
Last modified: August 20, 2024


To investigate performance issues that are reproduced on your local machine, you can run a performance profiler session from within Studio Pro without installing the actual profiler on your machine. This session generates a report written to disk, which you can then send to the Mendix Support teams. Mendix developers will load this report on their machines to investigate the performance issues you experienced locally.

The profiling feature can be reached by clicking Help > Support Tools > Profiling:

Run a Performance Profiler Session

When you click Start profiling, you are presented with a dialog box that asks you to choose a location on the local disk to save the performance reports to. Choose a local spot on your disk and avoid selecting a network drive.

Then, perform the operations that lead to a degrading performance or slowness.

When you are done, click Profiling > Stop profiling. Zip all the files you can find in the directory that are opened (the directory you chose when clicking Start profiling), then send the archive to Mendix Support.