Mendix Studio Pro provides a quick and automatic method to easily migrate the widgets that are unsupported by the React client. However, not all configuration options are currently supported by the replacement (React ready) widgets. To better understand which configuration options cannot be used as expected, see the sections below. This document will be updated we make as more widgets and configuration options React ready.
Automatic Widget Conversion Limitations
The following sections list the unsupported widget configuration options.
Static and Dynamic Image
Unsupported in Image
Height in Percentage
Reference Selectors
Unsupported in Combo Box
Go to Page
Screen Reader Caption
‘Required’ Validation
‘Custom’ Validation
Decimal Precision Formatting
Group Digits Formatting
Reference Set Selector
Unsupported in Combo Box
Constrained By
Decimal Precision Formatting
Group Digits Formatting
Because the reference set selector widget is technically a grid, while combo box is a drop-down, only the applicable configuration options will be transferred to the resulting combo box during conversion.