MPR Analyze Command

Last modified: March 10, 2025


The mx analyze-mpr command enables you to show information about the MPR file in the form of plaintext.


Use the following command pattern: mx analyze-mpr TARGET-FILE [OPTIONS]

The TARGET-FILE points to the location of the project file (this file has the extension .mpr).

The OPTIONS are described in the table below:

Option Result
--big-string-threshold (Default: 1000) The number of bytes from which to consider a String value ‘big’ (for Content categories section)
--big-blob-threshold (Default: 1000) The number of bytes from which to consider a BLOB value ‘big’ (for Content categories section)
--help Displays the help screen.


To identify which types of documents (pages, microflows, etc.) have the largest contribution to the MPR file size, you can focus on the Size by unit type section, where the number of occurrences and file size contribution are displayed in percentage.

You can use the MPR Tool to get more details. You can find it at C:\Program Files\Mendix<version>\modeler\MprTool.exe (where should be replaced with your installed Mendix version). After opening the .mpr file for your app, use Search > Find unit by ID to find the name and module for a particular unit.


Valid examples are given below:

  • mx analyze-mpr temp.mpr
  • mx analyze-mpr temp.mpr > analysis.txt, to output to a text file

An example of the output is presented below:

Expand for code sample
Reading file...
Calculating stats...

MPR File Analysis
          MPR File: C:\App.mpr
      Size on disk: 9.789.440 bytes
    Mendix version:
   Number of units: 579

BSON contents
                                          IDs (model data) |      613.767 bytes |  6,27% of MPR |       29.227 occurrences
                             Primitive values (model data) |    5.818.329 bytes | 59,43% of MPR |       76.155 occurrences
                           Objects and arrays (model data) |      533.977 bytes |  5,45% of MPR |       43.430 occurrences
                                     Subtotal (model data) |    6.966.073 bytes | 71,16% of MPR | 
                                     Type names (metadata) |      729.494 bytes |  7,45% of MPR |       29.227 occurrences
                                 Property names (metadata) |    1.674.736 bytes | 17,11% of MPR |      171.541 occurrences
                                       Subtotal (metadata) |    2.404.230 bytes | 24,56% of MPR | 
                                    Total of all BSON data |    9.370.303 bytes | 95,72% of MPR | 

Content categories
                                         Marketplace units |    9.273.105 bytes | 94,73% of MPR |          567 occurrences
                                        Excluded documents |       99.191 bytes |  1,01% of MPR |            7 occurrences
                                                   Strings |      741.584 bytes |  7,58% of MPR |       52.852 occurrences
                              Big Strings (>= 1.000 bytes) |       28.026 bytes |  0,29% of MPR |            9 occurrences
                                                     BLOBs |    4.944.198 bytes | 50,51% of MPR |          816 occurrences
                                Big BLOBs (>= 1.000 bytes) |    4.913.118 bytes | 50,19% of MPR |          326 occurrences

Size by module
                           [Marketplace] Atlas_Web_Content |    5.843.754 bytes | 59,69% of MPR |          141 occurrences
                               [Marketplace] ExcelImporter |    1.826.742 bytes | 18,66% of MPR |          143 occurrences
                             [Marketplace] NanoflowCommons |      598.367 bytes |  6,11% of MPR |           59 occurrences
                                  [Marketplace] Atlas_Core |      409.550 bytes |  4,18% of MPR |           44 occurrences
                              [Marketplace] Administration |      227.841 bytes |  2,33% of MPR |           30 occurrences
                            [Marketplace] CommunityCommons |      178.742 bytes |  1,83% of MPR |          126 occurrences
                                  [Marketplace] WebActions |      112.509 bytes |  1,15% of MPR |           14 occurrences
                              [Marketplace] FeedbackModule |       74.697 bytes |  0,76% of MPR |            6 occurrences
                                                    Module |       26.740 bytes |  0,27% of MPR |            6 occurrences
                                 [Marketplace] DataWidgets |          903 bytes |  0,01% of MPR |            4 occurrences

Size by unit
    (ImageCollection) 6742d31e-db3c-4b03-927f-f6c37145e76f |    3.351.900 bytes | 34,24% of MPR | 
               (Page) 07f4376a-22f2-41f7-ae0f-abd83b7cb4e1 |      408.219 bytes |  4,17% of MPR | 
       (PageTemplate) 008392a8-078f-4571-8f46-68cf612c0faf |      181.118 bytes |  1,85% of MPR | 
(CustomIconCollection) d467a9be-3123-43dc-913b-679ede3c5e50 |      122.932 bytes |  1,26% of MPR | 
(CustomIconCollection) efdec79f-91e2-4e96-b2f8-98384a897e0c |      110.904 bytes |  1,13% of MPR | 
       (PageTemplate) 9bb6404f-e348-439f-a916-32583dd5712a |       97.280 bytes |  0,99% of MPR | 
       (PageTemplate) b5cc64d4-3754-44e6-a73c-8250cf9c071d |       97.226 bytes |  0,99% of MPR | 
               (Page) 06616fac-b3d8-4902-8b8f-1d453c6aa621 |       87.898 bytes |  0,90% of MPR | 
               (Page) b9951248-773b-4ad2-a18f-ab50dfa6f1d3 |       73.316 bytes |  0,75% of MPR | 
          (Microflow) a7135f54-443c-4afc-895a-47e597eab50d |       72.110 bytes |  0,74% of MPR | 
      (BuildingBlock) a48635af-2edc-43d8-aac3-45bc39d70c41 |       70.760 bytes |  0,72% of MPR | 
       (PageTemplate) 471f6ace-e3a8-49ae-a053-3bff13a82360 |       70.703 bytes |  0,72% of MPR | 
            (Snippet) bac68ebb-899b-49c6-a479-0fcd00e2ead6 |       67.969 bytes |  0,69% of MPR | 
       (PageTemplate) 232288a1-0a1e-484f-9089-5073248a6c71 |       66.810 bytes |  0,68% of MPR | 
       (PageTemplate) cf4a9916-968c-45ad-ae53-97ff4640e1d5 |       65.394 bytes |  0,67% of MPR | 
      (BuildingBlock) 0b8bc2b0-0976-49ee-90df-6093c2bfee38 |       60.639 bytes |  0,62% of MPR | 
       (PageTemplate) ef74cde0-8b1d-4498-8ffb-581221da2e5f |       57.438 bytes |  0,59% of MPR | 
      (BuildingBlock) 3502c52d-2a92-450c-95fc-bd3a36cbce8b |       56.736 bytes |  0,58% of MPR | 
        (DomainModel) c1187c66-4539-4354-ad84-2a6487bd9df8 |       56.273 bytes |  0,57% of MPR | 
       (PageTemplate) 52f7bb71-ebc9-4f7c-a080-a7121b0e2834 |       54.900 bytes |  0,56% of MPR | 

Size by unit type
                                    Images$ImageCollection |    3.433.870 bytes | 35,08% of MPR |            6 occurrences
                                        Forms$PageTemplate |    1.714.342 bytes | 17,51% of MPR |           52 occurrences
                                                Forms$Page |      945.107 bytes |  9,65% of MPR |           24 occurrences
                                       Forms$BuildingBlock |      844.441 bytes |  8,63% of MPR |           46 occurrences
                                      Microflows$Microflow |      826.584 bytes |  8,44% of MPR |           94 occurrences
                        JavaScriptActions$JavaScriptAction |      645.182 bytes |  6,59% of MPR |           52 occurrences
                          CustomIcons$CustomIconCollection |      233.836 bytes |  2,39% of MPR |            2 occurrences
                                    JavaActions$JavaAction |      137.036 bytes |  1,40% of MPR |           96 occurrences
                                             Forms$Snippet |      113.500 bytes |  1,16% of MPR |            4 occurrences
                                              Forms$Layout |       79.314 bytes |  0,81% of MPR |           21 occurrences
                                  DomainModels$DomainModel |       75.667 bytes |  0,77% of MPR |           10 occurrences
                                Texts$SystemTextCollection |       54.860 bytes |  0,56% of MPR |            1 occurrences
                                           Microflows$Rule |       53.640 bytes |  0,55% of MPR |            4 occurrences
                              ExportMappings$ExportMapping |       48.968 bytes |  0,50% of MPR |            1 occurrences
                                  Enumerations$Enumeration |       48.672 bytes |  0,50% of MPR |           22 occurrences
                              ImportMappings$ImportMapping |       41.088 bytes |  0,42% of MPR |            1 occurrences
                              WebServices$PublishedService |       19.282 bytes |  0,20% of MPR |            1 occurrences
                                      XmlSchemas$XmlSchema |       16.212 bytes |  0,17% of MPR |            1 occurrences
                                Projects$ProjectConversion |        9.724 bytes |  0,10% of MPR |            1 occurrences
                                           Projects$Folder |        7.538 bytes |  0,08% of MPR |           96 occurrences

Size by property
                                        Images$Image.Image |    3.426.303 bytes | 35,00% of MPR |           58 occurrences
                              Forms$PageTemplate.ImageData |      468.890 bytes |  4,79% of MPR |           52 occurrences
                             Forms$BuildingBlock.ImageData |      345.496 bytes |  3,53% of MPR |           46 occurrences
             CodeActions$MicroflowActionInfo.ImageDataDark |      214.830 bytes |  2,19% of MPR |          115 occurrences
                 CodeActions$MicroflowActionInfo.ImageData |      197.877 bytes |  2,02% of MPR |          115 occurrences
                 CustomIcons$CustomIconCollection.FontData |      118.718 bytes |  1,21% of MPR |            2 occurrences
                  CodeActions$MicroflowActionInfo.IconData |       90.315 bytes |  0,92% of MPR |          115 occurrences
                                    Texts$Translation.Text |       77.963 bytes |  0,80% of MPR |        3.959 occurrences
              CodeActions$MicroflowActionInfo.IconDataDark |       77.819 bytes |  0,79% of MPR |          115 occurrences
                            Texts$Translation.LanguageCode |       39.590 bytes |  0,40% of MPR |        3.959 occurrences
                      JavaActions$JavaAction.Documentation |       24.744 bytes |  0,25% of MPR |           96 occurrences
                                    Forms$Appearance.Class |       22.067 bytes |  0,23% of MPR |        2.650 occurrences
                Microflows$SequenceFlow.DestinationPointer |       18.039 bytes |  0,18% of MPR |          859 occurrences
                     Microflows$SequenceFlow.OriginPointer |       18.039 bytes |  0,18% of MPR |          859 occurrences
                     XmlSchemas$XmlSchemaContents.Contents |       15.710 bytes |  0,16% of MPR |            1 occurrences
                                    Forms$Appearance.Style |       13.516 bytes |  0,14% of MPR |        2.650 occurrences
                           Forms$Appearance.DynamicClasses |       13.250 bytes |  0,14% of MPR |        2.650 occurrences
                               CustomIcons$CustomIcon.Tags |       13.112 bytes |  0,13% of MPR |        1.224 occurrences
                             Forms$DesignPropertyValue.Key |       12.699 bytes |  0,13% of MPR |          774 occurrences
                               CustomIcons$CustomIcon.Name |       12.438 bytes |  0,13% of MPR |          732 occurrences