developer documentation. This can be used to explain to other developers how to use these widgets. End-users will never see this documentation.
Data Source Section

This property identifies an attribute which is used in an input widget.
Attribute Input Elements
With the following widgets, the Attribute (Path) specifies the attribute which is being changed (or displayed) by the widget:
The attribute can be one of the following:
- An attribute of the entity of the data container that contains the widget.
- An attribute of the entity of any enclosing data container that contains the widget.
- An attribute of an entity associated with the data container entity by following one or more associations of type reference through the domain model.
In the first two cases we say the widget is connected to an attribute and in the third case to an attribute path.
You can edit attributes of any enclosing data container including grandparent data containers.
Association Input Elements
For widgets which manipulate associations, the Attribute (Path) specifies an attribute which is from an entity which is reachable from the current data container using an association. This applies to the following input elements:
For these widgets, only an Attribute path can be selected. In other words, the selected attribute must be from an entity associated with the data container entity by following an association, of the type which matches the widget, through the domain model.
The attribute can be of one of the following data types:
- Autonumber
- Date and Time
- Decimal
- Enumeration
- Integer
- Long
- String
Editability Section

The editable property indicates whether the end-user will be able to change the value displayed by the widget. The possible values are:
Value | Description |
Default | The value is editable if the containing data container is editable and if security allows it. For example, if the user that is signed in has write access to the selected attribute (the default value for widgets outside a snippet). |
Inherited from snippet call | Set to Default or Never by the containing data container of the snippet call (default value for widgets inside a snippet). |
Never | The value is never editable. |
Conditionally | The value is editable if the specified condition holds (see below). |
Conditionally (combined with inherited condition) | The value is editable if the specified condition holds and the conditions for all conditional editable data containers also hold. |
If the editable property is set to Conditionally, the widget is made editable only if the object of the data container that contains the widget satisfies the specified criteria.
For example, imagine you are creating a personal details form in which the end-user must enter their marital status. In this case, you might wish to disable the input of a marriage date until the end-user indicates that they are married.
Based on Attribute Value
When selected, this enables the widget when a particular attribute has a certain value. Only Boolean and enumeration attributes can be used for this purpose.
Based on Expression
When selected, this enables the widget when a provided expression evaluates to true. The object of the containing data container is available inside an expression as the $currentObject
The expression provided is evaluated in the browser and, currently, does not support all the functions that are available in microflows. The autocomplete function will only list those functions which are supported.
Read-Only Style
This property determines how the widget is rendered if it is read-only.
Value | Description |
Based on data view | Set to Control or Text by the containing data container. (Default value for widgets inside a data container) |
Not enclosed by a data container | Defaults to Text . (Default value for widgets outside a data container) |
Inherited from snippet call | Set to Control or Text by the containing data container of the snippet call, or Text when the snippet call is not enclosed by a data container. (Default value for widgets outside a data container inside a snippet) |
Control | Widget is displayed but disabled so the value cannot be modified. |
Text | Widget is replaced by a textual representation of the value. |
Label Section

A label can be used to described the purpose of the widget to the user. The label is shown next to the widget in the user interface. If a label is configured, the widget will be rendered in the browser wrapped in a form group. See Bootstrap documentation.
Show Label
This property determines whether the label is rendered and the widget is wrapped in a form group.
Label Caption
This property is shown only when Show label is Yes. It specifies what text is rendered within a label.
Text Template
The template for the label can contain parameters that are written as a number between braces (for example, {1}
). The first parameter has the number 1
, the second 2
, etc. Note that to use template parameters, the widget must be placed in the context of an entity (for example, inside a data container).
For each parameter in the template, you define an attribute of the context entity or an associated entity. The value of this attribute will be inserted at the position of the parameter.
Formatting Section

Formatting describes the way that numeric attributes are displayed. These are attributes of the following data types:
- Decimal
- Integer
- Long
When a widget contains a numeric attribute, the Formatting section allows you to change the way it is displayed.
There are three options, described below:
- Decimal Mode
- Decimal Precision
- Group Digits
Decimal Mode
If set to Fixed, the decimal part always will be displayed with the number of places specified in the Decimal precision property. The value will be rounded using the method defined in the Rounding section of App Settings.
If set to Auto, the whole decimal part of the attribute value will be displayed. No decimal part will be displayed if the attribute value is an integer.
Default: Fixed
Value | Fixed (2) | Fixed (4) | Auto |
19.0 | 19.00 | 19.0000 | 19 |
19.99 | 19.99 | 19.9900 | 19.99 |
19.9944 | 19.99¹ | 19.9944 | 19.9944 |
19.9999 | 20.00¹ | 19.9999 | 19.9999 |
19.99999 | 20.00¹ | 20.0000¹ | 19.99999 |
¹ The value is rounded to the nearest decimal with the defined number of decimal places.
Decimal Precision
The precision of a value describes the number of decimal places that are used to express that value. This property indicates the number of decimal places (the number of digits following the point).
The way that the number is rounded when displayed is defined in the Rounding section of App Settings.
Default: 2
Group Digits
For ease of reading, numbers with many digits before the decimal separator may be divided into groups using a delimiter when they are displayed. If the widget is editable and is the current focus of the page, then the delimiters will not be displayed.
This setting applies to all three numeric data types.
Set Group digits to Yes to display these groups.
Default: No
For example, with Group digits set to true
, the number 1100100.01
will be displayed as 1,100,100.01
Validation Section

Input elements can include validation to ensure that data is correct before it is used by the app.
There are two settings in the validation section which are described below:
- Type
- Message
This property indicates whether this widget value should be validated and, if so, how. These are the possible options:
- No validation – the data has to be the correct data type for the widget, but otherwise there is no further validation
- A predefined validation – see description below
- A custom validation – see description below
Predefined Validation
The possible values of a predefined validation are the following:
- Required – can be used for attributes of all data types
- E-mail – applies to String attributes
- Positive number – applies to Decimal, Integer, and Long attributes
- Date in the future – applies to Date and time attributes — compares the date and time to
- Date in the past – applies to Date and time attributes — compares the date and time to
Custom Validation
Custom validation is an expression that follows the Microflow expression syntax.
There are a number of variables you can use in your expression:
– the current object$value
– the current member (attribute or association) value
When a validation is set and it fails for this widget, the message you specify will be shown before the user can use the value in the app.
Default: (none)
This property determines the message that is shown to the user if widget validation is enabled and has failed. This is a translatable text (for more information, see Language Menu).
For example, if an address field is required, the validation message for the text box of the address could be something like, The address is required.
Visibility Section

By default, whether or not an element is displayed in the browser is determined by how the page is designed and the user’s roles within the application. However, the page can be configured to hide the element unless a certain condition is met.
With the Visible property, you only hide data and do not protect it. You can hide a tab or a table row from an end-user, but if they still have access to the data then they could see it some other way. To restrict access to sensitive data, use a constraint on the domain model, not on individual pages.
Depending on the condition used to set the Visible property, hiding an element containing a microflow or snippet will not necessarily prevent the microflow or snippet from being triggered. Mendix recommends that you do not use this method to control whether a microflow is run or not, but include the condition in the microflow itself.
The widget can be made visible only if the object of the data container that contains the widget satisfies the specified criteria.
A practical example would be a web shop in which the user must submit both billing and delivery information. In this case, you might not wish to bother the user with a second set of address input fields unless they indicate that the billing address and delivery address are not the same. You can accomplish this by making the delivery address fields conditionally visible based on the Boolean attribute SameBillingAndDeliveryAddress
Based on Attribute Value
When selected, this shows the widget while a particular attribute has a certain value.
Visibility based on an attribute value can be set only for widgets that are inside data containers (a data view, list view, or data grid).
Only Boolean and enumeration attributes can be used for this purpose.
For example, you have a web shop and you would like to show a field with a billing address only when a customer unchecks the Billing address is the same as delivery address option (it is checked by default).
A page where a customer fills in their details can look the following way:

The visibility of the billing address depends whether the customer checks that the billing address is different from the delivery address. In your domain model, you have an attribute of the Boolean type called BillingAddressSame, so when it is set to false, the billing address should be visible. This means that the visibility of the billing address depends on the value of the BillingAddressSame attribute:

Based on Expression
When selected, this shows the widget while a provided expression evaluates to true. The object of the containing data container is available inside an expression as a $currentObject
variable. The expression can access objects of all the data containers enclosing that data container widget. These objects are available under the name of the widget they originate from (for example, $dataView1
For example, you might want a button to only be visible if a condition is met. Assume the object has an attribute called myAttribute
, and you want the button to be visible only if myAttribute
actually has a value stored. To achieve this goal put this expression into the field: $currentObject/myAttribute != empty

Note that the expression is evaluated in the browser, and hence, we advise against using “secret” values (like access keys) in it. In particular, we disallow usages of constants. Also, client-side expressions currently do not support all the functions that are available in the microflows. Please refer to an autocomplete list to know what functions are supported in your version.
Module Roles
The widget can be made visible to a specific of the user roles available in your application. When activated, this setting will render the widget invisible to all users that are not linked to one of the selected user roles.
Value | Description |
Applicable roles | The widget is visible if access rules allow it (for example if the user that is signed in has a role for which the target is set to be visible/accessible). |
All roles | The widget is always visible. |
Selected roles | This setting will render the widget as invisible to all users that are not linked to one of the selected user roles. |