Published REST Query Parameters

Last modified: December 3, 2024


The specification of a published REST operation includes a microflow that implements the operation. This microflow may take parameters that come from the query string of the request.

A query parameter can only have a primitive type (Boolean, date and time, decimal, enumeration, integer/long, or string).

Query parameters are added to the end of the path following a question mark in the format ?name=John&age=42. This is shown in the example location of the operation.

These are some additional notes about query parameters:

  • Query parameters are case sensitive.
  • Date and time parameters should be entered in the ISO-8601 format (for example, 2018-12-31T09:00:00).
  • When a client calls the operation without specifying the query parameter, it will have the value empty in the microflow (except when it has the Boolean type, which is false by default).