If you would like to upgrade to a newer long-term support version of Studio Pro, see Moving from Mendix Studio Pro 8 to 9.
Run Menu
Last modified: August 20, 2024
The Run menu allows you to deploy and monitor your app:

Menu Items Overview
The Run menu items are described in the table below:
Menu Item | Description | Shortcut Key |
Run | Deploys and run the project locally. The Console pane is activated and this shows the output of the server that runs the project. | F5 |
Run on Cloud Foundry | Opens the Edit Cloud Foundry Settings dialog box so you can run your app on Cloud Foundry. | |
Edit Cloud Foundry Settings | Opens the Edit Cloud Foundry Settings dialog box so you can edit your Cloud Foundry settings. For more information on this dialog box, see Edit Cloud Foundry Settings. | |
Run Locally | Runs the project locally so you can view the app. | F5 |
Stop | Stops the currently running project. | Shift + F5 |
Configuration | Sets the configuration level (Default). | |
Default log level | Allows setting the default log level before running the project locally. The options are Trace, Debug, Info (default), Warning, Error, Critical. | |
Debug | Allows you to connect the Debugger. | |
Responsive Browser | Shows the web client for the currently running project in the browser. | F9 |
Tablet Browser | Shows the tablet mobile client for the currently running project in the browser. | Ctrl + Shift + F9 |
Phone Browser | Shows the mobile client for the currently running project in the browser. | Ctrl + F9 |
Hybrid Phone App Online | Views the app as a phone app online. | |
View in the Mendix App | Provides a link to allow you to view the app via the Mendix Developer App. |