
Last modified: February 11, 2025


A dataset is defined using either an OQL query or a custom Java action. To constrain a dataset, parameters can be defined which can be used in the OQL query or Java action.

For one use of a dataset, see Retrieving Objects Using OQL Specified in a Dataset in How to Use Mendix Data Storage APIs to Build Reusable Microflow Actions.


Fields for datasets contain the following properties:

  • Name – This is the name of the dataset.
  • Description – This is the description of the dataset, it is only relevant as documentation.


  • OQL query – This is the OQL query which defines the dataset.
  • Java action – This is the interface of the Java action which returns a dataset. The columns and data types of the columns need to be specified in Studio Pro. Based on this specification, Studio Pro will create a template for this action.

The following shows an example OQL query that calculates the aggregated total order amount for all orders of a customer for a specific group of customers:

FROM CRM.Customers As CustomerObj
INNER JOIN CustomerObj/CRM.Orders_Customer/CRM.Orders As OrderObj
WHERE CustomerObj/CRM.Customer_Group = $ParGroup
GROUP BY CustomerObj/Name
SELECT CustomerObj/Name As Name, SUM(OrderObj/TotalAmount) As TotalAmount


A dataset can have multiple parameters. Parameters are used to filter / manipulate datasets. Security on datasets is configured based on the parameters. In a Java action, the parameters are used in the generated template.

A parameter has the following configurable properties:

  • Name – This is the name of the parameter.
  • Type – The type of the parameter can be: Boolean, Date and time, Enumeration, Decimal, Integer/Long, or Object.
  • Constraints – The constraints on a parameter influence which values can be selected for parameter input values by the end-user. Constraints can be associated with user roles in dataset security. There are two types of constraints:
    • Ranges which apply to numeric and date parameters
    • XPath constraints which apply to object parameters
  • Ranges – When a parameter is defined as a range, the drop-down box in the report shows each range instead of all values within the ranges. Decimal parameters are always ranges.
  • XPath Constraints – An XPath constraint can be defined using XPath. Multiple constraints can be defined on a parameter and each constraint can be associated with a user role.