If you would like to upgrade to a newer long-term support version of Studio Pro, see Moving from Mendix Studio Pro 8 to 9.

Runtime Customization

Last modified: September 19, 2024


You can use custom server settings to configure Mendix Runtime beyond the standard possibilities offered by Studio Pro.

Each custom setting consists of a name and a value. For example, to enable persistent sessions you add a custom setting with name PersistentSessions and value true. For a more detailed list of settings and example values, consult full-documented-m2ee.yaml.

If you are running your app on Mendix Cloud, you can access these settings in Apps via Environments > Environment Details > Runtime > Custom Runtime Settings. For more information see the Runtime Tab section of Environment Details.

If you are running on SAP Cloud, you can add custom settings as User-Provided Variables prefixed with MXRUNTIME_. If the setting contains a dot . you can use an underscore _ in the variable. Reference

General Settings

The following custom settings can be configured:

Name Description Default Value
TempPath The location of the temporary files. [deployment folder]\data\tmp
UploadedFilesPath The location of the uploaded files. A valid path can be: \\FileServer\CustomerPortalFiles. [deployment folder]\data\files
ApplicationRootUrl Can be used within Java actions to get the public location of the application. Useful when the HOST header is not available, for example when including a URL to the application when sending emails from a scheduled event. In Mendix Cloud, https://[domain].mendixcloud.com
ScheduledEventExecution Specify which scheduled events should be executed. Choices are ALL, NONE, or SPECIFIED. In the case of SPECIFIED, enumerate the scheduled events using the MyScheduledEvents configuration option described below. NONE
MyScheduledEvents A comma-separated string with the names of the events. Please don’t forget the name of the module (a name can be, for example, CRM.UpdateCustomerStatistics).
PersistentSessions Defines whether sessions will be persisted in the database or not. When sessions are persisted, statistics will be made about logged-in users. When the Runtime server restarts, sessions still exist and users don’t have to sign in again. In a clustered environment you must have persistent sessions. The only exception is for on-premises installations which have implemented sticky sessions. The value can be true or false. true
TrackWebServiceUserLastLogin Defines whether to update the web service user’s LastLogin field on each login. When this happens a database update query has to be sent and this can have performance consequences on heavy load systems. When this setting is set to false, no database interaction is necessary. true
JavaKeyStorePassword Password for the default Java keystore. changeit
CACertificates A comma-separated list of paths to CA certificates.
ClientCertificates Comma-separated list of paths to Client Certificates. Example: D:\App\Mx1.pfx, D:\App\Mx2.pfx, D:\App\Mx3.pfx, D:\App\Mx4.pfx
ClientCertificatePasswords Comma-separated list of passwords for Client Certificates (should match the ClientCertificates order). Example: pwd1, pwd2, pwd3, pwd4
ClientCertificateUsages Only use this when you have multiple client certificates and you want to configure specific certificates for specific servers.
This setting defines which service must use which client certificate. See NoClientCertificateUsages if you want to make sure that no client certificate is used for a certain host or web service. The value of ClientCertificateUsages must be a comma-separated list of key/value items. A key/value item must be specified as "identifier": "path to certificate".
For web services, use the imported web service name as the identifier.
For REST services, use the host name of the remote server as the identifier.
Please note that any backslash in the path must be doubled. The whole value must be enclosed by braces ({ }). For example:
NoClientCertificateUsages Comma-separated list of host names or imported web service names that should never be contacted using a client certificate.
com.mendix.core.SameSiteCookies The SameSite property can be included in all cookies that are returned by the embedded HTTP server. The possible values are "Strict", "Lax", and "None". At present, "None" is the default, but this will change to "Strict" in the next major Mendix release. Setting it to "None" is typically needed only when an application is embedded in an iframe of another application with a different domain. Newer browsers may require the connection to be secure (HTTPS) when set to "None". If the connection is plain HTTP, then this setting must be changed to "Strict" (recommended) or "Lax". This setting is available in Studio Pro 8.11.0 and above.
SessionTimeout Defines after how much time session becomes invalid (in milliseconds). After that timeout a session becomes applicable for removal. The session will not be destroyed until the next time the cluster manager evaluates the active sessions. 600000
HashAlgorithm Specifies the hash algorithm used to generate hash values for attributes of the HashString type, such as the password of a user. This setting overrides the setting in Studio Pro, see Hash Algorithm. Possible values are BCRYPT, SSHA256, SHA256 (not recommended) and MD5 (not recommended). To override the default BCrypt cost, you can specify BCRYPT:cost, where ‘cost’ is a number between 10 and 30. An example value is BCRYPT:12. BCRYPT
http.client.MaxConnectionsPerRoute The maximum number of connections for a route for call REST service and call web service activities.
http.client.MaxConnectionsTotal The maximum number of connections allowed across all routes for the call REST service and call web service activities.
http.client.CleanupAfterSeconds For the call REST service and call web service activities, the first request to a new host will create an HTTP client that will handle subsequent requests. When there are no new requests to the host for the specified time, the HTTP client will be cleaned up. A value of 0 means no cleanup. 12 * 60 * 60 (12 hours) (for Studio Pro 8.18.0 and below) or 355 (for Studio Pro 8.18.1 and above)
ClusterManagerActionInterval The interval (in milliseconds) used for performing all cluster manager actions. These actions include, unblocking users, and removing invalid sessions. If nothing is specified the interval is half the SessionTimeout. 300000
com.mendix.core.StorageService Defines which storage service module will be used. The storage service module takes care of storing the actual files associated with System.FileDocument objects, such as uploaded files. Possible values are com.mendix.storage.localfilesystem, com.mendix.storage.s3, and com.mendix.storage.azure. com.mendix.storage.localfilesystem
com.mendix.storage.PerformDeleteFromStorage Defines whether a delete of a Mendix file document should result in an actual delete in the storage service. A reason to not perform an actual delete in the storage service can be when it is also used as a backup service. true
com.mendix.core.SessionIdCookieName Defines the name of the cookie value which represents the session ID. Can be useful to change when running in a container which assumes a certain name for the session cookie. XASSESSIONID
EnableApacheCommonsLogging Some libraries used by the Mendix runtime use Apache Commons for logging. By default these log messages are suppressed. Set this value to true to receive the log messages from these libraries in the Mendix logs. This setting is available in Mendix 8.18.6 and later. false
EnableFileDocumentCaching Defines whether file documents should be cached. Only enable this if you are sure that the file documents will not contain sensitive information. Images are always cached. This setting is available in Studio Pro 8.18.12 and above. false
RequestHandling.AllowLegacyCookies Allows violations of RFC 6265 which is enforced since Studio Pro 8.18.25. See RFC6265_LEGACY CookieCompliance mode for more information. Be aware of the fact that enabling this custom setting exposes your app to CVE-2023-26049. This setting is available in Studio Pro 8.18.25 and above. false

Log File Settings

The settings below influence the behavior of the log files. These settings can only be used on premises. In the cloud, these settings do not change any behavior.

Name Description Default Value
LogFileName The name of the log file. The log files (actual log file plus back-up files) will be placed in the folder specified by the setting log path. Application.log
MaxLogFileSize The maximum size per log file. When the log file reaches this maximum size, the log file will be backed up and a new empty log file will be used. 2097152 (2 MB)
MaxLogFileCount The maximum count of log files preserved (actual file plus back-up files). When the maximum count is reached, the oldest backup file will be removed. 10

Database Settings

Common Settings

Name Description Default Value
ClientQueryTimeout Defines the timeout in seconds for most of the database queries which are executed to load data into client widgets, like data grids. After the duration as specified here, a query will be canceled and an exception will be thrown.
DatabaseType Defines the database engine which is used as the Mendix database. Valid values are DB2, HSQLDB, MYSQL, ORACLE, POSTGRESQL, SAPHANA, and SQLSERVER.
DatabaseUserName Name required for authentication to the database.
DatabasePassword Password for the DatabaseUserName supplied above.
DatabaseHost The host name and optionally the TCP port number of the database. Use a colon (:) as separator between the host name and port number. Possible values are: db.url.org, db.url.org:1521,, and10.0.0.5:1433. It is possible to use a plain IPv6 address by enclosing it in brackets (for example, [::1]:5432).
This will be overridden if you supply DatabaseJdbcUrl.
DatabaseName The name of the database or schema used by the Mendix app
This will be overridden if you supply DatabaseJdbcUrl.
DatabaseJdbcUrl Defines the JDBC URL to use for the database connection (which overrides the other database connection settings).
DatabaseUseSsl For PostgreSQL databases, defines whether the connection will be made using SSL without certificate validation. If you need certificate validation, use DatabaseJdbcUrl instead. false
DatabaseUseIntegratedSecurity This setting defines whether integrated security will be used to authenticate to SQL Server. If true, user name and password will not be used. false
LogMinDurationQuery Defines whether database queries are logged via the ConnectionBus_Queries log node if they finished after the number of milliseconds specified here. By default, only the relevant SQL query will be logged. Set the log level of the ConnectionBus_Queries log node to TRACE to show more information about the page or the microflow which leads to this query.
OracleServiceName Defines the SERVICE_NAME when you have a connection with an Oracle DBMS.
DataStorage.EnableDiagnostics This setting can be used to generate a uniqueness constraint violation report. false
UseNetworkTimeout This setting is applied to PostgreSQL and DB2. It affects the timeout mechanism used when reserving new ids for Mendix objects. If set to true, the socket level request timeout is used. In that case, the request timeout is handled within the operating system. If set to false, the timeout is handled by Mendix runtime. For other databases, timeouts are always handled by Mendix runtime. true
JdbcLoginTimeout This setting defines the database connection establishment time in milliseconds. 5000

Connection Pooling

The settings below are used to define the database connection pooling behavior. Mendix Runtime uses a pool of reusable database connections. You can, for example, define how many connections can be used. Connection pooling is implemented using the Apache Commons Object-pooling API .

These settings are configured per runtime instance. If you have scaled your application, the number of connections on the database side will be multiplied by the number of runtime instances. For example, if you set ConnectionPoolingMaxIdle to 50 and scale your app to 2 runtime instances, each runtime instance will create at most 50 connections, but on the database side this will lead to a maximum of 100 connections.

Name Value Default Value
ConnectionPoolingMaxWait When the maximum number of “active” objects has been reached, the pool is said to be “exhausted.” The “when exhausted” action used by the connection bus is WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK. Sets the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) the borrowObject() method should block before throwing an exception when the pool is exhausted. When less than or equal to 0, the borrowObject() method may block indefinitely. (!) 10000
ConnectionPoolingMaxActive Sets the cap on the total number of active instances from the pool. 50
ConnectionPoolingMaxIdle Sets the cap on the number of “idle” instances in the pool. 50
ConnectionPoolingMinIdle Sets the minimum number of objects allowed in the pool before the evictor thread (if active) spawns new objects. Note that no objects are created when numActive + numIdle >= maxActive. This setting has no effect if the idle object evictor is disabled (as in, if timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis <= 0). 0
ConnectionPoolingTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis Sets the number of milliseconds to sleep between runs of the idle object evictor thread. When non-positive, no idle object evictor thread will be run. 300 000 (5 minutes)
ConnectionPoolingSoftMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis Sets the minimum amount of time an object may sit idle in the pool before it is eligible for eviction by the idle object evictor (if any), with the extra condition that at least minIdle objects remain in the pool. When non-positive, no objects will be evicted from the pool due to idle time alone. 300 000 (5 minutes)
ConnectionPoolingNumTestsPerEvictionRun Sets the maximum number of objects to examine during each run of the idle object evictor thread (if any). When a negative value is supplied, ceil(getNumIdle())/abs(getNumTestsPerEvictionRun()) tests will be run. This means that when the value is -n, roughly one nth of the idle objects will be tested per run. -3

Migration Settings

The settings below are used to define the source database from which all data should be copied to the main database. You have to specify the settings below only once. The main database should exist and should be empty. During the app start-up, the data will be copied if the settings below are specified. Remove the settings afterwards, because they are not needed anymore.

Before the data copy process starts, the source database will also be brought in line with the model, like the main database. This is necessary to make it possible to copy all the data without problems.

Name Value Default Value
SourceBuiltInDatabasePath Defines the file location of the built-in source database. This setting is only necessary if a non-default location of the built-in database has to be used to copy the data from. [deployment folder]/data/database
SourceDatabaseHost The host name and optionally the TCP port number of the source database. Use a colon as separator between host name and port number. Possible values are: db.url.org, db.url.org:1521,, or It’s possible to use a plain IPv6 address by enclosing it in brackets (for example, [::1]:5432).
SourceDatabaseJdbcUrl Defines the JDBC URL to use for the source database connection (which overrides the other source database connection settings). This feature is not supported for PostgreSQL databases.
SourceDatabaseName The name of the source database.
SourceDatabasePassword The password for the connection to the source database.
SourceDatabaseType The type of the source database. Possible values: HSQLDB, MYSQL, ORACLE, POSTGRESQL, or SQLSERVER.
SourceDatabaseUseIntegratedSecurity This setting defines whether integrated security will be used to authenticate to SQL Server. If true, user name and password will not be used. false
SourceDatabaseUseSsl For PostgreSQL databases, defines whether the connection to the source database will be made using SSL. false
SourceDatabaseUserName The user name for the connection to the source database.
SourceOracleServiceName Defines the SERVICE_NAME when you have a connection with an Oracle DBMS as source.

S3 Storage Service Settings

The settings described below influence the behavior of the Amazon S3 Storage Service module. This module can be used for both Amazon S3 Storage and IBM Cloud Object Storage. Using these settings manually in Mendix Cloud is strongly discouraged, as files stored in external systems will not be included in backup creation and restoration.

Name Description Default Value
com.mendix.storage.s3.AccessKeyId Acts as the username to authenticate with the S3 service.
com.mendix.storage.s3.SecretAccessKey Acts as the password to authenticate with the S3 service.
com.mendix.storage.s3.BucketName Name of the bucket where the files are stored on S3.
com.mendix.storage.s3.ResourceNamePrefix Prefix for the keys under which objects are stored. Separators are not added automatically to keys. For keys like prefix/key1, com.mendix.storage.s3.ResourceNamePrefix should have value prefix/. This setting is available in Mendix version 8.18.29 and above.
com.mendix.storage.s3.ResourceNameSuffix Suffix for the keys under which objects are stored. This can be used when S3 buckets are divided into different segments for different users with different credentials (for example, store objects as [key].customer1 for customer1 and as [key].customer2 for customer2). Separators are not added automatically to keys. For keys like key1.customer1, com.mendix.storage.s3.ResourceNameSuffix should have value .customer1.
com.mendix.storage.s3.Region Sets the region in which the S3 bucket is located. This will be used to determine the service endpoint, unless overridden in com.mendix.storage.s3.EndPoint. This setting will also be used as the signing region for requests.
com.mendix.storage.s3.EndPoint Overrides the default endpoint. This setting is required when the storage is on a non-AWS location (for example, IBM Cloud Object Storage). Both the endpoint (for example, s3.example.com) or the full URL (including the protocol) are supported (for example, https://s3.example.com). Note that when setting a custom endpoint, path style access will be enabled. For more information, see Class S3ClientOptions.
com.mendix.storage.s3.UseV2Auth Lets the authentication policy use Signature Version 2 instead of the default Signature Version 4. Set this setting to true when the endpoint does not support Signature Version 4. false
com.mendix.storage.s3.EncryptionKeys List of keys which can be used to encrypt and decrypt data at rest in S3. The right key to decrypt the data with is automatically selected depending on with which key it was encrypted. Each encryption key consists of a key id, the encryption algorithm and the actual key (Base64 encoded). Example:
com.mendix.storage.s3.ForceGlobalBucketAccessEnabled The value true allows the server to route requests to a different region than specified in these settings (false disallows it). This setting is available in Studio Pro 8.12.0 and above. true
com.mendix.storage.s3.MaxConnections Overrides the default maximum connections limit in the S3 service. The default value is enough for most applications, so we do not recommend explicitly setting this to a custom value unless a larger maximum connections limit is absolutely necessary. DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTIONS field of the ClientConfiguration interface in the AWS SDK for Java.
com.mendix.storage.s3.ClientExecutionTimeout Sets the amount of time (in milliseconds) to allow a call to the storage service to complete. A value of 0 means no timeout. For more information, see the AWS Java SDK. 0 (no timeout)
com.mendix.storage.s3.ConnectionTimeout Sets the amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) when initially establishing a connection before giving up and timing out. A value of 0 means infinity and is not recommended. For more information, see the AWS Java SDK. 10.000 (10 seconds)
com.mendix.storage.s3.SocketTimeout Sets the amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) for data to be transferred over an established, open connection before the connection times out and is closed. A value of 0 means infinity and is not recommended. For more information, see the AWS Java SDK. 50.000 (50 seconds)
com.mendix.storage.s3.RequestTimeout Sets the amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) for the request to complete before giving up and timing out. A value of 0 means no timeout. For more information, see the AWS Java SDK. 0 (no timeout)
com.mendix.storage.s3.UseCACertificates Set this value to true to use the configured CACertificates for the connection to the S3 service. This setting is available in Studio Pro 8.12.0 and above. false

Microsoft Azure SQL

These settings can be changed to use a Microsoft Azure SQL database for your Mendix application.

First, you need to create an Azure SQL database (for information on how to do this, see this SQL Database Tutorial). Make sure your Azure firewall settings allow your Mendix application to reach the Azure SQL database (by default, the Azure firewall does not allow external connections).

Name Description Default Value
DatabaseType SQLSERVER
DatabaseHost "your-database-host.database.windows.net:1433"
DatabaseName your-databasename
DatabaseUserName your-username
DatabasePassword your-password

Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Settings

These settings can be used to store files using the Microsoft Azure blob storage service. Server-side encryption can be configured through the Azure Portal (for more information, see Azure Storage encryption for data at rest).

Name Description Default Value
com.mendix.core.StorageService Has to be set to com.mendix.storage.azure to select Azure as the storage service.
com.mendix.storage.azure.AccountName Account name to authenticate with the Azure blob storage service.
com.mendix.storage.azure.AccountKey Account key to authenticate with the Azure blob storage service.
com.mendix.storage.azure.SharedAccessSignature Provides delegated access to resources in your storage account. For more information, see Shared Access Signature on docs.microsoft.com.
com.mendix.storage.azure.BlobEndpoint Set the blob endpoint. This setting is required when authentication by SharedAccessSignature is used.
com.mendix.storage.azure.Container Name of the container containing the blob.
com.mendix.storage.azure.CreateContainerIfNotExists Indicates whether to check if the container exists, and creates it if it does not exist. This setting was introduced in Studio Pro 8.7.0. true
com.mendix.storage.azure.ParallelismFactor Maximum number of parallel multi-part file uploads/downloads. We advise not changing this setting unless you experience slow file transfers for large files. Choosing larger values will lead to higher memory usage. 5
com.mendix.storage.azure.UseHttps For enabling or disabling secure connections using HTTPS. Can be true or false. true
com.mendix.storage.azure.TimeoutIntervalInMs Sets the amount of time (in milliseconds) to allow a call to the storage service to complete. For more information, see the Azure libraries. No timeout
com.mendix.storage.azure.MaximumExecutionTimeInMs Sets the maximum execution time (in milliseconds) to use when making this request. For more information, see the Azure libraries. No maximum time

Web Client Settings

The settings below influence the behavior of the Mendix web client.

Name Description Default Value
EnableKeepAlive Defines whether the web client sends a keep alive request every SessionTimeout/2 milliseconds, to prevent a session timeout. Each click in the browser also acts as KeepAlive. Disabling this property will result in a user being logged out automatically after 10 minutes of inactivity, even if the browser remains open. true
PhoneUserAgentRegEx Defines the regular expression that is used to determine whether a user is visiting a Mendix application from a phone. The regular expression is matched against the user-agent header sent by the client’s web browser. Android, Mobile (iPhone, iPod, BlackBerry)
TabletUserAgentRegEx Defines the regular expression that is used to determine whether a user is visiting a Mendix application from a tablet. The regular expression is matched against the User-Agent header sent by the client’s web browser. Android, iPad
com.mendix.webui.HybridAppLoginTimeOut Determines how many minutes your token will remain valid before re-authenticating using your full credentials. This setting defaults to -1, which is equal to no timeout. -1
com.mendix.webui.FeedbackSizeWarningThreshold A warning is logged when the feedback size exceeds the threshold. Feedback is sent from server to client to instruct (for example, to refresh objects or to open a page). They are serialized as “instructions” in the server response. If there are too many instructions, this can have performance implications, as they all have to be serialized to the client. For this reason, a warning is logged when the threshold is exceeded. 5000
com.mendix.webui.StateSizeWarningThreshold A warning is logged when the state size exceeds the threshold. The state consists of changes in objects and of objects not committed to the database (yet). If there is too much state, this will have performance implications, as the whole state has to be serialized to the client. For this reason, a warning is logged when the threshold is exceeded. 100
com.mendix.webui.CommittedObjectsThreshold The threshold controls how much data is sent back to the client after executing a microflow. By default, we send back full objects when they are changed or committed. When this threshold is reached, only object GUIDs are sent back instead so that the client knows about the changes while the amount of data sent over the network is reduced. The client will then retrieve the objects later on, if needed. 100

Proxy Settings

The settings below allow you to use a proxy.

Name Description Default Value
http.proxyHost Defines the hostname of the proxy server.
http.proxyPort Defines the port number of the proxy server.