If you would like to upgrade to a newer long-term support version of Studio Pro, see Moving from Mendix Studio Pro 8 to 9.
Published App Service
General Tab

The version of the app service. Every time an app service instance is created, the version number is incremented automatically.
App services are explicitly versioned, because once the app service is consumable, the public interface (parameters and return type) cannot be changed anymore. The public interface can only be changed by creating a new version of the app service. However, it is still possible to change the underlying microflow as long as it adheres to the interface.
A newly created version will have the status set to ‘Draft’ by default. With ‘Draft’ status, changes and additions can be made to the app service. When the version is ready to be published, the status must be set to ‘Consumable’.
Once the status is set to ‘Consumable’, you cannot edit the app service anymore. App service versions are only editable when the version is in ‘Draft’. Only one version of app service is allowed to be in ‘Draft’ status.
This is the icon that belongs to the app service. An icon can be selected from any images document in the project. A new icon can be added to an images document if it is not available yet.
This is the name of the app service the consumer will see in their toolbox.
Can be used to describe what the app service is used for.

Provide the actual actions of which the app service is composed. Each of these actions is coupled to a microflow. See Actions.

The following authentication methods are available:
- No authentication.
- Username and password: the provided action is only executed if the username/password combination matched a registered web service user.
Target Namespace
The ‘Target namespace’ is a technical term, that provides an XML namespace.
Export Mendix Service Definition
The button ‘Export Mendix Service Definition’ creates an MSD-file with the definition of the App service. It can be imported by a consumer of your service. You can test your app service on the local machine by importing this MSD file in another app, and running the provider and consumer apps simultaneously.
Documentation for the published app service. A consumer of the app service will see this as well.