If you would like to upgrade to a newer long-term support version of Studio Pro, see Moving from Mendix Studio Pro 8 to 9.
Validation Feedback
The Validation feedback activity does a validation check, and if this check fails, it shows a red message to the end-user below the widget that displays the attribute or association which failed the validation. For example, if the customer did not verify their email, a message will be displayed that the customer should verify it before they can log in:

There are two sets of properties for this activity, those in the dialog box on the left, and those in the properties pane on the right:

The Validation feedback properties pane consists of the following sections:
Action Section
The Action section of the properties pane shows the action associated with this activity.
You can open a dialog box to configure this action by clicking the ellipsis (…) next to the action.
You can also open the dialog box by double-clicking the activity in the microflow or right-clicking the activity and selecting Properties.
Variable specifies which object will be validated.
Member defines for which attribute or association the message will be shown. In you have a reference selector or reference set selector, you should select the association that is edited with these widgets.
Template is the message that will be shown to the end-user. The template can contain parameters that are written as a number between braces, for example, {1}. The first parameter has number 1, the second 2, etc.
Parameters are attributes the value of which will be displayed. Parameters need to be entered using expressions resulting in a string.