Published OData Attribute
The Edit published attribute dialog allows you to edit the properties of an attribute published in an OData/GraphQL service.

Exposed Name
The exposed name is the name of the attribute as it appears to clients of the service. This cannot be the same as the exposed name of the entity.
Can Be Empty
Select this box if there is a possibility for this attribute the have an empty value. One way to make sure no empty values are created in the database is to add a required validation rule.
For attributes that are part of the key of the entity, this box must be unselected.
The entity that this attribute is a part of.
The attribute that is being published. This value cannot be changed; to publish a different attribute, use the Add button in the list of published attributes.
The type of the attribute.
Exposed As
This field is shown when the type is an enumeration that was previously exposed as a string, and only for OData v4. Change the value to Enumeration to publish the enumeration. This informs clients of the possible values of this attribute.
Select Sortable to allow clients to sort results based on this attribute.
Select Filter to allow clients to filter results based on this attribute.
Note that these capabilities are not shown for attributes of entities without the Readable capability.
Public Documentation
In the Public documentation tab, you can write a summary and description intended for people using the service.