Marketplace Component React Status

Last modified: December 18, 2024


The Mendix Marketplace has several reusable widgets and modules created by Mendix, as well other made by our partners and community. Not all content found in the Mendix Marketplace is ready for the React version of the Mendix Client yet, including platform-supported content provided by Mendix. This guide will help you understand which of the popular widgets and modules are ready for the React client and which are not.

If the Marketplace component you are interested in is not included on this list, add it to your application with the React client enabled, see if consistency errors arise, and troubleshoot them.

Marketplace Component Status Table

The following table shows which of the more popular platform-supported Marketplace components are ready for the React client ( ) or not ( ). We will continuously update this table as we improve the compatibility of our Marketplace components.

Marketplace Component React Client Ready
Community Commons
Mx Model Reflection
Excel Importer
Excel Exporter
Deep Link Module
Native Mobile Resources
Nanoflow Commons
Data Widgets
Database Connector
Workflow Commons
Atlas Core
Email Connector
OData Connector for SAP solutions
Atlas Web Content
Forgot Password Module
Administration Module
Push Notifications Connector
Mendix Application Performance Diagnostics
Atlas Native Content
Web Actions
Image Crop
XSUAA Connector for SAP Cloud Platform
AWS Authentication Connector