Configuring a Workflow in Studio Pro for the Employee Onboarding Process
Workflow is a new visual language that allows you to build extendable processes. It is fully integrated with other visual languages, such as microflow editor and page editor.
This how-to explains how to build an employee onboarding process using the workflow editor.
This how-to teaches you how to do the following:
- Create a workflow
- Create user tasks for different user roles
- Configure pages for the user tasks
- Restrict page access to the relevant user roles
- Create a decision in the workflow
- Use a microflow to extend logic of the workflow
- Test your workflow from the perspective of different users
The how-to describes the following use case:
You would like to build an employee onboarding process. At first, an HR specialist needs to initiate the onboarding process for a new employee. The employee’s manager then steps in and select devices for the employee. The manager also needs to specify whether the new hire is working from the office or home. The Facilities department will then need to prepare a workspace. Depending on where the new hire works from (the office or home), the Facilities department will either prepare a desk or ship the devices to the employee’s address.
Before starting this how-to, make sure you have completed the following prerequisites:
Your app includes the Workflow Commons module. For more information on how to set up Workflow Commons in an existing app, see Adding a Workflow to an Existing App: Using Workflow Commons.
Dashboards and metrics in Workflow Commons v2.1.0 and above depend on state change microflows. Make sure to do the following:
- In the App Settings > Workflows tab, set Workflow state change to OCh_Workflow_State.
- In the App Settings > Workflows tab, set User task state change to OCh_WorkflowUserTask_State.
Make sure your app has Atlas 3. As a result of installing Atlas 3, your app should contain the following modules that Workflow Commons depends on: Atlas_Core, Atlas_Web_Content, and DataWidgets.
Familiarize yourself with workflow terms. For more information, see Workflows.
Make sure that the User entity is set to Administration.Account in your App Settings > Workflows tab.
Make sure that the domain model of the module you are working in looks the following way:
Make sure you have the following enumerations configured:
The ENUM_PhoneModel enumeration:
The ENUM_LaptopModel enumeration:
Make sure you have an EmployeesOnboarding_NewEdit pop-up page that can be used to add a new EmployeeOnboarding object. For more information on how to create an entity detail page, see Create Overview and Detail pages
Make sure you have an EmployeesToOnboard page that looks like the following:
- Contains an Add button that is configured to create a new EmployeeOnboarding object via the EmployeeOnboarding_NewEdit pop-up page
- Contains a list view and has the EmployeeOnboarding entity as the data source
Add the following pages to your navigation (pages are part of the Workflow Commons module):
- TaskInbox
- Workflow_Dashboard
- WorkflowAdminCenter
Setting Up Security
Configuring User Roles
Administrator and User roles are part of your app by default. Now you need to create three app roles for a manager, Facilities, and HR and configure them correctly.
Do the following:
In the App Explorer, open App > Security and set security to Production.
Open the User roles tab and click New.
In the Add User Role dialog box, set the Name to Facilities and make sure that only MyFirstModule is selected, as you do not need to create a specific Facilities role for all modules.
Click OK.
You need to assign the User user role to Facilities for all other modules. Double-click the newly created Facilities role.
In the User Role dialog box, click Edit in the Module roles section.
In the Select Module Roles dialog box, tick the User role for Administration and WorkflowCommons modules where no role is selected and click OK:
Confirm your choice by clicking OK.
Refer to steps 2-8 to create and configure the Manager role.
Refer to steps 2-8 to create and configure the HR role.
You already have the Administrator role by default, now you need to enable this role to monitor workflows, view their progress, and manage their settings in your app. Do the following:
In the User roles tab, double-click Administrator.
In the User Role dialog box, click Edit in the Module roles section.
In the Select Module Roles, find the WorkflowCommons module and select the Administrator role:
Confirm your choice by clicking OK.
Click OK to save changes to security.
You have configured new app roles for Facilities, Manager, and HR, and enabled the Administrator role to monitor workflows, view their progress, and change their settings.
Configuring Demo Users
You need to create demo users for the newly created app roles to be able to test your app later. For more information, see the Testing Workflow section. Follow the steps below:
- In the App Explorer, open App > Security > the Demo users tab.
- Click New.
- In the Add Demo User dialog box, set the User name to demo_facilities.
- Set the same entity you selected for the User entity setting in App Settings > Workflows tab: set Entity to Administration.Account.
- Assign the corresponding user role in the User roles section: select the Facilities role and click OK.
- Repeat steps 2-5 to add the demo_manager demo user.
- Repeat steps 2-5 to add the demo_hr demo user.
You have configured demo users for your app.
Configuring Entity Access
The next step in setting up security is to configure the entity access otherwise you might run into consistency errors and the users of your app may see too much or too little information. For more information on what the entity access is, see the Entity Access section in Module Security. Follow the steps below:
Open the domain model.
Double-click the EmployeeOnboarding entity to open its properties.
In the Properties dialog box, open the Access rules tab and click New to create a rule for the HR role:
In the New Access rule dialog box, do the following:
In the Rule applies to the following modules section, select the HR role.
In the Create and delete rights section, select Allow creating new objects. This allows HR to create a new EmployeeOnboarding object.
In the Member read and write rights section, set the access rights of FullName and FirstDay to Read, Write as HR needs to fill in the new employee’s full name and their first working day.
Set the access rights of WFH, PhoneModel, and LaptopModel to Read.
Click OK to save settings.
In the Access rules tab, click New again to create rule for the Manager role.
In the Rule applies to the following modules section, select the Manager role.
In the Member read and write rights section, set the access right of FullName to Read.
As the Manager should be able to select where the new employee is working from and devices that they need, set the access rights of WFH, PhoneModel, and LaptopModel to Read, Write.
Set the access right of FirstDay to Read.
Click OK to save settings.
In the Access rules tab, click New again to create rule for the Facilities role.
- In the Rule applies to the following modules section, select Facilities.
- In the Member read and write rights section, click Set all to Read.
- Click OK to save settings.
In the Access rules tab, click New again to create rule for the User role.
- In the Rule applies to the following modules section, select User.
- In the Member read and write rights section, click Set all to Read.
- Click OK to save settings.
Click OK in the Properties dialog box.
You have set up the entity access.
Creating a Workflow
To create a workflow that you will add activities to and create pages for, do the following:
In the App Explorer, right-click the MyFirstModule module and select Add workflow in the drop-down menu.
In the Add Workflow dialog box, do the following:
- Type Employee_Onboarding as the Name of the workflow.
- In the Workflow context section, click Select to select an entity. This entity will be used by the Workflow Context parameter to carry the business data that is added during the execution of the workflow.
In the Select Entity dialog box, select the EmployeeOnboarding entity and click Select.
Good job! You have created a workflow and configured the Workflow Context parameter.

Triggering the Workflow from a Page
To start you workflow, you need to trigger it. In this use case, an HR specialist should first add a new hire by filling in their name and their first day, and then click an Start Onboarding button that will trigger the workflow.
You have an EmployeesToOnboard page that contains an Add button that can be used to add a new hire, that is, a new EmployeeOnboarding object, and a list view that has the EmployeeOnboarding entity as the data source:

The page access is restricted to the HR user role:

To add a button that will initiate the workflow, do the following:
- Open the Toolbox and search for a Call workflow button.
- Drag the button into the list view in an empty column.
- Open properties and click the ellipsis icon in the Workflow property.
- In the Select Workflow dialog box, select Employee_Onboarding workflow and click OK.
- Set Caption of the button to Start Onboarding.
Good job! Now when the HR specialist clicks the button, the workflow will start:

Selecting a Device and a Location for the New Hire
The manager of a new employee will get a task to specify devices for the new hire and indicate whether the new hire is working from home or in the office. For this functionality, you need to add activities to the workflow. Follow the steps below:
Navigate to the Toolbox pane, find a User task activity, and drag it into the workflow editor.
Select the User task activity and open the Properties pane.
Set the Caption property to Manager: Specify Device and Location to easily see who this task should be assigned to.
To be able to differentiate this user task from other ones, set the Name property to Specify_Device_and_Location:
Now configure the user task to be assigned to the Manager role, as only managers should specify devices and location for the new employee. Make sure Target users using is set to XPath and click the ellipsis icon in the XPath constraint property.
In the Edit XPath Constraint dialog box, type in the expression:
[System.UserRoles = '[%UserRole_Manager%]']
and click OK. -
To create a page where the manager specifies details for the new employee, click the ellipsis icon in the Page property.
In the Select web page dialog box, click the New button.
In the Create web page dialog box, you can see the templates for workflow pages. Do the following:
- Set the Page name to SpecifyDeviceAndLocation_Workflow.
- Set Navigation layout to Atlas_Default (Atlas_Core).
- Select the User Task Extended template.
- Click OK. A new page is generated based on the template you selected. This page is exclusively for this task. When you generate the first task page also a microflow is generated that retrieves data of user tasks.
Now you need to make sure that only the relevant information is displayed on the SpecifyDeviceAndLocation_Workflow page. In the App Explorer, double-click the SpecifyDeviceAndLocation_Workflow page to open it.
By default, all attributes are added to the data view with the employee details. You need to leave only the attributes related to the task and restrict the manager from changing the fields that are not part of the task. For example, the name of the employee has been entered by the HR department, so the manager does not need to change it and should see this field as read-only.
Do the following:
Select the text box for the FullName attribute and go to its properties.
Set the Editable property to Never to make the field read-only.
Delete the First day date picker widget as it is not relevant for this task.
Leave WFH, Phone model, and Laptop model radio buttons:
Only the Manager role can access and interact with the SpecifyDeviceAndLocation_Workflow page, so restricting the access to this page is the next step. Navigate to the page properties and do the following:
In the Visible for property, click the ellipsis icon.
In the Select Module Roles dialog box, select Manager and click OK:
Great job! You have configured the user task for the Manager role:

This can be also a good time to test your app: you can create an employee, start the onboarding process, and test the first task for the Manager demo user. For more information, see the Testing the Workflow section.
Following Different Paths for the Hire’s Location
Depending on whether the new hire is working from the office or home, there are two different processes to onboard this hire: prepare a desk in the office or send the laptop and phone to the new hire’s home address. This step of the onboarding process should be done by the Facilities department.
Do the following:
Open the workflow editor > Toolbox and drag the Decision activity after the Manager: Specify Device and Location user task.
Decision means that the workflow path can split and follow one of the outcomes depending on the condition of the decision. For more information, see Decision in Workflows. Open the decision properties and do the following:
Set the Caption to WFH?.
Click the ellipsis icon in the Condition property.
In the Condition dialog box, type in the expression that will split the flow into two depending on the WFH attribute:
Since the WFH attribute is a Boolean, it has a
(when the new hire works from home) and afalse
(when they work from the office) outcome. These outcomes are added to the workflow automatically: -
Now you need to configure what happens in both scenarios: when the new hire works from the home (true) and when the new hire works from office (false). Open the Toolbox, drag a User task activity to the false path, and do the following:
Name the user task Prepare_Desk and set its title to Facilities: Prepare Desk by referring to steps 2-4 of the Selecting a Device for the New Hire section:
Configure the task to be assigned to the Facilities role by only referring to steps 5 and 6 of the Selecting a Device for the New Hire section and using the
[System.UserRoles = '[%UserRole_Facilities%]']
expression. -
Set a new page called PrepareDesk_Workflow for the Page property by referring to steps 7-9 of the Selecting a Device for the New Hire section.
You need to make sure that only the relevant information is displayed on the PrepareDesk_Workflow page. In the App Explorer, double-click the PrepareDesk_Workflow page to open it.
By default, all attributes are added to the employee detail form. You need to make sure that the Facilities department will be able to view the fields but not change them. Do the following:
- Select the data view with the employee details and go to its properties.
- Set the Editable property to No to make the remaining fields in the form read-only.
To restrict access to the page to the Facilities role only, follow the step 12 of the Selecting a Device for the New Hire section.
Now you need to create a user task for Facilities when the employee is working from home. Open the workflow editor.
Open the Toolbox, drag a User task activity to the true path, and do the following:
- Name the user task Ship_Devices and set its title to Facilities: Ship Devices referring to steps 2-4 of the Selecting a Device for the New Hire section.
- Configure the task to be assigned to the Facilities role only referring to steps 5 and 6 of the Selecting a Device for the New Hire section and using the
[System.UserRoles = '[%UserRole_Facilities%]']
expression. - Set a new page called ShipDevices_Workflow for the Page property it referring to steps 7-9 of the Selecting a Device for the New Hire section.
You need to make sure that only relevant information is displayed on the ShipDevices_Workflow page and that this page can be accessed by the Facilities department only. In the App Explorer, double-click the ShipDevices_Workflow page to open it.
Repeat steps 6-7 above to make the employee detail form read-only and to restrict the page access to the Facilities role.
Great job! You have configured the decision and user tasks on whether the new hire is working from the office or from home.
Extending Workflow Logic
You can extend workflow logic by calling a microflow. If the new employee works from the office, you would like to show in the system that the desk prepared by the Facilities department is assigned to this new employee. This way, HR and Management will see where the new colleagues is sitting in the office. You have an Assign_Desk microflow that you can use.
To call a microflow in your workflow, do the following:
Open the workflow editor > Toolbox and drag the Call microflow activity after the Facilities: Prepare Desk user task:
Open Call microflow properties and click the ellipsis icon in the Microflow property.
In the Select microflow dialog box, select the ACT_EmployeeOnboarding_Assign_Desk microflow and click Select.
Change the Caption property to Assign Desk.
If you create a microflow from the workflow, parameter is added automatically:
You can now add the actual desk assignment logic to the microflow, which falls outside the scope of this how-to. For more information on microflows and their properties, see Microflows and Microflow Properties. Now if the manager indicates that the new employee works from home, the desk prepared by the Facilities department will be assigned to the new employee and will be shown in the system.
Congratulations! The onboarding workflow is completed, and you can test it with different roles by running your application locally.
Testing the Workflow
Now you can test your workflow from the perspective of different users.
For certain user roles, there are default end-user and admin pages. For example, users who have tasks assigned to them (Manager, Facilities roles) should see their task inbox and dashboards pages where they can manage and monitor tasks assigned to them:

The Admin role has access to the Workflow Admin Center and can monitor all workflows, can view the progress of workflows, and change the workflow settings:

This role is also able to manage users:

Users who have tasks assigned to them (Manager, Facilities roles) will see their task inbox and dashboards pages where they can manage and monitor tasks assigned to them:

To test your workflow, you need to switch between different user roles. Follow the steps below:
In the top bar of Mendix Studio Pro, click Run Locally ().
After your app is deployed, click View App.
In your browser, log in as an Admin user.
Click the user icon on the right to switch to another user role:
Switch between different demo user roles to test the use case. You can do the following:
Start the onboarding process: select the HR demo user that has EmployeesToOnboard as the home page, add a new employee, and then click Start Onboarding:
Now HR can start the onboarding process for the same employee more than once, which is okay for testing purposes, but it is not ideal in reality. A good solution is to add an OnboardingStatus attribute to the EmployeeOnboarding entity and configure the Start Onboarding button to trigger a microflow that updates the OnboardingStatus and then starts the workflow. Also, add conditional visibility for the Start Onboarding button so that it is not visible anymore after the OnboardingStatus is updated after the HR presses the button. For information on how to add conditional visibility for a button, see the Visibility Section in Properties Common in the Page Editor. This solution, however, falls outside of the scope of the current how-to. -
Test the process: switch users, view inbox for each user, complete tasks, see how new inbox items are created for the user roles you configured at the next task in the process.
Open the Workflow Admin Center.
Open the Workflow Dashboard.
Great job! You have deployed your app locally and tested your workflow from the perspective of different users. You can now work on adding more functionality to your app.