Open App
To open an app in Mendix Studio Pro, do one of the following:
- Select File > Open App
- Click Open App on the Studio Pro landing page
The Open App dialog box will open, where you can select an app from your apps, open an app locally,open an app from a private Git repository or import an app package:

Apps can be located on the Team Server, on another Git server, or on the local disk. When opening an app from the Team Server or another Git server, Studio Pro will check whether you have already downloaded this app. If so, it will simply open it. If not, the app will be downloaded from the version control server first.
Opening an App
Selecting an App
You can select an app from the list of your apps. Once you have selected an app, you can either choose a branch line that you would like to open or click Open in Studio Pro and the branch that is indicated in the Current Branch column will open:

Opening App Locally
For opening an app you already have on disk, click Open App Locally in the left sidebar and point to the app file.
Opening a Private App
For opening an app you already have in a Git On-Premises Version Control Server, click Open Private App in the left sidebar. You will need to enter the App repository address, credentials for the repository, choose the Development line (branch) and indicate where you want to store it on the disk.
Importing App Package
You can also import an app package and open it. Click Import App Package in the left sidebar. For more information on how to import an app package, see Import App Package.
Clicking Preferences opens a dialog box with a subset of the preferences you can set in Preferences. The preferences you can change are as follows:
- Studio Pro Theme
- Default Page Editor
- Rendering
- Clone type