Navigation Consistency Errors
In this document, we explain how to solve the most common consistency errors that can occur when configuring navigation in Studio Pro. An example of a consistency error is when you set a page that has a data view as a menu item.
Some errors have error codes and if these errors are described in documentation, Studio Pro has a clickable link to the corresponding document. Others do not have an error code, in this case, you can manually search whether a particular error is described in documentation (you can search by a message you see in the Errors pane).
Navigation Consistency Errors
The most common errors you can come across when configuring a navigation item are described in the following sub-sections.
Error Code: CE1568
CE1568 error message: The selected page {Name of the page} expects an object of type {type of object}, which is not available here.
You get CE1568 if the page has a page parameter that expects an object of a particular type to be passed to it.
To fix CE1568, pass an object to the page by changing the On click property of the menu item from Show a page to Create object. For more information, see the Error Fix Example for CE1568 section below.
Error Fix Example for CE1568
When you set a page with a data view as a menu item, you get a consistency error, because the page expects an object to be passed to it.
For example, you have created a menu item called Program for a Responsive profile. This menu item opens the Program page. However, the Program page has a data view on it and expects a ProgramItem object to be passed to it, so that it can show the program details of a specific ProgramItem on the page. As a result, you get a consistency error, as no object is passed to this page from the navigation.

To fix the error, you can create an object and pass it to the page. Do the following:
- Open the navigation for the responsive profile.
- Open properties of the Program menu item, and do the following:
- Change the On click property from Show a page to Create object.
- Set ProgramItem as Entity (path).
- Set Program as On click page. Now when an end-user clicks the menu item, a new ProgramItem object will be created and passed to the page.
Error Code: CE0529
CE0529 error message: The selected {Name of the page} expects an object of type {type of object} and cannot be used as a home page. Change the page or use a microflow to provide the page with an object.
You get CE0529 if you have set a page that expects an object to be passed to it (for example, a page with a data view) as a home page. But the home page has no object that is passed to it, because it is the starting point of a flow.
To fix CE0529, you can use a microflow as the home page that opens the preferred page and pass a specific object to the home page. For more information, see the Error Fix Example for CE0529 section below.
Error Fix Example for CE0529
If you set a page that expects an object to be passed to it as a home page for a navigation profile, you will get a consistency error.
For example, you have added a data view that expects an object of type Customer to the home page of the responsive profile, and you get a consistency error.

You can fix this error by creating a microflow that will that will create a new Customer object and pass it to the page. Do the following:
Open the responsive navigation profile.
In Default home page field click Select.
In the Select Navigation Target dialog box, click New, then select Create Microflow.
Name the microflow ACT_Open_HomePage.
Open the created microflow, add a Create object activity to it
For the Create object activity, set Entity to Customer.
Add Show Page activity to the microflow and do the following in the Show Page pop-up dialog:
- Set Object to pass to NewCustomer.
- Set Page to Home.
- Set Object to pass to NewCustomer.
Now the new object of type Customer will be created and passed to the home page.

Error Code: CE0548
CE0548 error message: Items with subitems cannot have an action themselves.
You get CE0548 if you have assigned an on-click event to a menu item that has a sub-item, when menu items with have sub-items cannot have on-click events assigned to them.
To fix CE0548, you need to either set the on-click event of the menu item to Nothing, or delete/move the sub-item.