Request handlers

Last modified: August 20, 2024


Communication between the Mendix client and the runtime server happens through various different request handlers.

Standard Request Handlers

The following standard request handlers are used:

Name Endpoint Description
Resources / Serves static files, such as the index.html.
XAS /xas Handles the client/runtime communication. See Communication Patterns in the Mendix Runtime for more information.
File /file Handles file uploads and downloads from the Mendix client.
Page/Microflow URLs /p (default) Handles opening pages and executing microflows that have a URL configured. The endpoint can be configured in the app settings.
PWA Manifest /manifest.webmanifest Serves the manifest file that is required for PWA applications.
Mx Dev Tools /mxdevtools Websocket endpoint that handles client logs and nanoflow debugging. Only enabled during development.

Custom Request Handlers

Custom request handlers can be added using the com.mendix.core.Core#addRequestHandler({name of the request handler}) API call.